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    After my brief and ridiculous spat with Yoongi, I stride back to my room where the terrified yet silent hybrid awaits for my commands.
     I scowl at him as he huddles in the corner, his torn clothes barely covering his frail body. Living out in the Wild was obviously not for him. Can't he hunt? Pathetic.
     "Go shower. You smell awful." I grumble, sitting on my bed and pulling out my laptop to do some money transfers and background checks on my latest merchants.
     He runs into the bathroom and locks the door. I sigh as it comes to mind that he has zero to wear when he gets out. Pressing a button on the bedside table, I call for the maid.
     After ordering her to purchase a new wardrobe of servant's attire...I also grudgingly order a meal to be brought up. Can't have him passing out from hunger on the job. He needs to fatten up to be able to work properly.
     I mange to get three background checks finished by the time the clothes and food are brought in and the little hybrid peaks his head out of the bathroom.
     "S-sir...I have no clothes..." he bites his bottom lip, shifting anxiously.
     Rolling my eyes, I toss a bag his way and he quickly disappears to change.
     I raise my gaze at him as he comes back out, annoyingly impressed with how good the uniform fills his skin body out. He's cute...I guess...for a nasty creature. He doesn't have a tail like the felines but his ears stick out from his hair in a stupidly cute way.
     "Eat." I command, returning to my task at hand.
    After a moments hesitation, he falls to his knees by the bed and begins devouring the meal. Completely eradicating every bit of it in minutes.
     I watch him in stunned silence as he hiccups and greedily gulps down the milk left for him. My eyes are drawn to his adam's apple as he drinks down the entire glass. His skin is a lovely shade of cream...
     "T-thank you." He bows on the floor, pulling me out of my disturbing thoughts.
    Clearing my throat, I sit up. "Are you full?"
     He nods with a small smile. "I'm sorry. I haven't eaten in days."
    I refuse to feel sympathy but I nod in understanding nonetheless. "It's fine. I've had the servant's room cleared out for you so you can sleep. Rest well, I'll have you working as soon as the sun rises." I say.
     He nods and walks into his little room. Closing the door.
    "Leave it open." I demand.
    Very slowly, he cracks it open then disappears into the dark room. I finish up my work before checking the time. Midnight. Time for that drink.
    After changing into a red silk robe over black silk pajamas, I leave the room to meet Yoongi in the bar.
     He grins knowingly, already at the table with a drink.
I eye it. "Very childish...but then what more could I expect from you?"
     He scoffs, sipping his candy vodka and blood tonic. He's always had a sweet tooth.
     I order a Black Death tonic which is basically human blood mixed with a touch of absinthe. My poison of choice.
    He laughs at me. "We both know you only drink that to rub in the fact that I'm a lightweight. I honestly hate mixing my blood with alcohol. It makes it taste off." He shakes his head.
     I shrug, sipping my drink. Burns going down while the blood warms and soothes my veins. "We like what we like. Not my fault your a fucking Twinkie."
     He glares at me. "I'm. Not. A. Twinkie!"
     "Who's a Twinkie?" Taehyung randomly appears from behind with a large fanged smile and snags Yoongi's drink. Grimacing at the too sweet flavor. "Ugh. Never mind. God, why are you such a Twinkie?" He coughs.
    Yoongi growls. "I'm not a goddamn Twinkie!!"
    Taehyung and I chuckle at his expense as he orders a Black Death tonic in repute. I smirk. "Careful. You might end up like last time." I tease.
     Taehyung laughs. "That was an experience! Oh man...I know humans think we can fly but we actually can't. I do believe you did very well testing that theory out, though. It was very impressive watching you jump off the fucking roof singing-"
     "Singing at the top of his lungs 'Take me to the sky~~~~" I cut him off, both of us laughing so hard tears run down our cheeks.
     Yoongi sits coolly, ignoring our joyous reminiscing at his expense. "Fuck you guys." He chugs the tonic arrogantly while Taehyung continues to giggle like a fucking five year old in excitement.
     "Whatever but I don't want any shit thrown at me when you wake up naked outside surrounded by Twinkies." I tease.
     His eyes narrow. "So I like Twinkies! Back the fuck off bitch!"
Snickering, I finish my drink before ordering another one. Tae sits beside us with a sly smile. "Why not a little wager? I'll be judge."
I raise a brow while Yoongi only groans. "Your wagers never end well for me. I'm pretty sure you fix them somehow."
He scoffs. "I would never do such a thing! Anyway..." he turns to the bartender. "Please give us ten more Black Death tonics please!"
My eyes widen in shock. "What are you doing?"
"Just want to see who goes down first. You've had your moments, too. You may not be as light as Yoongi but you get fucked up, too. I want to see who can outlast. A drink off!" He claps happily.
Yoongi and I stare him down. "Are you sure you're a part of the Kim family? I'm pretty sure our father picked you up out of a gutter somewhere..." I muse.
"Shut up! Let the drink off commence!" He commands, pulling out his phone. "You have twenty minutes to see how many you can down!"
Sighing in exasperation, I look at my friend who only shrugs and clinks my glass.
Oh well...what's the worst that could happen?

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