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A loud knock on our door draws me away from my panting mate, resting under me, lips swollen and wet from my ravishing kisses. We've been making the most of our time together since I was placed out of the dungeon.
Groaning, I swipe my thumb under his lip and lick it clean. His eyes dialate at the sight, moaning a little. Pouting a lot.
Muttering under my breath, I jerk the door open ready to catch hands when my entire body tenses, everyone staring at me with a panic as they barge into the room.
Hoseok yelps and covers himself. Jimin, Yoongi, Jungkook, the babies, and Jin all file in. I wait anxiously for them to tell me what's up.
Jin straightens, looking right at me. "I have a way for you to get out. I d-don't trust Taehyung. Not with these kids. He's planning something and it's not going to end well. I've been thinking of what I can do to help. Tomorrow night he's arranged a large ceremony for my pregnancy. That will be your best chance to leave. He's probably either going to make you attend the party or lock you in the rooms. If he locks you in, I can get you a key to get out." He explains.
I glance at Yoongi who keeps his eyes on Jimin. The poor kitten clearly upset. "Okay. That gets us and the babies safe but what about you? He will still have you and your child. Will this escape even impact his plans?"
He hesitates. "Yes. I have my own plans as well. I won't be going with you, though. This is your only chance so I'd take it."
Sighing, I glance at Hoseok who keeps frowning at Jin. "What aren't you telling us?" He asks.
Jin doesn't even blink. "A lot. You don't need to know details but I've overheard him enough to know he's lying to you about some things. Those things will get you all killed. I have no doubt about that."
Cursing, I pace. Can nothing ever be easy with Taehyung? He's such a psychotic piece of work. "He wants to form an army of halfbreeds, right? Starting with ours?"
"Yes but it's so much bigger than that. I...I overheard his training plans. He wants to take the boys and teach them how to murder innocent humans and vampires. I believe he will train them to kill you. He's so crazed and delusional about it. It's all he's thinking about. Experimenting his power over them on their own parents. To test them and their loyalty to him." He explains quietly.
Jimin and Jungkook gasp, clutching their boys to their chests.
"And your own child?"
He looks at the ground, his stomach barely showing under his loose clothing. "I'll take care of it."
My eyes narrow at his words. "Meaning?"
Before he can answer, the door opens to reveal Taehyung frowning at us. "Partying without me? I'm hurt." He grins, walking inside.
Jimin stiffens and moves closer to his brother. Jin doesn't seem fazed or seem to care about the new addition. I wonder if he heard anything...
"Jin, darling, we have dinner plans." Tae looks around. "You all may join us if you like. I'm dining with the new training guard, if you'd like to meet them."
Before anyone can protest, I nod. "We will. It will be good to see who will be taking care of our children." I say.
Taehyung smiles widely. "Yes. Great idea. See you in an hour at the dining hall." He looks at his mate expectantly who calmly gets up and walks ahead of him without another word. Jimin looks like he's going to either burst into tears or run after them and attack.
I ponder this new development. God, could things get worse? And Hoseok wanted me to give him the benefit of the doubt? Hardly. My instincts are never wrong.
When I know they're gone, I close the door. "Alright, we need to keep things going as they are to not make things suspicious. Until the very last moment. We need to make plans on where to go to hide out. Somewhere Taehyung wouldn't know to look."
Yoongi pulls out his phone. "I'll get on it."

After arranging some plans for the coming night, I kick them back out of our room to make sure Hoseok is alright. He's been oddly quiet the whole time.
I approach the bed, eyeing him as he plays absentmindedly with the sheets. "Baby, you okay? Are you hurting?"
He shakes his head in silence.
"What are you thinking?" I ask, sitting down beside him.
Sighing, he lays back, resting his hand on his stomach. "I'm sorry. You didn't want to accept any of this but I begged you to give him a chance. This is my fault."
"No. This isn't your fault. He was still going to hold me hostage and take Yoongi and the other's. We'd still be in the same position only I wouldn't be with you right now. Protecting you." I remind him.
He smiles a little, snuggling into my chest. "I love you. More than matter what."
"Don't talk like that. Don't forget who I am, love. I'm still the vampire mafia leader. Taehyung might have the upper hand at the moment but this won't last. I guarantee it."
      He takes a deep breath, scenting me. It's cute. I thread my fingers through his hair. "Hm...I miss you."
       I scoff. "I'm right here. Been here all night."
      He smiles into my chest. "Don't care. Still miss you."
      I stare at him. "I want to make love to you."
      He moans, reaching his head up for a kiss. "T-then show me."

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