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    "I can't believe how nice this place is!" I mumble, trying not to get any of the furniture dirty.
     Hoseok frowns at the door. "Do you think they're okay?" He asks in concern.
     I shrug. "I don't know. I hope so but we're all in the same boat right now. Not like we can do anything to help them regardless." I sigh.
     His mouth twists. "I know that, it's just...I don't trust that Taehyung guy."
     I laugh. "Of course not. He's a vampire! He seems slightly nicer than some other vampires I've seen, though. He could have just left us in that cage but he let a doctor examine us and gave us a warmer room to stay in." I remind him.
     He nods hesitantly. "I guess you're right." He finally moves from the spot he's been occupying for the last twenty minutes and sits carefully on the edge of the bed. We were given a huge room with a huge dominating king size bed. I don't mind sharing, though. I actually like cuddling in my sleep. It makes me feel better.
     After looking around, he gets back up and opens a side door leading into a large walk in closet. My eyes widen and I follow him, exploring.
     "I don't think we can touch those clothes..." I frown.
    He snorts. "I highly doubt they even remember anything is in here. I get the feeling this is the shit room they give to visitors they don't like."
Probably right. I rummage through the nice brand new suits and outfits. A full wall of shoes and jewelry and accessories sit in the back. So shiny and nice and untouched since being purchased. This closet alone has to cost nearly $100,000 at least. Shit room for sure.
     I glance down at my own ragged clothing and sigh. I stole these from my master. Right before I was taken. He's probably mad they're gone right now.
     "I wish I could wash up." He sighs, walking back out into the room.
     Yeah, me too.
As soon as I rejoin him in the bedroom, loud voices come from down the hall outside. I tiptoe to the door and peak out.
A tall formidable vampire with purple hair holds a glass of weird green liquid while laugh with a beautiful vampire with silver blonde hair. Their blue eyes glow in the dim lighting as I watch them.
Hoseok peaks our alongside me and visibly hear his breath catch. "Wow." He whispers.
"I know. Scary." I shiver.
But he bites his lip, not agreeing. His eyes glued to the purple haired vampire. "I think..." he pauses. "I think that's Kim Namjoon." He gasps.
My eyes widen in terror as I quickly close the door as quietly as I can. Holy shit! "He will kill us!"
Hoseok scoffs. "No, he'd have somebody else kill us but...yeah."
Rolling my eyes, I move to sit on the bed, pulling my knees to my chest. The footsteps outside get closer and closer then another voice comes from outside. More familiar. Taehyung.
I close my eyes and pray I'm not about to lose my life. I'm really too young to die...
Hoseok hugs me tightly as the door creaks open in slow motion and the three vampire look directly at us. The purple haired one looks pissed and annoyed while the shorter one looks speculative.
Taehyung just smiles at us. It's nerve wracking. I hate it. I want to be free. I shiver in Hoseok's hold.
"Why are they still here? I told you to take care of it!" The leader, Kim Namjoon glares at his brother.
Taehyung just smiles, unbothered. "I did. They needed assistance and we need servants. I solved two problems. You're welcome." He glares, crossing his arms.
Namjoon scowls. Turning his angry look to us. He eyes us both up and down with obvious disgust. Taking a long deep calming breath he points to Hoseok making him stiffen. "Fine. You. Come with me. I have a job for you." He demands and Hoseok is immediately forced to follow him, leaving me alone with...with the other two.
The shorter gorgeous vampire hasn't taken his eyes off me once. He turns his attention to Taehyung. "I want this one." He nods towards me. I panic. Why? Why would he want me!
Taehyung nods. "Fine. He's yours." He waves me off easily. I refuse to be hurt by it, though. These are vampires. They treat anyone lower than themselves like dirt. He leaves the room with a wink in my direction.
"I'm Yoongi. And you are?" The vampire...my...owner now, I guess...asks me.
I swallow hard. "J-Jungkook." I mumble.
He nods. "You're cute. I've never met a hybrid before." He leans forward. Amusement twinkling in his aquamarine eyes. "Always been curious about their appeal...come on." He grabs my hand as I'm dragged out of the room and up a flight of stairs.
Having no hope of ever finding an exit in this place, I just try to stay calm and do as he demands of me.
We stop at a door and he unlocks it, pushing me inside. The light flicks on and I wince from the brightness. "Welcome to my room and your new home, my little pup." He chuckles.
I begin to hyperventilate a little as I take in the one lone large bed in the center of the room. A large desk and computer system sit on the right and two doors on the left which I'm guessing is a closet and a bathroom maybe...  
     "I'm not a d-dog." I manage to choke out.
     He comes up behind me and places his hands on my shoulder, somehow seeming both menacing and yet soothing at the same time.
     "Maybe but it has a nice ring to it, don't you think? My. Little. Pup." He punctuates his words by dragging his lips across my nape.
     I shudder trying to free myself but he holds me trapped. His strength too much. "W-what do you want from me?" I whisper.
      His palms glide down my arms to trap my wrists, tugging me around to face his blue piercing gaze. "I. Want. You. All of you." He smirks up at my ears. "Cute."
     "I don't understand." I mumble stupidly.
     He caresses my face. "You will, little pup. Soon I'll teach you everything you need to know on how to please your new master."

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