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      I realize I may have made a horrible decision. Obviously. Now. I just couldn't stop thinking of the threats Taehyung made about the others. He was no doubt going to betray them. I guess I just assumed if I could apprehend Tae to the right people then...
       Okay I didn't think it through and now fully regret my life choices. Coming here basically signed my death certificate. How the hell would Tae actually get us out of this and honestly why would he want to? He knows I betrayed him. How can he not want me dead?
       I bite my lip as he stares down at me. His face softening just a tad as he wipes my tears. "W-Why don't you want to kill me? You c-can never trust me."
       His face flickers to my mouth then back to my eyes. "Oh baby, I know for a fact after this you will never ever betray nor defy me again." He caresses my cheek, licking his lips.
        I shudder, a chill going down my spine. I don't know whether to be happy he isn't going to kill me or scared he has something much worse planned for me...
        "We are going back in there now and I have to give the illusion of your death. Are you ready to put in a performance? I'm going to have to hurt you." He sighs. "When I'm done—no matter what—do not open your eyes. Unless I tell you to open them, keep them closed. Play dead."
       "I have to breathe. They will know." I panic.
       He smiles a wicked smile and reaches into a small bag. "You're very lucky I happened to consider needing these one day and swiped them from Jackson's clinic." He holds out two little pale pills.
      I frown and take them in my hand. "W-What are these?"
      "Those are vampiric grade. Very strong. Made for inducing comas temporarily. Mostly used when treating unmanageable vampires during injuries or surgeries. If you take them both you should be out for...several hours at least. Because you aren't a vampire these will most likely slow your heartbeat and breathing. Will probably give you a slight overdose. I'll help you purge them later."
      I gasp. "W-What about the baby?"
     He frowns. "Not any other options, kitten. Take them. Now."
      Reluctantly, I place the pills in my mouth and swallow. They hurt going down my throat. He watches me closely for a minute or so. I weave on my feet, a little dizzy.
       Nodding to himself, he rolls his shoulders before abruptly slapping me across the face with enough force to almost break my tooth. I cry out in pain and collapse but he grabs me before I hit the floor. My face throbs as he drags me back into the chamber.
        The terrifying council members seem amused by my tears and pain as my mate throws me down on the stone floor. I cough blood and try to guard my stomach and my baby as best I can as Tae growls and curses profanities at me. Kicking me in strategic places to avoid hitting my stomach.
       I close my eyes and try to breathe through the pain as he jerks me up by my hair and leans his lips down to my ear. "It's almost over, kitten. I must continue to amuse them for now. The pills should kick in any moment." His lips press surreptitiously against my bloody cheek. "I love you. I really do."     
       He bites down hard on my throat, burying his fangs deep in my flesh. It hurts so much. I've never felt so much pain in my life. I scream as blood flows down my neck and he just bites down harder.
      I struggle but can't fight it. I realize in the back of my mind that he's making it look like he's ripping my throat out. Making large amounts of blood drench my neck and clothes. I swallow hard and choke on my tears as I feel myself finally beginning to black out.
       Finally. It just hurts so much. I want it to stop. Am I really dying?
       I close my eyes and mercifully blackness come to meet me. I'm numb. It doesn't hurt anymore. I don't feel anything.

I'm warm. A little hot. Slowly, I come back into my body and groan. Peaking an eye open, I realize I'm no longer in the chamber covered in blood. Frowning, I test out how sore my body is...to find no pain. Nothing at all.
I sit up, looking around. Where am I? I've never seen this place before. It's nice. Clean and pure and expensive looking. What happened? Did Taehyung make it? Did they kill him? Why am I still alive then? Oh god...I'm starting to panic.
Suddenly the bathroom door opens to reveal a naked and wet sexy vampire. A huge bandage stretching over his chest. Fresh blood staining the white cotton despite his obvious shower.
He notices me up and awake as he dries his hair. Making his way over to me, he checks over my body which is naked, covered only by the thick duvet.
"W-What happened? Where am I? How long have I been..."
       He sighs, wincing as he takes a deep breath. "You've been out for days and for where you are..." He smirks. "You're in the council leader's personal quarters."
