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      My stress levels are at an all time high as we drive in silence towards the impending meeting. Namjoon is tense and his grip on the steering wheel could snap it easily.
      Our hybrids are also anxious, Jungkook and Jimin clutching our sons to their chests in fear and protectiveness. I didn't want to bring them but it was an order.
       Hoseok stares out of the window, lost in thought. The atmosphere is nerve wracking and uncomfortable. I want nothing more than to take my mates back home and hide them forever. Keeping them safe.
       I will never harm them. No way. Even the council can't make me.

Guards immediately surround us as we enter the compound. They silently urge us towards the council chamber. Jimin and Jungkook cling to my sides and they hide our babies tucked inside their jackets, trying to keep them quiet.
Namjoon and Hoseok are brought in first before we are pushed inside as well. I look around never having been in the council's home before. It's very archaic. Ancient. Castle like. Cold.
As my eyes fan over the room, Jimin's loud gasp alerts me to trouble so I swing my body around to where he stares—distraught and broken—only to gasp myself.
Two people are sat on the council thrones. Two familiar people. A vampire and a hybrid. Taehyung smirks arrogantly down from the throne while his feline sits by his side, his gaze downturned and remorseful.
No wonder Jimin is so torn up. Holy shit. How...
"What's the meaning of this, Taehyung?" Namjoon demands angrily, holding Hoseok protectively by his side.
Jin looks pained at the loud laugh his mate gives in reply.
"I told you I'd take care of the council and take over. I offered you a chance to join me. You refused and laughed. Well, it seems I will always have the last laugh, brother."
"H-hyung..." Jimin sobs, clutching Koya tightly to his chest. The feline above straightens in his seat.
"Stay, love. They are safe from my wrath." Taehyung murmurs to the feline. Jin visibly relaxes and nods.
"Who does harbor your wrath then, Tae?" I ask carefully.
He grins wickedly. His ever easy going presence still the same even in such a high position. "Mhm, that's the fun, isn't it? Finding out who I'm actively sabotaging."
"How did you do this, Taehyung?" Namjoon demands.
"It was quite easy even without your help, no thanks to you. I told you exactly what I was planning and made it happen. You really should never underestimate your opponent, the leader of a mafia should know this well. I'm disappointed, Namjoon." He mocks.
"Why are we here? To gloat? To get rid of us?" I ask, moving closer to my mates.
He rolls his eyes. "My lovely mate missed his family. I was being nice." His cold gaze falls on Jimin and our child. His eyes light up. "I see they've already given birth. Jin, love, why don't you take the other hybrids to their rooms." His voice is shockingly soft as he caresses Jin's pale cheek.
The feline nods and slowly gets up, walking down the throne steps towards his brother. He moves and looks just like a royal. I'm taken aback for a moment.
Jin stops in front of my mates and smiles. His eyes holding in every bit of emotion inside. I have no choice but to let him take Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok away.
Once it's just Namjoon and I, Taehyung gets up to meet us, straightening his dress shirt. We all stand in silence, waiting.
"I'll give you two choices. I've thought about this a lot. At first I was just going to kill you and take over the council and the mafia position but...to be quite honest I don't really want the responsibilities. I rather like my freedom." He pauses, eyeing us both. "You can join me here, do as I say and become part of the new council...or you can just die." He sighs heavily. "I suppose I can just toss your asses in my dungeon but where's the fun in that?"
       I look at Namjoon who looks furious. "New council? What are you doing?"
       He shrugs. "Just making a few changes that make sense for the future generations. Half breeds and hybrids will no longer be executed or looked down upon, for one. I thought you'd like that. You and your mates can live without fear of retaliation."
        "So how does this effect us negatively? I know you and your fucking games, Taehyung. There's a catch. There always is." Namjoon hisses.
       I remain calm and silent, thinking through my options. Protection for my mates and sons are worth giving up my position for. If I can trust him to keep his word...
      "Well..." He tsks, seeming amused. "Perhaps there is a tiny little catch..."
       Both of us stiffen, waiting for the ball to drop. "Well?"
       "I want your children. I want to raise and groom them to be part of the new guards."
       I gape at him. "You are not taking my sons!"
      He eyes me. "I can and will. If you refuse—you die. What will stop me then? You have no idea how powerful they will become. I want to train them properly."
       "How do you know this?" Namjoon asks carefully, suspicious.
      He laughs. "Because, my dear brother, I, myself, am a halfbreed. It's why I was able to get rid of the council so easily."

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