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     "Ow! Fuck! You fucking prick, that hurt!"
      Grinning, I balance the shovel in my hand as I smirk at Taehyung who rubs his head where I slammed the shovel into it. I shrug. "That's the point, dumb shit."
      Growling, he kicks the two bodies into the deep hole and grabs his own shovel. "Don't fucking see why I just did all the damn work!"
       I scoff. "Are you fucking kidding me? This is all your fault! I should bury your ass in this fucking hole too and put every else out of their miseries."
       He scowls at the night, shoveling dirt back onto the bodies. "The council are only going to send more."
       I snort. "Most likely. You have no one but yourself to blame, Taehyung. You just had to be a dick and get the council involved in our lives. What the hell were you thinking?! I know you hate having to watch me lead our men but everything I do benefits us all—you included. You're too fucking violative to lead and you know it."
      "I do—"
      "You let your temper control you. A leader has to stay calm and collected, calculating. You can't do it. You've always been this way. Hotheaded and all for instant gratification. You never think through consequences or future outcomes."
       He glares at me, continuing to shovel in dirt.
      I begin helping him. "I want you to stay away from that feline."
      He stops and snaps his head up. "Fuck you. He's mine. I can do whatever I want, when I want with him. Focus on your own hybrid, hyung." He spits the word out.
      I nod firmly. "Yes. You will stay here  and far away from Jin. I'm giving you an order and you will follow it."
      "You should stay away from that wolf then." He scoffs. "I can't believe you fell for a fucking wolf after eomma—"
      I cut him off. "Fuck off! I'm nothing like her."
      He chuckles. "Oh really? You know I'm way more like appa than you could ever dream to be."
      "Only in brutality. I prefer to stay clean. There is nothing wrong with that." I argue.
      He snorts, smiling mockingly. "Oh please. You've lost your edge, Namjoon. You used to be like me. You've gone soft. Sure, I may not show it but I do have...affections...for the feline. I wouldn't have mated him otherwise but  then again as you've said—I'm not the leader. What's your fucking excuse for breaking our most important and upheld law? You, the mind of strict reason and control, have lost your ever fucking loving mind."
      I pause. He's not wrong. I press my lips into a tight line.
      He tilts his head, waiting. "Have nothing to say now, huh? You can't talk shit to me when you are just as guilty."
      "You've sabotaged very important deals and have tried to have me killed many times! You could be sentenced to death for such crimes, you know." I remind him.
      He rolls his eyes, pointing the shovel at me. "You going to tell on me? Stop being a fucking baby and grow up. There is no true loyalty in our world and you know that. It's always, always about power and position. You can't fault me for having a goal and working towards that goal."
      I snicker. "And look how that worked out for you, brother. All your hard work thrown away because of your stupidity and hotheadedness."
       We begin shoveling the dirt faster, packing it in quickly to finish up. My phone rings again and I know it's the council.
     Tae wipes his brow and stares at my phone as I hold it, not answering. "Why don't we just kill them all one by one? We could take over the council!" He suggests.
      I stare at him in shock. "Overthrow the council? The council—that has been around consisting of the strongest vampires of all time for the last few centuries?! Are you insane."
       "Scared? I didn't know you were such a little bitch, hyung. If those two they sent were any show of their power then they don't stand a chance."
      I roll my eyes. "That's because they were taken by surprise. They are already suspicious of us now. They sent those two as representation. They weren't actually council members—not truly. True council members are stronger than you could ever imagine." I explain.
       He looks contemplative. "I still think we could overthrow them." Shrugging, he places the shovel back into the bag and I do the same, sighing. "We could be the most powerful vampires of all time. We could change the stupid laws about hybrids."
      I give him a sideways glance. "You say I've gone soft?"
     He shoots me a look. "Whatever. You're still the pussy in this relationship."
       I kick him hard onto the mix-shift grave and groan as the all the dirt caves in along with all our hard work. He grunts as he falls into the deep hole. "Fuck!"
      For a few seconds I contemplate leaving his ass in there. Unfortunately I need someone to sacrifice to the council if the time comes. Just in case...Staring at the sky in annoyance as he yells curses up at me from the hole, I remove the shovel and lower it down for him to grab ahold of.
      "Hurry up. We have to start over."
      "Why the fuck did you push me?!"
      "How the fuck was I supposed to know your fat ass would collapse the hole! Fucking hell, you need a blood diet."
      I'm surprised when I feel the shovel being pulled down and I grunt as I lose my footing and fall into the hole hard on top of the bodies. Growling, I shove Tae against the dirt wall. "How the fuck are we getting out now, fucking idiot?!"
      He looks at me with false innocences. "Not my fault your clumsy ass fell in!"
      "God, I hate you." I spit.
      He bares his fangs. "Right back at you, hyung."

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