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"Come on, endure it! You have to endure the pain!"
I zone in and out of consciousness at the sound of Mark's panicked voice. Jackson is, at the moment, at the end of the bed between my legs trying to control my heavy bleeding. He cuts my clothes off as another gush of blood soaks the sheets beneath me.
The pain is paralyzingly intense. It's so overwhelming I can't even cry or scream. I can only try to keep conscious as Mark jabs a needle into my arm.
"It's okay, Jungkook. I'm going to get the baby out now while Jackson tries to stop the bleeding." He explains in a rush.
The medication takes affect almost immediately and I can finally breath as he grabs a scalpel and begins tearing my stomach open.
Apparently because of the strength of the baby, I can't birth it the normal hybrid way. I have to have an emergency c-section because my body is trying to reject the baby from destroying my body...at least that's what I can hear Jackson droning on about in my hazy unfocused state.
Right now I feel like I'm floating out of my body. It's like I can see the room from a new perspective. My body pale, bloody, and unresponsive on the sweat slicked sheets while Jackson attempts to stop the bleeding between my legs.
Mark surgically opening my body and removing the innocent child. So beautiful. So impossibly deadly. Before I know it, I'm blinking up at the ceiling, slowly coming back to myself as Mark places a bundled and hastily cleaned baby into my weak arms.
I don't even feel the stitches as Mark repairs me, Jackson removing the now non-threatening placenta and other unmentionables from my birth canal and womb.
I stare adoringly into my baby's eyes. They look just like Yoongi's. So beautiful and full of fire. A vampire's fire. He doesn't even cry, just stares back at me in contentment, his tiny fist clutching my finger.
I release a sob. I really thought I was going to die but I made it. It was close, though.
"We're giving you a blood transfusion. You lost way too much." Jackson sighs while Mark goes to retrieve the blood bags and transfusion kit. "You're extremely lucky Yoongi is a master blood smuggler or we'd be shit out of luck."
I clear my throat, clutching my baby tightly. "W-where is Yoongi? Where's Jimin?" I ask hoarsely.
He frowns, washing his hands of my blood. "There was a situation. He's he's not here right now. Jimin is in the living room though. Do you want me to get him?"
I nod. "P-Please."
     He disappears out of the room, Jimin soon after taking his place at the end of the bed. His bulging stomach center stage where as mine has shrunken considerably.
      Tears are falling down his cheeks. "Kookie."
       Smiling tiredly, I hold my hand out to him and he immediately snuggles into the dirty bed beside me paying no mind to the mess, his eyes wholly focused on the little bundle in my arms.
      "Oh." He gasps. "C-can I hold him?"
      I kiss my baby's soft dark hair before handing him over to him. He coos and kisses the giggling baby. Doesn't seem so strong and dangerous right now...
      "What are you naming him?" He asks.
      "I don't know. I wish Yoongi were back." I mumble, nervous for him to see the child. Our child.
      "Me, too. God, I still can't believe he killed a council member."
      My head snaps up in shock. "W-What?!"
      "Yeah. We were on the beach and...and.." He blushes, trailing off. I know what he's getting at. "Anyway, we were playing around and trying to distress when a member from the council showed up and tried to kill me." He shudders.
       My eyes widen and I pull him closer to me protectively. "Oh my god."
      "I'm glad he didn't come inside. He would have killed you, Kookie." He whisper, fear clouding his voice.
       I slip my hand into his and kiss his cheek. "I'm okay. It's going to be okay."
      Biting his lip, he eyes the now sleeping baby and the mess of me. I'm still naked but thankfully Mark was considerate enough to place a clean sheet over me.
      "Was it painful?"
      I don't want to lie to him. I really don't. "Yes. I thought I wasn't going to make it."
      His breath catches. "But you did."
      "Yeah, I did." I kiss his cheek. "And you will, too, Minie. You will make it and I'll be with you. Yoongi probably will, too."
       "I don't know...I'm not as strong as you."
      "You're plenty strong, kitten." I coo, our lips connecting in a gentle kiss, our emotions swelling and pooling over to the other. Not lust just love ad companionship and the need to comfort one another.
      "I guess." He smiles at the bite on my neck. "Yoongi said you two are going to mate me."
      Smiling, I nod. "I can't wait, baby." Whispering into his ear.
      Shivering, he rolls onto his side and cuddles the baby close to his chest. I scoot down and relax my sore body, the warmth of my baby between us. My chest within reach if he gets hungry.
      Jimin sings softly to him, smiling. "I wonder if I'm having a boy or a girl."
      "I don't know."
      "I really wish hyung was here for me." He admits almost inaudibly.
       I close my eyes and feel true exhaustion weigh on me. I just gave birth to a vampire baby and I'm okay...it just sinks in.
       "Maybe Yoongi will bring him back here for you."
        He shrugs. "Only if his psycho master allows him." He remarks snidely. That's true.
     "Well...either way...when Yoongi gets back and I recover then we can mate you. It has to be soon anyway because you're due anyway." I remind him.
      Flushing, his tail swishes around my legs and wrapping around. His eyes heavy and dark with love and want. "Can't wait, Kookie. I love you."
        "Love you, too, Minie."

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