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"Are you just going to keep looking at me?"
I smirk at my little kitten and nod. "Can't help it. I blame you. You're too beautiful."
"Alright my sappy children. Let's go." Yoongi rolls his eyes at our shameless flirting and leads up down to the clinic. Pouting, Jimin reaches for Yoongi to carry him.
Scoffing, I walk behind them and stick my tongue out at them both. Jimin catches it and giggles. Our eyes meeting once more. I smile. I love him so much. Both of them.
The only thing I don't love...is where we are going and why. It's been a little over a month since we've been...sexually active I guess you could say. We've both been with Yoongi now and each other...let's just say both of us have been feeling off.
Fearfully, we mentioned it to Yoongi yesterday and he scheduled an appointment for us to get checked out. Pregnant.
     We might be pregnant. Shit. It's scary. I honestly used to think that I would have a mate to carry my babies...not be the carrier. Now Jimin and I both have to be concerned.
"Alright. Take your clothes off and put on the gowns. Sit on the cots while I speak to Jackson."
Nodding, we listen to our master and do as told. We can hear raised voices from the next room. Jimin frowns. "Will we get in trouble for this? Will Yoongi?"
I chew on my bottom lip. "I d-don't know. I know it's illegal for a vampire to actually claim hybrids as mates but I'm not sure about just...breeding." I wince at the word and so does he. We hate that word.
It's been known that humans in the past have used hybrids for breeding. It's actually how wolf hybrids came to be. Mixing human DNA with feline hybrids...it's why we don't have tails or big ears and look more human.
He wraps his arms around himself. "Do you think we'll have...hybrid babies or...vampire?"
I shiver at the thought. The horrors we've been told about vampire births. Not from hybrids, of course, but mated humans.
"I d-don't know."
Both Yoongi and an annoyed looking Jackson walk in. Jackson's white coat fluttering as he moves around the room to grab the right equipment. "I have no idea what to expect. We've never had to do this with hybrids and vampire births."
"They may not be vampire, though." Yoongi argues.
Jackson laughs. "Actually, most don't know this but once a vampire ejaculates into someone, the more powerful sperm kills all the others for dominance. Even if they could have been pregnant by hybrid sperm...they would have been killed off and replaced by the vampire's. It's because our biology is so powerful. If they are pregnant and you've been with both of them...they will only have vampires."
The room is very quiet for a long while as we take in this new information. "S-so...I could never have a baby by Kookie?" Jimin asks in a small voice.
Jackson frowns, shaking his head. "Nope. Once vampire sperm has taken over your reproduction system, it will strengthen and only be able to contain vampire semen."
I blink at this revelation. Jimin looks devastated and, to be honest, I'm upset as well. I wrap an arm around my stomach and try to relax. Nothing for it now. Yoongi looks very upset as well.
"Will this pregnancy hurt them?" He demands as Jackson begins the ultrasounds.
There. As soon as he runs it over my stomach for a few seconds, a strong loud heartbeat echoes around the room. A baby. I'm having a vampire baby.
Sighing, Jackson moves to Jimin who ends up having the same result. "It's not going to be easy. It's hard on humans but I have no results for hybrids. This will be the first time. I would like to run tests on them frequently to make sure all is well."
Yoongi nods. "Can this kill them?"
He pauses, reluctant to answer. "Well...from the humans I've known mated to vampires...what helps them is being actually mated to the father. As you can't be mated to these two...I don't know. It could kill them."
Yoongi curses under his breath. "And if I did mate them..."
"The council would kill them. Or imprison you." He shrugs. "Of course, I would never say anything. I'm happy to learn more about this. I really hope all goes well so I can document the experience."
"Alright. Can you tell how far?"
He checks again. "Hm. Both seem about a couple weeks apart, maybe. It's hard to tell. They seem very advanced already. You mentioned that this...took place around a month ago, yes?"
Yoongi nods.
"They look to be around three months a long at least. Usually hybrid pregnancies happen very fast. Usually only lasting about half that of human ones. Around six months. Now with vampire DNA on top of that..." he sighs. "At this rate they might give birth in three months."
     Jimin and I immediately begin to panic. Looking up at our master in fear. He groans and nods. "Thank you. When do you want them back?" He asks.
      "Bring them back sometime this week. I'll give them some vitamins for now. Not sure what else we can do for now." He admits.
     Yoongi ushers Jackson out while we dress. Jimin gasps as he looks at my stomach. Frowning, I look into the mirror and scream.
     My...my...stomach is...moving! A small bulge showcasing my pregnancy...I can handle. But it's moving!
     They both run back into the room and stare at my belly. I'm forced back onto my back while Jackson gets the monitor back out to observe the activity. I grasp my master's arm as we watch the baby kick and punch me energetically from inside. I gasp and feel tears run down my cheeks. So strong.
     "Shh, it's okay, Kookie. We'll take care of this." He kisses my head.
     "H-how is this possible." I cry.
     Jimin climbs up onto the cot and curls himself around me comfortingly.
     "This is remarkable! Usually with human and vampire pregnancies...the baby doesn't start showing themselves until the five month mark. This is phenomenal. Wow!" Jackson looks in shock. Shaking his head, he smiles at me. "Bring him back tomorrow. He might not make it six months. At this rate he might not make it three more."
     I'm terrified at this new development. Yoongi picks me up and carries me back to the bedroom with Jimin in tow. "W-what are we going to do? I don't want to die!" I cry as he places me on the bed and kisses me.
      "You aren't going to die. I won't allow it." He whispers in my ear, Jimin nodding adamantly.
     "We're in this together." He reminds me, rubbing his own pregnant belly. Right. We're in this together.

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