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I scowl at my stupid arrogant prick of a brother from behind the vampire grade prison bars keeping me held back. He retains his stupid annoying little smirk as he runs a hand down one of the bars.
"Really, hyung? All you have to do is let me train your future heir and I'll even let you continue your current status as mafia leader."
I scoff. "You're not getting your hands on my child. Ever."
Sighing, he shakes his head. "You know...I really thought you'd want to be around when your baby is born but it looks like you're just going to let yourself rot down here in the name of misplaced pride."
"You want to talk to me about pride? What a fucking joke."
"Ah Yes, I'll admit. I'm a prideful vampire. I'm good at it, too. I hold myself solely above everyone else around me with the sure knowledge I'm better than them. I've always been stronger than you and all the others. I took on a council of several ancient vampires myself and came out on top. Sure, I spared some and they've agreed to follow me and my changes. If I was that prideful perhaps I would have slaughtered them all."
I look away, eyeing the disgusting dusty mattress on the floor and toilet in the corner. Great. "What is it you really want with our children? What about your own? Your hybrid is carrying, correct?" I assume.
He shrugs. "Same deal. Jin knows exactly what I plan to do with our child. I'm going to make them great. I'm going to make them stronger than any vampire could ever hope to imagine. You just don't understand the powerful hand we hold right now."
"Okay but why? Why is it so important to make them stronger than everyone else?"
He smiles. "I'm going to start a revolution for half breeds. I'm going to train them to kill every last bigoted vampire on the planet and freely arrange hybrids to mate and breed with the left over vampires that agree to follow my rule. I'm going to change everything."
I stare at him in shock, seeing him with new clear eyes. "You're crazy! You want to sacrifice our children—yours included—to fight in a revolution against all vampires? That's insane and dangerous. It's not guaranteed to work."
He shrugs. "We all must make sacrifices for the greater good of our kind. You have absolutely no idea what it's like growing up with people hating on your kind and showing their open disgust. Murdering innocent children in the name of 'tradition' and 'abomination' all because they fear what they don't understand." He growls. "In the sake of 'pride'."
"I'm sorry, Taehyung. I never knew..."
"Of course you didn't. Father's death prevented me from being murdered like the rest of my kind! I want fucking revenge! I want your kind to fucking burn!" He yells, punching the brick wall beside us, the rock cracking and crumbling.
I take a deep breath. "This isn't the right way, Tae. Please think rationally about this. They are just babies—not even born yet! It would take so long to even get started on your mission!"
He smiles. "I made my first kill when I was five. Untrained. I was self taught everything. Imagine what they could do if they were trained properly."
I look at him skeptically. "Your mate can't possibly be apart of this. I highly doubt he'd approve."
He laughs. "Do I look like I give a flying fuck what he thinks? He may be carrying but that child is mine. He is mine. I own him! I get all the say when it comes to it. He will do what I tell him to do like a good little submissive mate and let it happen. He doesn't have a choice. Yoongi already agreed. He sees my mission as something possible and positive. Why can't you?"
I sigh, shaking my head. "I want to see my mate."
Rolling his eyes at my very conspicuous topic change, he nods. "Fine. I'll allow him down here to visit. I'll send a guard to come back to get him in a few hours or he'll be sleeping down here with you." He warns.
I glare at him as he walks away, slamming the door behind him and locking me away in the dark.

Hoseok is carefully brought down an hour later. He looks pale and sick as the guard guides him down the wet stone steps to my prison.
The guard gives me a look as he unlocks the door and shoves my mate inside, almost tripping him, before locking it again and leaving us alone—this time leaving a light, though.
I cradle him in my arms as he begins to sob and break down, clutching my shirt so tightly it tears in his grip. I lead him over to the dirty mattress and sit him on my lap, caressing his wet cheeks and kissing his lips.
"Baby, calm down. It's not good to be so upset while pregnant. It could harm the baby."
He nods, trying to gather himself. "I w-was so scared I'd never see you again. Please don't scare me like that!" He whines.
I place his head on my shoulder and run my fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to frighten you."
He sniffles. "Is it true? Yoongi is giving his children to Taehyung? What about ours?"
I hold his stomach protectively. "I refused. I don't trust him. He's too on edge and not thinking rationally. I'm worried he's going to get us all killed. Control of the council or not."
He stares down at our entwined hands. "I think...maybe you should do it."
My head snaps to his, studying him carefully. "What? Do you even know the risk you are suggesting?"
Biting his lip, he nods. "I need you, Namjoon. I need you with me. Please. Our baby isn't even born yet. Can't we just agree for now and think of something for later?"
I sigh. "Baby, it's not that easy. Taehyung won't let it go. If we agree, there is no going back. He will snatch our baby up as soon as it's breathing."
"B-But Jin will be there, right? We aren't losing them, right? He just wants to train them...not take them from us. We can still have them and raise them." He tries to appeal to me.
I won't budge, though. "Too dangerous. What if he gets one of them killed? You really think he will care or take responsibility? He's sacrificing his own child for this stupid cause as well! He's ruthless and heartless."
His lips twitch making me frown. "I remember I used to think you were the same way. Maybe we just don't truly understand his mind and the way it works but maybe...just maybe he isn't so bad. Being a hybrid, I can kinda understand the stigma and repulsion he's had to face. The anger and depression. I understand his drive."
I'm left speechless at his insight. "Maybe if we were dealing with a normal sane person but Taehyung has no morals or conscience. He will get them killed. You're okay with that?" I demand, holding him tighter against me.
He hesitates. "N-no but maybe we could give this a chance. Please, Namjoon. I need you with me. Don't m-make me do this alone. I'm willing to take the risk to keep you by my side." He whispers. "P-please..."
Groaning, I hate that I feel myself caving. I take his lips possessively and he whimpers, giving himself to me as I position him to straddle my lap, squeezing his hips and ass but careful to avoid pressing his belly.
Both of us are frenzied and passionate in the height of fear as uncertainty of the future. I need to take him. Right now. I need to reclaim him and assure myself that I still have him. No matter what. My little wolf.
"I need to be inside you." I whisper against his plump wet lips.
Shuddering, he nods and grasps onto my shoulders. "T-take me. Please. I'm yours. Always yours." He pleads in a harsh breath.
I stare into his gorgeous dark eyes, seeing them sparkle with love and life despite the situation and circumstances. It's humbling. Just knowing I'm all he needs to be alright. Knowing he trusts me explicitly to take care of him.
God, I love him. And I know I'll do anything he asks of me. Even if it's against everything I believe in.
For once maybe I should trust in him.

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