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    My mind can barely focus on the vampire's words as his blue eyes hypnotize me. Suffocating me. Entrapping me. Until now I've managed to avoid vampires and for good reason but now...in a matter of minutes I'm now enslaved to one until I die?
     For Jimin...I have to do this for Jimin. I can't let him die. I've been his caretaker for as long as I can remember. Since our eomma abandoned us, I've protected him as much as I could.
     For a second I felt relieved when we were taken in by our master. He had discovered us while hunting and thought we were cute. Offered us food and shelter so of course we went with him.
     He was nice...for awhile. After a few weeks he began hating us and degrading us, telling us we were nothing and no one but him would care if we lived or died. 
     It was devastating to say the least but I was honestly happy when he left us. He started giving Jimin weird looks that made us uncomfortable considering he was only 13 at the time.
Taehyung runs a finger down my cheek making me shiver. "You're a cutie, kitten. As soon as the little one is taken care of, I'll take you to your new quarters." As soon as he's done speaking he turns on his heel and heads back downstairs towards the basement.
I take a seat inside the office and watch Jimin sleep fitfully. I can't stop thinking about what Taehyung said. If we hadn't of gotten kidnapped and ended up here...the chances are Jimin would not have survived this long. He's been sick for a long time but didn't say anything. It hurts me so much because he knew I wouldn't be able to help him.
The only reason I was forced him to go to the hybrid clinic was because he started coughing blood. We walked for days to reach the clinic only to be taken before we could make it inside. I can't live without Jimin in my life. There would be no point in living.
"He'll be alright. We have very good equipment and medications here." The physician smiles gently, reassuringly. His fangs flashing brightly.
"Thank you...can I ask you something?"
He sits across from me after checking Jimin's vitals. "Sure."
"Why are you being so nice to us." I ask.
He furrows his brow. "Master Taehyung, for whatever reason, has opened his home to you and although we bicker as friends he's still my boss. It's not really my place to question his motives. He asked me to take the best care of you so I'm simply doing my job. I have been employed here for four years now. I'm very close to the Kim family and, although some might think that a bad thing, I love them very much. They can be cruel and mean and calculating but they also aren't completely heartless unless it comes to their enemies. Seeing as he trusts you enough to bring you here and leave you alone? I will treat you as family." He explains.
"Vampires hate our kind. I don't understand it."
He nods. "It's strange for you to be here but I honestly don't harbor the extreme prejudice that most vampires do and I feel master Taehyung doesn't either, at least not as much as his brother Namjoon. It's him you should worry about." He winks.
I shiver at his words. The notorious Kim Namjoon. I sincerely hope I never come across him. I doubt Taehyung wanting to keep me as a servant would please him and he is head of the household anyway. I just pray he doesn't throw us out without saving Jimin first.

    A couple hours later, Taehyung returns and motions for me to follow him. Silently, I do as told. I have to protect Jimin.
     I'm led through a maze of hallways and stairways and so many turns it makes me dizzy as we weave our way through the compound or mansion or whatever it is. How the hell anyone knows where to go in this place is insane. Then again vampire are insane so...
     He finally stops after nearly five minutes and pushes open the door. I'll never find my way out of here. My eyes widen at the lavish furniture and decor. A large king size bed dominates one wall with matching nightstands on either side. A large walk in closet and an ensuite to the right and a large window on the left displaying the face we are on at least the third or fourth floor.
     "I-is this my room?" I manage to gasp.
     He chuckles. "Of course not, kitten. This is my room." Rolling his eyes, he opens a door set in the corner of the room I hadn't noticed before. I peak inside as he turns the light on to see a small room connected to his. A twin sized bed takes up most of the space as well as a decent sized dresser and a sink and mirror.
     I fight back disappointment. What did I really expect? The way they see us, I should just be glad he isn't making me sleep on the floor.
     "Thank you." I whisper, stepping into the cold room and wrapping my arms around myself. My tail wrapping around my leg, ears pressed down.
     I avoid his pale blue eyes observing me. "C-can I go to sleep?" I ask quietly. Jimin and I haven actually eaten in days and my stomach is hurting. Maybe if I sleep, I'll feel better for just a while longer.
     "Aren't you hungry? I'm sure they didn't feed you while holding you captive."
     I bite my lip, shaking my head. "I'm f-fine." But as soon as I finish my stomach releases a loud growl.
     He smirks. "You will eat first then take a shower. After that you can go to bed." He demands.
    Having no other choice, I nod and follow him back out into his warmer, nicer room. He dials a number on his phone. A maid immediately speaking on the other side.
     I wait awkwardly as he orders several large amounts of food and drink as well as toiletries for me and some fresh clothes. I try to not panic and calculate how much money he's spending on me. How much I'll owe him...
     Hanging up, he smiles. "Can't have my personal submissive walking around like that, can we?" He waves towards my torn and dirty clothing. I frown. Ashamed.
     I don't belong here. So out of place in his room. In this place. I don't want  to be here but this is Jimin's best chance at getting better. Never thought there would come a time I'd actually be dependent on a vampire.
     Feeling a little weak from lack of food and exhaustion from days of worry and traveling, I slowly sit down on the floor not wanting to ruin his bedsheets.
     He looks at me impatiently. "What are you doing? Did I tell you to sit on the disgusting floor?" He grabs my arm roughly and hauls me back to my feet, forcing me to sit onto the bed.   
     I rub my arm that now throbs from his tight grip, a bruise forming. Tears sting my eyes but I try to hold it back. Be strong...this is for Jimin...don't let him get to you...do what you have to to protect him...

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