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I try to hold in my hurt, shock, and anger as Jin walks us out of the chamber and up a narrow flight of stairs towards the bedrooms...I'm guessing.
We end up in a huge room with a bed bigger than any king size I've ever seen before in my life. He avoids looking my direction as he explains this will be Jungkook, Yoongi, and my room.
He opens a door that I thought was a closet to see another room adjoining next door being Namjoon and Hoseok's.
"H-hyung...why? Why did you follow him? Why is all this happening?" I demand, pained at being so left out.
He sighs, finally shifting to face me. "I love him, Jimin. You could never understand. Everything I do or have done is to protect you."
I scoff, lowering Koya onto the bed and crossing my arms. "You've lied to me and deceived me! You...you've changed. You're not the same hyung I remember."
His expression hardens. "You're right, I'm not. Being with Taehyung has taught me a lot of things about myself. I'm not the person you thought I was—hell, I'm not either. We suit each other quite well. I'm...happy."
I laugh. "You hesitated. You're not happy! You're being manipulated and used! He's brainwashed you!" I yell, anger.
He flinches. "No, he's not! I'm not innocent, Jimin. I'm not perfect. I want things that only Taehyung can provide. He's right for me. You could never fucking get it!" He raises his voice at me. I'm shocked into silence. Jin has never yelled at me or looked at me with distrust or anger.
       Suddenly the door opens and two large vampire guards grab my son as well as wrestle Yoon-Jae from Jungkook's arms. We scream and fight but they take them from us.
       Screaming in rage, I stride forward and slap my brother across the face. "How could you?! How dare you take my baby!" Tears blur my vision and I collapse on the ground, sobbing. Feeling empty. The one person I've always trusted and respected has just had a hand in taking my child from me. From destroying my life and love.
       "I hate you! Just kill me! Don't hurt my baby! Just kill me instead!"
       He glares at me but doesn't make a move to retaliate. "They will not be hurt. I asked Taehyung to have the guards give them thorough check ups. They've never been examined outside of Jackson and Mark. They will be returned to you soon. How could you think I'd harm them?" He looks devastated.
       I'm too upset myself to feel guilty. "How should I know? You're following after a psycho! You'd do anything for him even getting rid of your own family, right? I begged you to get away but you're just too far gone." I cry. "I've lost my hyung."
       Hoseok and Jungkook just stand still, shocked and scared as Jin sits on the edge of the bed.
       "You know absolutely nothing about my mate and I, Jimin. I would never allow him to hurt any of you or your babies. You have no idea what I've sacrificed to keep you safe and well. Don't pretend to be a victim. You have no idea what that word even fucking means. Taehyung might be a psycho but he gets shit done and when he wants something, he works to get it."
        I glare up at him, seeing a totally different person than the one that raised me. A cold harsh feline. "Why are you like this? He changed you."
       He laughs softly, mockingly. "Yes, I suppose he did change me. For the better." He gets up and walks towards the door. "And all my hard work and suffering is finally getting paid off. Your babies will be returned within the hour." He walks out and closes the door firmly behind him.
       I break down again and Jungkook immediately runs to my side and holds me. I feel a great loss. Maybe I don't have any idea what he went through but how can he be this way now? With me?
       "Jimin, it's okay. We'll get our sons back. Calm down." He whispers, kissing my cheek.
       Hoseok sits on the bed in silence, anxiously rubbing his large stomach. His unease apparent. "When will Namjoon and Yoongi be up here?" He whispers, voice shaky.
        Jungkook sighs and shakes his head. "I don't know. God, I hope they'll be alright and they don't get killed."
      The thought of Taehyung killing my mate breaks me even deeper. I sob against his chest, clinging. "Oh god..."

      Two hours later, the same guards return with Koya and Yoon-Jae. We check them over to make sure they haven't been harmed then tuck them against our chests protectively.
       One of the guards bow. "We've been requested to bring you food. You must eat." The second guard rolls in a huge cart filled with all kinds of foods and drinks.
      Although my stomach growls, I don't want to eat. I'm too angry. I'd rather starve.
      The meal is left as the door is firmly locked again and Hoseok slowly gets up to eat, still being heavily pregnant. Jungkook sighs and makes us a plate as well but I refuse.
       "Jimin, Stop it. Think of our sons. You have to eat." He scolds.
       Groaning, I force down a few bites then lay down and snuggle Koya to my chest. A loud commotion comes from next door but we try to ignore it until the door inside our room bursts open to reveal a stressed and frantic, Yoongi.
      He strides towards us and hugs us hard. I cry, burying my face in his neck.
      Namjoon isn't with him.
     Hoseok gets up with a panicked look on his face. "W-where's my mate?"
       Yoongi reluctantly turns to face him. "He's not...he didn't..."
      "Is he okay? What happened?! Where is he?" The hybrid demands.
       Yoongi motions outside the room. "He refused to give in to Taehyung's demands. He was thrown in prison."
       Jungkook barely catches Hoseok as his knees give out. I look up at my mate. "W-What did he demand? You didn't give in, right?"
       He sighs, caressing my cheek. "I'm sorry baby. I had no choice. No way was I losing you two."
      I tense. "What did he ask of you? What did you give him, Yoongi?" I demand.
      The others all look at him, waiting. His eyes fall on our innocent little babies. I gasp. "No. No! You didn't! You didn't give him our babies? Please tell me I'm wrong!"
      He sighs. "They won't be harmed, Jimin. Just trained. You'll still be able to see them, he promised."
       I scoff, betrayed. "You really believe that? How could you?!" I slap him and push away from him.
       "I had no choice! I had to! If he would have killed me or I'd been thrown in prison—who would have protected you then, huh?!"
       I scream. "He's not taking Koya. I'll die protecting him!" I threaten, grabbing the baby.
       Yoongi frowns, shaking his head. "They will be fine. Calm down before you hurt yourself or him."
       "How can I possibly hurt him or me worse than you already have?" I swing my angry gaze towards Jungkook who still hasn't said or done anything. "And you! Why aren't you mad, too? Why aren't you helping me defend our babies?!" A little hysterical. My vision begins to blacken, spots appearing as my breathing becomes labored.
       My arms weaken and I feel my knees giving out. The last thing I hear is a baby crying and loud shouts of protest before everything goes dark.

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