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      I help Jimin strip off his clothes, his body shaking with sobs. "Shh, it'll be okay soon." I whisper, kissing his head.
      He looks terrified. "I'm s-scared. What if I don't make it? What if the baby..."
      "Don't. Don't do that. You can't think like that, sweetheart. You're just as strong as Jungkook. You can do this. I know it." I say.
       He searches my eyes for several moments before forcing himself to calm down and lay back. Jackson runs into the room, looking disheveled and tired. He immediately gives a pain shot to Jimin who releases a deep breath in relief. His eyes droop and his entire body relaxes.
       I look at Jackson in surprise. "I've been testing new medicines to help with pain for hybrid-vampire births. This seems to be the best solution so far."
       "Will it hurt him?"
      "No more than he'd be without it."
      Nodding, I sit back and allow Jackson to spread Jimin's legs open, having me hold his tail as he peers down at the coming situation. "He seems further along than Jungkook was at this time. You said he just started contractions?" He asks, perplexed.
      "Yes, as soon as I called you."
      "Alright. Go get Mark." He says as he begins laying out everything he'll need to deliver the baby.
       I leave the room to find Mark just getting out of the car, looking sleepy but happy at the same time. He smiles at me. "You ready for baby number two, daddy?" He teases.
      I flush, shoving him playfully forward. "Just go help your mate." I grumble. Although Mark is a human, I've always liked him.
      It's really not normal for human mates to work so closely with their vampire's but since both are in the medical field, I guess it makes sense. I'm happy and glad about it right now anyway.
       I follow Mark back into the room to find Jimin tangled and burrowed in the sheets, his body covered. The sheets shaking as he cries. I look at Jackson in confusion.
        He sighs. "I don't know why he's doing that. Maybe it's a feline hybrid thing. Jungkook is a wolf so it was different for him. I think Jimin might be nesting, I think?" He shrugs. "We aren't ready for the baby yet anyway. Figured we could give him a few minutes alone to prepare."
       I nod, sitting down on the bed beside my little feisty mate, lifting up the blanket a bit to peak in. Not only is he surrounded by the sheets but a shit ton of my and Kookie's clothes, too.
       "How you doing, kitten?" I coo, massaging his ears.
        He pouts up at me. "I'm okay. Y-Yoonie?" He whines softly.
      "Yes, baby?"
       He sniffles. "It hurts."
       I feel my heart clench. "I know, baby. It's almost over, though." I remind him.
      He nods, pushing his head up against my hand. "Do you think the baby is okay?" He asks, grunting in pain and curling up a little.
        I glance over at Jackson who doesn't seem too alarmed. He nods at me. "Everything will be fine, baby."
       "I f-feel it." His eyes widen and he throws the sheets and clothes off him. His legs spreading naturally as he sits up, wailing.
       My eyes widen at the amount of blood soaking the sheets. Jackson curses and moves back between Jimin's thighs. Mark holding Jimin's hand as his mate gets to work.
       I make Jimin focus only on me and my voice through it all. Holding his face in my hands and kissing him constantly through his screams and cries. His hand tightens around my wrist painfully. I'm shocked a tiny little hybrid can actually cause me—a vampire—pain. That's saying a lot.
        "Yoongi!" He screams so loud my ears ring. I wince a little but refuse to stop muzzling his face and neck, cooing to him, trying to distract him.
       Jackson moves constantly beside me but I don't look. I don't need to worry myself. I'm used to gore but...uh, even I have my limits.
        I rub my nose against his, kissing his salty lips frantically as his small body jerks and bows on the bed, his sweaty hair falling over both our faces. "Almost done, love." I whisper.
        He clutches me tightly, screams one last drawn out time before he goes limp and a second loud cry echoes throughout the room. Jackson cuts the cord and hands the baby to an awaiting Mark to be cleaned up while he finishes cleaning and stitching up my mate.
       I look back down at Jimin with a huge smile only to panic when I realize he's unconscious, way too pale. "Jackson!"
        "Shit!" He checks his pulse and breathing before announcing the little feline has gone into cardiac arrest and also suffering too much blood loss. I step back as he gets to work bringing him back to us.
       Mark comes to my side with a tiny little beautiful baby boy. A hybrid. A feline baby boy. He looks so much like Jimin with my eyes. I feel tears well up as I massage our baby's tiny ears and his stubby tail. "H-how did the hybrid genes surpass the vampire?"
        Mark smiles at me. "It didn't. Look." He pries the stubborn baby's mouth open to reveal tiny little fangs like the ones Yoon-Jae has. A perfect little mix of kitten and vampire.
        I take my second son from him and hold him tightly, terrified Jimin isn't going to make it. It would kill Jungkook just as much as it would devastate me. Our sons need both their eommas.
       I move aside to let Mark assist as Jimin is finally stabilized and left to rest. I let out a small prayer and kiss his head, feeling his warmth and color return. He smiles weakly up at me and the baby before passing out again.
       With urging from the two medics, I'm kicked out of the room. I find the others all waiting anxiously in the living room as I smile and hold up the tiny little hybrid vampire child in my arms. His peachy little ears and tail so soft and cute, contrasting beautifully against his pale skin. Just like Jimin's.
         Jungkook cries as he holds the newborn while I take Yoon-Jae. Hoseok silently crying in happiness as he smiles and rubs his own growing belly.
         It's finally over and both of my mates made it. My worst fear is finally over and we can move on to the next problem.
       I sit down and rub my face, watching silently as Jungkook begins feeding both babies until Jimin is well enough to do it on his own. So cute. My little hybrids. All of them.

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