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     Grumbling, I throw myself out of Yoongi's car as soon as it stops and walk back to my room. I immediately shower and change into fresh clothes.
     Of course I avoid my more expensive and fancier aesthetic pieces and opt for darker slacks and a black button down shirt—still Gucci, Of course. I'm not a heathen.
      Feeling much more myself, I make a few strategic phone calls to placate the council for now and make my own plans. I glance out of my window to see Namjoon doing quite inappropriate things to his little hybrid in the car. I smirk at the mess Yoongi will probably be the one to clean up.
      Well, perfect timing with him distracted. I push open the window and jump out. Landing smoothly on my feet from the three story drop. I fix my shirt and run my fingers through my hair. Making sure to stay out of sight, I walk towards our garage and take the keys of Yoongi's neglected motorcycle.
      I speed off towards my destination with my mind racing, trying to catch up to my body. I go much faster than any human could stand and smile at the high speed winds whipping past my face and clothes.
       I stop in a seemingly deserted area out of town. I stand the motorcycle in place and lean against it, arms crossed as I wait.
      Only a few minutes later, I see the person I've been waiting for. I smile grimly. "Chae-Rin." I nod.
      She smiles widely in greeting. "My my, Taehyung, I never thought you'd ever call upon me again. Not after last time." She laughs softly, her blonde hair falling over her shoulders in soft waves.
      I clench my fists and bite my cheek. "Yeah well. I need your help."
       Chuckling, she leans her body obscenely over the motorcycle and eyes me. "Mhm, I bet that just burns your tongue, doesn't it, Tae. Lowering yourself to ask me for help. I do believe the last time we spoke you were threatening my life as well as my mate's and degraded my position among the others."
      I roll my eyes. "That was eons ago."
      Her smile turns into a scowl. "More like one year. You know..." She stands up and trail around to face me, dragging her sharp fingernail over my throat as I stand motionless and rather bored waiting for her to get over her shit. "I kinda missed you. How's Namjoon doing?"
       "Mated." Most likely by now anyway. "And much better without you."
      Her nail stops at my jugular. A single drop of blood runs down my throat. ""Oh sweetie, how the tables have turned, hm?" She pulls her finger back and licks the blood clean. Her eyes close in what looks to be almost ecstasy. "You still taste as good as I remember. Better than any vampire I've ever tasted. Pity."
       I step back and scowl at her. "Stop messing around. I asked you here for a reason. Would you like to hear it or not?"
      She crosses her arms once more. "Why the hell should I help a filthy backstabber like you? I really don't want to get involved."
       I scoff. "Yes you do."
      "What makes you think so? You're too arrogant."
     "You could have said no over the phone. You're here, aren't you?" I bare my teeth in a vicious smile.
      She hesitates. "What do you want, Taehyung?"
      Now it's my turn to hesitate. "I want you to help me...destroy the council."
      She gasps in shock. "Please tell me you're joking! That's insane! What the hell is wrong with you? You want me to risk my head and my mate's for you to gain more power?! Fuck you, Kim Taehyung." She turns around to leave but I grab hold of her wrist, stopping her.
      I pull her tightly against me and gently brush hair out of her face. I stare into her eyes. "If you do this...and I know you can...I will let you have Namjoon. I will kill his mate. He'll be yours then." I offer.
       She glares at me, still struggling to free herself. I hold strong. "I have a mate you fucking psycho! Why do you think I'd ever take your deal?"
      I smirk. "We both know you only mated because you were running out of time and Namjoon would never get back with you after you lost his trust. Mating his enemy certainly didn't help you any, either, sweetheart, but once I'm in control of the council I can do anything, force anything. I'll kill your mate and his and you can have him. He'll be too broken to resist."
      She stares at me in awe. "You're truly insane, Taehyung. H-how can you be this evil? This bloodthirsty for power? Does family mean nothing to you?"
      I release her. "Namjoon isn't my family. I'm not even really a Kim." I scoff.
       He eyes widen in shock. "W-What?"
      I laugh and enjoy the way it comes out manical. Deranged almost. "You want to know something funny? This whole time..." I shake my head at the incredible humor of the massive secret only I carry.
       I grab her by the face and drag her an inch from mine. She grunts in pain. Blood runs down her cheeks. "Namjoon's father isn't my father, Chae. Our eomma had an affair, you know. His father killed her along with her lover." I chuckle giddily as her eyes flicker over my face, mind racing.
       I smirk. "Do you know why it's illegal to mate with hybrids, Chae? The real reason?"
      She shakes her head jerking.
      "Because they are too powerful. It's all in the blood, you see. I suppose it's the mixture of the contradicting strengths and weaknesses...I don't know...but they are nearly invincible."
      "H-how would you know that? No half breed vampire-hybrid child has ever been allowed to be born."
        I shake my head and drop her, glaring down at her. "You still don't get it, do you? My eomma may have died by Namjoon's filthy father's hands but she was too far along. The baby survived! I survived! I'm a fucking half breed! Do you know how long I've been seeking revenge. Being forced to pretend to be something I'm not while watching others like me be slaughtered without a chance?! DO YOU!" I scream in her face.
      She falls backwards to escape from me but I stop her. I crack my neck, trying to calm myself back down. "I can take the council easily but I'm not ready to reveal myself yet. You will do this for me. Do you understand?" I grab her by the hair, waiting her response.
       She gasps in pain, gulping nodding. Pathetic fucking vampires. "Good. I'm glad we see things the same way. I want you to start making plans. If you please me then I will hold true to my offer."
      She slowly stands up and nods. "F-fine."
      I get back on the motorcycle and rev the engine. She stares at me. "What are you going to do?"
       I smirk. "I have someone important to see. I'll call you."
       I leave her there in the dark with only one thing on my mind. Mate.

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