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I can't keep the sadist grin off my face as I follow closely behind my crying kitten. Placing a finger under his chin, I stare into his eyes, forcing him to look at me. "You've done well, my kitten. You've completed every task I've asked of you. I'm...impressed, my queen." I whisper, catching his lips with mine.
       His breath catches and he pushes away from me, smacking my hand away. He continues on to the bedroom in silence. I ignore the disrespect because I'm pleased with him. Immensely.
      Namjoon and Yoongi should really know me better than this. They truly think they can outsmart me? I've lived my entire life in the shadows watching their every move. I know their minds just as well as my own.
      Everything is working out nicely. "It's almost over." I remind him.
His glare is icy as he falls on the bed and begins to weep. So I'm forcing him to help me get rid of the others. They'd never expect Jin to be leading them into a trap.
I've debated long and hard what I want to do with them and I've decided I don't need them. Just the halfbreeds. I might keep them imprisoned as test subjects but otherwise they are no use to me. Why keep them around? A waste of space, really.
I have my pet to provide all the young I need to build my army. He, alone, can give me everything I need. I can keep him pregnant—whether he likes it or not. I finally have a complete use for him as a mate besides envy. That only lasts so long.
I stand beside the bed and wait for him to acknowledge me. He refuses. It's cute he thinks he has any power over any of this.
"Kitten. You really want to test my patience? I've been extremely lenient with you because I...love you. Anyone else would have been dirt long ago." I remind him.
He scoffs. "You have no idea what the meaning of love is. You have no feelings. You're hollow."
I laugh softly. "Is that supposed to be an insult? It helps me achieve what needs to be done without personal emotions in the way. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment. I'm just about there and you will not mess this up for me. I've already agreed to keep your brother alive but if you continue to defy and anger me then..." I hold my hands out. "It's out of my hands."
Swallowing hard, he wipes his eyes and gazed up at me with pure hatred. "Drop dead."
"Oh, my pet." I purr, caressing his cheek. Still swollen from our little performance from earlier. Having Jimin think I'm much more awful to Jin than I really am. That Jin is completely innocent in this. It's a hilarious thought. Giving them no doubt in Jin's motives to help them escape.
      It ended up perfectly. "Don't you know if I should die—I'm taking you with me. Matings are for life. You can never escape me. You can never leave me. I'll find you and drag you to hell with me."
He whimpers when my grip on his chin tightens.
"As I've said—it's almost over. I'll make sure Jimin doesn't know you were involved in the other's demise. You and he will help raise our army while I train them to be true perfection."
He jerks his face away from me. "Leave me alone. I don't want to see you." He demands.
Amusement sparks in my chest. He never stops impressing me. No matter what I do to him he's proven to be resilient and never broken. He just keeps getting stronger. My own little side experiment of sorts.
"Get ready for dinner. You may go check on the others and play your part well. No doubts, remember? They must think I know nothing. Do not fail or there will be repercussions." I threaten.
He shoves past me into the bathroom and I hear the shower turn on. I leave him be. Whistling, I walk down the corridor, pausing at Namjoon's door. Muffled cries are barely audible. My lips twitch.
Seems the labor inducing medication I slipped into his mate's food and drink have finally taken effect. Took long enough. I was getting tired of waiting. With luck he will die during the birth and that would make it easier to get rid of Namjoon.
Could things get any better? Smiling widely, I continue on my way towards my little dinner guests. I don't think I will pursue the others to join dinner. I'm sure my mischievous kitten will think up some excuse for them.
       I'll allow them time to regain themselves or mourn. I don't care which really. I'm sure Jin will want to give them more details on their 'escape' tomorrow evening anyway.
       I straighten my suit as I enter the dining hall. My guests sit at the table already enjoying their freshly prepared meal. I take my place and sit. Drinking from my chalice of blood. Their blood. It's not as sweet or satisfying as my mate's however.
      "I see you felt the need to not wait for your host." I chuckle in amusement.
       The two starving hybrids look down in shame. "W-we're sorry, master. We were just s-so hungry." One of them exclaim.
      "It's fine. Eat your fill. I will need you two fully functioning and healthy soon enough. I've brought you here to be my test subjects. Your jobs will be extremely important to the success of our training." I explain nonchalantly.
       The smaller boy cowers, looking concerned at me. "Y-you promised us a home and food along with safety, yes?"
      My smile returns. Poor stupid gullible hybrids. If they only knew my plans for them... "Of course. I already have your rooms prepared."
      The older one tilts his head at me. "Are you going to mate one of us or are we promised to another here?"
      "I'm mated already. You're not here for that." Though a little jealousy never hurt anyone. Perhaps my kitten should be reminded of his place and be forced to watch while I touch another...
       "Eat up. I've got things to do." I murmur, finally digging into my own meal. Of course mine isn't injected full of pregnancy inducing hormones to bring on their heats. So young and vital. Pure. Perfect.
      Just in case my kitten gets any ideas to betray me. Always a contingency plan. Always.

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