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I hold back another cry as my body twists and arches up in pain. I feel like my body is tearing itself up from the inside. I blearily look up to see Yoongi and Namjoon looking down at me in concern. They're talking but I can't focus enough to make out what's being said.
Tears run down my face as I try to breathe. Sweat and blood cover the sheets. I'm glad that Jackson and Mark have forbidden Jimin from coming in here. I really think I'm going to die. I don't want him to see this.
      I feel a hand grab onto my wrist and flinch, peaking through my wet lashes to see Mark mumbling something to me that I don't hear.
      My gaze falls back onto Yoongi. My master. "It h-hurts..." I sob.
      His expression turns grim and he nods at the others. As soon as we're alone, he sits on the bed beside me, brushing my hair back from my face. "I'm so sorry, Kookie, baby. I don't want to lose you." He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as I sob softly beside him.
      When his eyes open again they've changed colors. He leans down and kisses my lips before trailing his mouth down to the crook of my neck. I whimper and try to stay still through the pain—
      I scream as he bites down harder than he ever has before. It hurts so much. It's not like the other times. It feels like he's going to rip my throat out and bleed me dry. I dry heave in agony as he feeds.
      Just when I feel I'm going to pass out or go into shock, he stops and grabs a scalpel from Jackson's bag. He cuts into his wrist calmly and forces my mouth open. I moan from the strain in my jaw as he moves his cut wrist above my mouth and forces me to drink his blood.
      I'm drinking blood! I want to throw up but I can't move. He has me frozen in place. I choke down the thick red fluid as shudders rack my entire body. I feel the baby moving frantically inside me.
      My nails dig deep into his arm as I struggle to swallow and breathe. After what feels like a lifetime, he pulls away and I roll onto my side, choking.
     He pulls me back into his arms. "I'm so sorry, baby. I know it's painful but it's the best I could do for you." He whispers.
      I cry. "D-did..did you just mate me?" I whisper.
     He nods, kissing my lips. "Our bond will grow and I'm hoping my extra strength to you will help you give birth successfully without harming you. It takes a few hours for the full effect to kick in, though. You'll want to sleep for a long time as your system adjusts to my blood."
      I sniffle, already feeling the pain in my body lessen. "B-but what about Jimin? C-can you mate two at the same time?" I ask.
      He frowns. "I don't know. It's never been done. I do believe it's been tested on a human once—a long time ago and breaking the bond for another killed the previous human." He smiles, pecking my lips. "But you're not a human and you have a bond to Jimin as well. I want the both of us to mate him. I think that might work. If he's connected to both of us...it should be fine."
      My eyes light up. "You think so?"
      "I know you wanted to mate him anyway. This will work well, baby." He coos.
      I yawn sleepily. "I'm t-tired, master."
     He chuckles, laying me down on the bed and covering me up. "Don't call me master anymore, baby boy. I want you to call me my name, my mate." He whispers and a shiver runs down my spine.
      "I love you, Yoongi." I mumble shyly.
     Smiling, he kisses my head and gets up. "Do you want to see Jimin later? I think the baby will calm down now and give you a couple more days at least."
      I nod. "Please but...I think I need sleep now." I yawn again.
     "Alright. Yell if you need anything or start hurting again."
      I nod and he leaves, closing the door behind him. When he's gone, I take a deep breath and stare up at the ceiling. I'm mated. To a vampire. God, I never imagined such a thing could happen to a hybrid like me or even Jimin.
      I'm scared but happy. Content. The pain is fully gone now and I already feel stronger. I rub my large belly. "You feel better with daddy's presence, too, hm?" I whisper.
      A kick answers me and I smile. "That's right, baby. Please be at ease. Daddy will keep us safe." I close my eyes and sigh.
     My fingers trail over my mating bite and I shiver. It's still sore but I like it. It's his claim on me. I'm his. Officially. Not a dirty little secret he's hiding but his actual mate.
      I know that he can't just take us out, though. The council would get rid of all of us—Yoongi included.
      I know the best thing for us is to stay here away from everything else. We're safe here. Our babies will be safe here. I trust Yoongi.

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