        I gasp. "W-where is he?!"
       He gives me a defiant look. "Dead. Really, why no one has faith in me is mildly upsetting. If I were a lesser person who gave a fuck about what everyone thought—I think I'd be offended."
        "Namjoon? Yoongi? J-Jimin?" I squeak out.
        "Ah right. The reasons for your betrayal of your mate. They are perfectly fine. Thinking nothing is amiss. Don't worry, love. I'm not the leader of the council. I decided to spare the other members so I can control them, keeping them on my side. I've been making a few changes while you've been out."
       I lick my dry lip, nervous as I remember I have a punishment coming. "Are you...going to hurt me now?" My voice cracks.
        His head tilts to the side, contemplating. "Mhm, tempting but I'm busy right now. I'll get to you eventually so be prepared. I think I'll let you finish recovering first. It's no fun if you're already too pained to enjoy what I do to you."
        I chew on my bottom lip as he puts on his clothes, huddling under the blankets to hide my disgustingly bruised and battered swollen body. My pudgy belly now slightly hanging over my thighs making me nauseous. Why does he get to look like that while I look like this? Ugh.
       "What is it?" He asks, breaking me from my depressed thoughts. I look up to see him fully dressed and styling his hair, staring at me through the mirror. He looks like a god. A vampire god. I suppose now he is if he really took over the council. How though? I just don't understand how he's so strong and able.
      Sighing, he moves to my side fast and forces the blanket out of my grasp. I yelp, covering my naked body the best I can. He grabs my wrists and pins them above my head. His eyes roaming hungrily over me from head to toe. "Stop." He demands.
       I stop struggling and whine, my tail tugging on his arm. He grasps it and squeezes. I moan and buck my hips, hating he knows all the places to make me crazy. He strokes my tail teasingly while staring into my flushed face.
       "I quite enjoy the way you look. Don't hide from me. You're very beautiful no matter how battered you are. You are the perfect mate for me, actually. We match. Never show weakness or self consciousness. You hold your head up high and confidently. When you're stomach continues to grow larger, you proudly display my heir you carry." He leans down and kisses my lips. "I will accept nothing else. As a mate of the highest ranking vampire of all...you must carry yourself appropriately."
       Swallowing hard, I nod. "Y-Yes, master."
       He smiles. "Not master. Call me Taehyung, Seokjin. I'm your mate. You will always be respected as my mate now when in public. I'm going to showcase you to everyone so they can see your beauty. So they can envy and covet what belongs to me. You will be submissive only to me." He coos, caressing my cheek. "They will all be jealous."
       I blush. Hating how much I love his words. Hating him. Hating that I'm addicted and obsessed with him. I really thought I could leave him? Escape? Not possible. I honestly don't want to escape anyway. There's just something between us...an understanding...
       "I love you, kitten." He kisses me again.
       I return the kiss. "L-love you, too, TaeTae." I moan, wrapping my arms around his neck when he releases my wrists.
       Somehow I end up in his lap, grinding down while he wraps my tail around his hand, stroking and squeezing, his other hand kneading my butt. Whimpering, I buck my hips. Loving the feel of my slightly bigger belly stretching between us.
       As if reading my thoughts, he move his palms around to caress my stomach, our tongues dueling passionately. Groaning, he maneuvers me down on the bed, slipping out of my arms. "Baby, I have to go. Busy schedule today." He pecks my nose. "I'll have someone bring your meals. Take a hot bubble bath to soothe those bruises. Ill come by later with a medic to check on you and our baby." He says, standing back up to slip on his shoes.
       I watch him go, feeling sad that he's leaving me. I have a feeling with all this power he's going to be away from me a lot more and I don't like it. What if he meets someone else prettier or skinnier? What if he changes his mind about me? What if he only wants me around because I'm having his heir?
        I have to do whatever I can to keep him mine as much as I'm his. I love him. Evil or not, cruel or not, betrayal or not...I love Kim Taehyung— the leader of the vampire council. I'm in love with him. No one can change my mind about him no matter how much they try.
       I'm his.

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