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I look up as Yoongi places a finger under my chin and kisses my lips. I moan into it as he picks me up and carries me outside onto his private patio. The ocean breeze calming me instantly from my worries.
He sits down on the large bench swing with me straddling his lap and rocks us. I watch his every expression as he stares out distractedly towards the ocean. I play with his shirt, biting my lip. His hands slide around my belly as the baby kicks between us.
It's not as painful as Jungkook's seems. Maybe his is stronger or more violent? Mine seems more calm. Sure, I do get a lot of pain but it's not necessarily all from the baby. Mostly it's just from the act of having to carry the strong little thing.
"C-can we go swim? I miss the water." I haven't went swimming but once since we've got here.
He nods silently and picks me back up, carrying me out into the sand and near the ocean. Smiling, I get down and immediately run into the waves waist deep and enjoy the fresh cool salty water.
He sits on the beach and just watches. I know he's scared and that scares me more than anything. Vampires don't fear anything but he does. If it wasn't for his insanely unreal beauty and ridiculous strength, speed, and hunger, I'd believe he could be human.
Speaking of... "Yoongi?" I call.
"When's the last time you fed?" I ask, knowing that's it's been awhile.
"I fed from Jungkook today." He says absentmindedly.
I frown, a little wounded. He always feeds from both of us. We like it that way so no one gets left out. I love when he feeds from me. Why would he feed from Jungkook now though? "But why? Isn't he really bad off right now?"
He sighs. "I mated him, Jimin. He's okay now."
My eyes widen as tears well up. Why didn't he tell me?! "Y-you mated him?" But what about me?
He nods. "I had to."
I kick the water, depressed. "What's going to happen to me?" I ask quietly, mostly to myself. I forget, however, how good a vampires hearing is, though. By the time I turn around he's right in front of me in the water.
I scream in fright having not expected him to be right there. I didn't even hear him move. My heart races crazily as he pulls me into his arms. "You won't be left out, kitten. We're going to mate you together." He explains.
I gasp, shocked at the thought of being mated with a vampire and hybrid at the same time. Holy crap! My mouth goes dry at the thought. As far as I know...vampires do not really require sexual intercourse to mate but hybrids...hybrids do. At least when mating with another hybrid.
Just the thought of that...I clench my thighs together in anticipation. "W-when?"
He chuckles. "It will have to be soon. As soon as Jungkook recovers from having the baby, I would assume. You will be due quickly after and without a mating...I'm not sure you could survive, kitten." He admits softly.
I flush, embarrassed by my weakness. I'm not nearly as strong as Jungkook and even he's struggling. That really doesn't bode well for me despite having a decent pain tolerance.
"Don't be sad. I'm sorry I've done this to you. I claimed you with the intention of owning and keeping you safe and yet I've done a terrible job of it so far." He chuckles.
I look up into his beautiful shining eyes. "Why are you so different from other vampires?" I ask boldly, curious.
He tilts his head, pondering. "I suppose it's because I've grown up around humans. You could say I'm much more humane than the others who really know next to nothing about humans. It's very uncommon for vampires to interact with them which is what I'm for. I handle all human to vampire transactions which usually only consist of blood supplies or matings." He explains calmly.
"Oh. I guess that makes sense."
He smiles and my heart thunders. His smile turns teasing. I know he can hear it. His thumb traces over my bottom lip before he kisses me again, his hands roaming under my wet shirt to clench my naked backside.
I'm not wearing anything underneath. I moan against his tongue as he lifts me up into his arms and kneads my cheeks, walking us out of the water and to the warm sand.
       He lays me down and covers my body with his. I love the contrast between my soft small body and his strong hard one. The same with Kookie. He's soft hearted but super strong—at least more than me. Even pregnant, he's strong and unshaken. I envy that.
      "What's wrong, kitten?" He asks, brushing my hair back from my face as his other hand roams under my shirt to tease my sore nipples. I want it off now, want nothing between us. I wiggle in discomfort.
       Taking the hint, he removes my shirt leaving me naked. The soft wet sand clings to my body much like I cling to my master. I really love him. I really love Jungkook, too, though. "I miss Kookie." I whisper against his lips.
      "I know, baby. He'll be okay. I'll make sure of it. Jackson and Mark are doing all they can to help him through it." He reassures me. "Same for you, kitten."
      Nodding, I close my eyes as his lips trail down my throat before biting down deep. I arch up under him and moan as his hand slips between my thighs. "Y-Yoongi!" I whimper, spreading my legs and feeling the water lap at my skin.
      I open my eyes, blinking in confusion, as he releases me and gets up abruptly. My body thrums with endorphins and need. I need so much. "Yoongi?" I ask, trying to sit up and catch my breath as he stares ahead at the house.
     I look back just in time to see an unfamiliar vampire glaring at us from the porch. I feel exposed and ashamed as I quickly reach for my shirt and slip it back on.
     Yoongi doesn't move, doesn't breathe, as he stares down the stranger.   He slowly, very slowly reaches behind him and I'm even more confused until I notice the gun concealed in his pants. How long has he had that on him?!
      The vampire moves and before I can blink, Yoongi curses and fires the gun, shoving me to the side as the vampire yells in rage and lunges for him.
      I scream.
      The most terrifying thing is I realize too late that the vampire is coming for me but Yoongi stops him. It takes three more shots to kill him.
      I'm shaking and sobbing as Yoongi places the weapon back in his pocket and glances down at me. "You okay?"
      I jerkily shake my head. "W-who is that?" I gasp through my crying.
      He frowns. "A council member. I think we might need to leave."
      My eyes widen in shock. "I t-thought you said council members won't c-come here?"
      He groans curses at the sky. "It's very unusual. This isn't the way the council works. Someone must have tipped them off."
      I wrap my arms around myself as he makes a phone call. It sounds like he's talking to Namjoon. I can't stop seeing him murder the guy. Vampire or not...it's hard to see something like that especially so suddenly.
     "Come on, Jimin. I have to dispose of the body and check on Jungkook." He helps me to my feet and begins rushing me towards the house, calling Jackson out.
      I'm left with Mark to stay with Jungkook as they leave to dispose of the dead vampire. I feel unsafe and more frightened than ever. How can anything be okay? I really don't want to die.

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