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"Ughhh...Kookie!" I scream for what feels like the hundredth time. My throat raw and hoarse as he grinds on top of me. Our fingers locked together as our mouths remained glued.
"My kitten. I love you." He pants on top of me, his hard tip circling my sore hole teasingly.
Flushing and sweaty, I thrash my head on the sheets, moaning loudly as he pushes back inside me. "I love you. Please...cum in me." I whine. The lewd wet sounds sending my body buzzing.
He growls and the sound makes me shutter. I love our master but I'm really glad he's giving us this opportunity to be with each other and release all our pent up feelings.
I tangle my fingers in his hair as I demand his mouth once more. It's hot, so hot. Sloppy and wet and sweltering but oh so good.
He nibbles on my throat, thrusting into my body, owning me, loving me. I lock my thighs and tail around him, pushing my bottom down hard against his hip, wanting him deep.
I can't get enough of him. He's so strong and big on top of me. I feel loved and protected. Safe. His.
"Shh...I'll fill you up, okay?" He leans down and licks the shell of my ear. "I'm going to make you pregnant, kitten." He whispers.
I gasp at his words and I scream out another release, my toes curling and tail locking up, my hole clenching and milking his cock. So good, so so good.
We kiss hungrily for a long time until he finally cums as well and collapses beside me. I curl into his side. "Are you sore, too?" I whisper as he winces and rolls onto his side.
He smile and kisses my forehead. "Yeah but I like it."
I giggle. "Me, too." I trace patterns on his sweaty chest, turning serious. "D-do you think master will be mad if I do get pregnant?"
He hesitates. "I don't think so."
    I meet his eyes. "What if you get pregnant, too?"
    His eyes widen, taken aback. "I d-don't know. I don't think so. I don't even know if hybrids can get pregnant by vampires..."
     I frown, cuddling closer. "I can't wait until master makes love to me, too." I admit.
     He chuckles. "It was amazing. I'm glad I got to be the first for you, though." He whispers, kissing me deeply.
     Blushing, I sit up, whining at the sharp pain. "I'm dirty."
     Smirking, he leans down and licks the dried cum off my belly. "You taste amazing."
     "Gross!" I tease.
     Scoffing, he tackles me down onto the bed and nuzzles my neck. "You were my eating ass, too, kitten. You love being dirty."
     I duck my face in shame. He's right, I do love it. "You're mean."
    Laughing, he gets up and lifts me up, throwing me over his shoulder. I squeal as he slaps my butt a few times and walks towards the bathroom.
     I kick and struggle playfully as he starts the shower. He sets me on the sink and I watch with admiration as he gets fresh clothes ready for us.
     "Do you think Hobi is okay?" I ask.
     He pauses. I know he's worried about his friend. "I hope so. He doesn't really get as much freedom as us."
     I nod. "I'm worried about my hyung, too. He's different now. He never wants to leave Taehyung's side. He acts super clingy. The other day I saw Tae practically prying Jin off him before leaving for work. It scares me. He won't spend any time with me. I miss him. He doesn't love me anymore."
     He moves to my side and hugs me. "I'm sure he's just trying to deal with the situation as best he can. He's not like us. We got lucky and have each other as well as a very laid back and loving mate. We know Taehyung isn't like Yoongi."
     I nod. "I know. That's what frightens me. I hope he doesn't hurt him. Hyung has always tried to be so strong for us but he's fragile like me. I don't want to lose him."
    He grasps my chin and kisses me roughly. Distracting me. "Shh, he'll be okay. It's obvious that Taehyung is fond of him. Very possessive as well. Vampires are very territorial just like us hybrids. It's natural. Please don't worry so much."
      I smile. He's right. "Do you think master will be back soon? I want us to all cuddle."
     He chuckles and maneuvers me in to the shower, washing my body clean. "I hope so. I hate that he had to leave."
     I wrap my arms around him and moan as he washes my tail and ears clean. It feels so good. I always thought it weird that wolf hybrids don't have tails or ears. They're missing out. I love mine.
     "You like that, kitten?" He growls, kissing down my neck, his hand stroking my tail from top to bottom while his free hand pries my cheeks apart to wash my hole, very thoroughly I might add.
     "I d-do." Gasping.
     "I'd love to take you again but I think we should wait."
     Groaning, I'm disappointed but agree. I'm really sore and I know he has to be, too. He had it way worse than me. I could feel Yoongi's strong power by association through Jungkook and oh my god...it was incredible. I'm surprised Kookie can still walk.
     He lets me wash him clean, all the while kissing and touching just a bit. "Alright, baby. Let me change the sheets then we can get some rest."
     Holding hands, we walk back into the bedroom to see the sheets already changed and a tray of food laid out for us. Grinning and feeling cherished by the thoughtfulness of our master, we sit down and fill our empty bellies.
      I can't wait until Yoongi comes back so we can show him our appreciation.

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