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     I try to hide my amusement at the unsubtlety of the guard before me. One of the few I decided to keep on my side instead of killing. He could have his uses.
      One of those uses being the inability to flirt. His hand caresses down my arm as he explains that Namjoon has agreed to my terms. Excellent. And very much expected. It was only a matter of time.
       I wrinkle my nose as the guard—Lee—tries to whisper seductively in my ear. Rolling my eyes, I clear my throat. "Don't you have a job to do?" I ask tersely.
       He flushes, embarrassed, straightening up and nodding. "Of course, sir. I'll get right on that."
      I watch as he purposely puts a little more sway in his steps than really necessary. Ugh. Did the council members fuck him or something? It seems like at least one of them did. Disgusting.
       My mate enters the room, scowling at Lee as he pushes past him. Jin crosses his arms and glares at me. "What was that?" He demands.
        I sit back, still quite amused. "What was what, my love?" My voice a little mocking.
      "You just let all these vampires flirt with you constantly? Are you fucking them now, too? Is that why you're always busy?"
      Raising an eyebrow at his tone, I get up and walk around the desk. Leaning back on it, I study him. It's clear he's pregnant for sure now. His skin glows prettily and a very small bump is visible through his tightly tied robe.
      As my eyes roam over his body, I frown at how short the robe is. "Why are you walking around like that? Do you want to give my men a show?" Growling.
       He smirks slightly. "Maybe. At least they want to give me attention. You don't seem to care about me anymore now that you're getting what you want from elsewhere so maybe I should let someone else take your place since you're obviously too busy."
      "Don't fucking take that tone with me." I stalk forward and grab his chin tightly, forcing him to look into my eyes. "And if someone so much as lays one finger on you I will kill them. Slow and painfully. Don't forget I can punish you. Just because I've made you my queen for others to worship and respect doesn't mean the same for me. I will do what I wish to you. You will respect me."
       His face hardens and he pushes away from me. "Whatever. I don't care. I'm surprised you even remember I exist with all your flirting with the guards."
       I smile cruelly. "You're right. Maybe I should take them to bed. A hell of a lot less bitchy and more satisfying than you."
       He flinches, licking his lips. "Mhm. Maybe you should. You only keep me around for the baby anyway." He mutters.
       I tilt my head, studying him. I know he's hurt but he's learned to hide his emotions well. Very good for him. Emotions are weakness especially when you allow others control of them. He's adapting well. "Perhaps I won't be back tonight. Go on to bed. I'll see you...sometime." I say, testing him.
       He doesn't blink. "Fine." He turns to walk away and as his tail swishes the robe up a bit I get a flash of his bare ass. I stride forward angrily and slam him into the door of my office, pinning his body with my own. Flipping his short robe up, I push his tail away and grope his naked flesh. "No underwear in a robe this short? Were you planning to let someone take what's mine, huh?" Growling, I spread his cheeks and finger his wet rim. Jealousy fills me alongside rage as I picture him being pleasured by my men.
       He struggles to breathe as I push him harder into the door, trapping him to my will. "H-how is that your concern? Go fuck someone else but don't expect your side of the bed to stay empty." He hisses.
       Glaring, I force him around and slap him across the face. His knees give out as a whoosh of air leaves his mouth. I hold him up by his wrists. "Ex-fucking-cuse me? What was that?"
      He tries to hold himself up, licking the blood off his swollen lip. "I h-hate you."
       I grab a fistful of hair and drag him over to my desk, forcing him to bend over it. I shove his robe up and spank his ass hard several times encouraged in his screams and cries of pain. His ass is welted and bleeding when I'm done.
       Without pausing, I unzip my pants and pull out my cock, stroking a few times before slamming inside his tight hole ruthlessly, tearing him open. He claws at the desk as I hold him down by the nape. He struggles to get his footing as I pound into him, slamming my hips as hard as I can. The heavy oak desk screeching loudly as it's skidded out of place by the force.
       He gasps and pants, trying to control his breathing and cries as I fuck him, reminding him what belongs to me. "Want to run that by me again, you little whore? Sharing my bed with another? Have you forgotten that regardless of what I do—you belong to me. I own you. I own your body. I own that baby. I can take it away just as easily as I gave it to you." I hiss, pulling out only to slam back inside him even harder, earning a loud sob from him.
       I shove his highs farther apart to get even deeper. "Do you want me to kill the baby? I could so easily fuck you a little harder into this desk until you lose it. Do you want that? You really want to piss me off that much?"
       He shudders under me, crying. "I t-thought you needed the baby..."
       I scoff, pulling him up by his hair. "I can make more. I can make you lose it then make you pregnant again as many times as I need to. You think I won't? You want to test my patience?" I growl, biting down on his throat and sucking hard painful pulls of blood.
       He convulses in my arms before going limp, finally giving himself up to anything I want to do to him. I run my hand down his body and feel the stickiness of his cum drenching the front of his silk robe.
       I groan, circling my hips as I cum, filling his insides heavily before pulling out and removing my teeth. "Filthy slut, getting off on your punishment."
      He collapses on the floor clutching his stomach, bruised and bloody, cum and blood oozing down his thighs onto my pristine white floor.
      "Now I have work to do. Clean up this mess and get ahold of yourself. I never want to see you wearing something so revealing around my guards. I really don't like the thought of being mated to a needy little whore that can't control himself."
       He wipes his face and slowly, shakily climbs to his feet. Despite the flushed wet cheeks, he looks at me without fear. A little coldly. "You made this fucking mess. You clean it up. I'm not your fucking maid." He smooths down his robe and stalks past me and out of the room, making sure his tail pushes his robe up a little higher out of spite.
      I shake my head, eyeing the stains on the floor with a slight smile. He really has changed. Become more my equal. I have to admit it's a major turn on he can take my shit yet still dish it out.
      I was right in choosing him to be my mate. He really belongs by my side and is proving himself more and more.
      My smile slips, however, as I imagine him walking around like that with all my guards leering at him. Wanting him. Coveting him. I will not hesitate to torture and murder any of them that even think they can have the feline. No, he does and always will belong to me.

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