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I close my eyes, stifling a moan as Namjoon slips his hand down my pants to touch me. I cup his cheeks and kiss him again and again, needing more. I need his affection, his love. His claim.
"Baby, you always taste so good." He groans, carefully laying me back on the bed. We both ignore how old and dirty the sheets are—after all, we're about to make it worse.
Licking his fangs, he dips down and bites my throat seductively and I release a loud cry, clinging to him as endorphins rush through my system. I tilt my head more to the side to give him free range over my body, surrendering to his lust and love.
My cheeks flush as he laps at the blood running down my neck, tugging my clothes off hastily while I frantically work his own clothes, wanting to see and feel every strong inch of him.
"Ahh, m-master...Joon-Ah..."
"Mhm, baby. I want you to scream my name while I fuck you, understand? I want to hear it echo around this fucking pit until your voice gives out." He growls into my ear.
Moaning, I nod. "Y-Yes, Namjoon! Namjoon....I l-love you...." Tears spear my eyes as he sinks into my body, forcefully pushing inside me until he bottoms out. It hurts but in the best possible way. I roll my hips, using his shoulders for leverage.
He curses under his breath, beginning to rock his hips into me. I wrap my thighs around his waist and try to hang on as he makes love to me. Caressing my body, kissing me over and over as if we both can't get enough of the other.
       His hands continuously caressing my stomach as he moves hard and fast inside me yet just careful enough not to hurt me.
       "Ugh....N-Namjoon....Namjoon!" I squeal as he lifts one of my legs up higher over his shoulder, pounding into me with a blinding speed that leaves all my senses flailing.
       Grunting, he bites me again—this time much deeper. It feels like he's piercing my soul. I love it. The pleasure, the pain, the natural ecstasy he brings.
       I cum.
      He doesn't stop. Just continues to sink himself deeper and deeper inside me from both sides. I cry out, my entire body spasming as he fills me to the brink and only then slowing.
       He removes his fangs and licks at the mess before pecking my lips and pulling out. Whimpering, I clench my thighs together as my pulses still rush through me, oversensitive.
       I watch lazily with hooded eyes as he uses his shirt to clean us up before tossing it to the corner of the room. I'm too exhausted to move.
       Sighing, he helps me back into my clothes despite my protests then slips his own slacks back on. "Sorry baby, no one but me gets to see your beautiful body naked, understand?"
       Blushing, I nod. I'm only for him. Just for his eyes. "Y-Yes." I love his possessiveness.
       He smirks, poking my nose and I laugh. "I love you." He sighs.
      I snuggle into his bare chest, still hot and sweaty from exertion. I rub my face against him, wanting his scent all over me. "Love you, too."
      The door to the prison opens and the same guard that brought me down—rather roughly I might add—unlocks the cell.
       I look at my mate pleadingly. He stares back in contemplation.
       "Come on, hybrid. Don't have all night." I flinch at the guards harsh words, noticing the anger that flashes over Namjoon's face.
       "I'd like to see Taehyung." He demands, authoritative.
       The guard rolls his eyes. "He's in a meeting."
        "Well then tell him I've reconsidered his offer and will give him what he wants." I can tell how anxious he is as he squeezes my hand tightly.
       The guard eyes him before nodding and swinging the door wide open. "Come on then. I was given instructions on if you agreed to his terms to let you out. The hybrid can show you to your room." He leaves us alone with the door open.
        Namjoon curses under his breath. "Fucking arrogant prick."
       "The guard?" I ask.
       He scoffs. "No, Taehyung. Fucking bitch just assumed I'd eventually give in to his commands. I hate that."
      I smile and kiss his cheek. "You're doing it for me, not him. Remember?"
      He looks down at me and nods. "Yes, for you."
       "I'm so happy. I was really scared I'd be sleeping alone tonight." I pout.
       He snorts before swinging me up into his arms and carrying me up the stairs. I relax in his arms, a little more than tired, as I direct him to our room from memory.
       Once there, he immediately starts the bath. I go ahead and remove my clothes as he comes back and helps me into the large tub. I frown, though, when he makes no move to join me.
       He winks. "I'm going to let you soak while I take a quick shower, love. I want you to enjoy. I have some things to do and have to find Yoongi."
       I nod, upset but understanding. I lean back and close my eyes as the perfectly temperatured water sinks into my muscles, relaxing me further.
I'm a lot more sore than I'd like to admit. Even with him being more careful than usual, he way stronger than me. He could snap me in half.
       I sing softly to our baby, rubbing my belly as I wash off, flushing when I catch Namjoon watching me occasionally.
       I can almost pretend things are normal and we are home and nothing can get to us. I can close my eyes and not let worries fill my mind with stress.
       I hope Jimin can soon come to terms with all this and understand. I get it's hard for him and he feels betrayed but it's not like Jin has any control over what his mate does. Jimin should know that.
       I honestly think he's being really unfair to everyone. He even shut his mates out in anger. It's not good for any of them.
      Maybe it's his feline nature. I'm not sure since I'm a wolf but Jungkook seems to get it as well. He's a wolf also, though. Maybe that's it. Wolf hybrids have suffered more prejudice than feline hybrids so we can understand a little more where Taehyung is coming from—not that he's not going overboard but I do get it.
       Jimin just needs to get it, too.

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