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I curl up into a ball on the bed in the guest room and close my eyes. I miss Namjoon so much. I'm worried something might happen. I keep feeling like something is wrong.
      It's stupid. I mean, my master is a freaking mafia leader. A vampire. He can handle anything and has long before I've come into his life.
     Maybe it's just where I miss him—the worry. The fact that I can hear Jimin and Jungkook with their master right now doesn't help. I wonder how Jin feels in all this.
      He's obviously had the short end of the stick since we were sent to the vampires. Obviously tortured and abused, degraded and now probably pregnant and mated to a horrible vampire that will most likely end up getting him killed. How is he still sane?
      And whether he actually wants to be with Taehyung or not, their mating bond will continue to pull him back. He can't escape it. We can't break mating bonds. It would be hard enough being mated to an abusive human or hybrid but a vampire? They live much longer than we do.
       My door creaks open and I sit up as Jin creeps inside. He sits down on my bed, wringing his hands in his lap. "You okay?" I ask.
       He sighs. "Yes...I guess. Jimin seems to be doing fine at least. I've been so worried about him since he left with Jungkook."
      We both pause as loud moans echo down the hall. He winces as I glance over at the sleeping newborn in his crib. "Yeah. I think he's doing fine."
       He snorts. "Yeah."
       He yawns and stretches out on the bed, his hand absentmindedly slipping under his shirt to rub his belly. I eye him. "Are you worried? About being pregnant? Especially by—"
      "I d-don't want to talk about him if that's alright." He mumbles.
      I nod in understanding. "Sorry."
      "It's fine. I'm just trying to adjust to this sudden change." He admits.
      "I get it." To distract him, I put in a movie and we both end up cuddling, drifting off to sleep.

      Loud cursing in the hall wakes me. My eyes snap open and I look towards the open door to see Yoongi putting on his leather jacket and making his way towards the front of the house.
      Feeling apprehension, I get up and run into the living room. "W-What's wrong?" I ask hesitantly.
       He looks up at me from putting on his boots. "Jackson and Mark are coming back to watch over you. I have to go take care of some fucking idiots." He huffs.
      I bite my lip. "Namjoon?"
     "Nothing to worry about, Hoseok. Just a little snag. Dumbasses got themselves stuck in a fucking hole. Apparently it took them a long ass time to realize they had phones with them to call for help." He rolls his eyes. "Probably been stuck for hours."
       I find myself fighting a smile as I picture it. Namjoon and Taehyung stuck in a huge hole fighting and trying to get out. I cover my mouth but a snort still escapes.
       He smiles at me. "Don't you worry, I'll never let either of them live it down. I think I may have to snap a few pictures and send it to you just so you don't have to be worried." He winks. "Not everyday I get an opportunity like this.
       "C-can I go?" I ask in a small voice.
       He hesitates. "That's...not a good idea."
      "Please? I miss him so much. I won't be trouble, I promise." For some reason I feel desperate to see him. Like maybe this could be my last chance for a long time. It's just a strong feeling but I can't shake it.
      He sighs. "Okay but you have to stay in the car. Do not get out. I'll let Namjoon know you're in there and he can see you when he wants."
       I nod eagerly and run back into my room to change into warm clothes. Namjoon's warm clothes. I whisper to Jin that I'll be back soon and to watch the baby. He agrees tiredly.
      I run to meet Yoongi our front and we get into the cold car, our breath fogging up the windows.
      It takes about an hour or so to make it the location and he parks in what seems to be the middle of a deserted field. It's pitch black every direction giving it an eerie sensation.
      He gives me a look reminding me to stay inside which I oblige as he gets out and walks a few feet. I stifle a giggle as he pulls out his phone and begins taking pictures of what looks like a long deep hole in the ground.
        Yoongi doubles over I laughter before moving to the trunk to pull out a latter. He drops it down and I see a dirty and tired looking Namjoon and Taehyung climbing up. The three of them then begin covering the hole which takes at least an hour.
       After a hushed conversation I can't hear, Namjoon looks my direction and I blush shyly, looking away. Taehyung moves straight to the car and climbs into the front seat while I lean against the back.
       The other two join us quickly and Yoongi starts the car. I look over at Namjoon as he slides in beside me, his hand immediately resting on my upper thigh.
      I scoot closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder, not caring how dirty he is.
"Why are you here, Hoseok?" He whispers into my ear, squeezing my thigh.
I clench my legs together. "I m-missed you." I admit.
I sense his smirk more than see it. I avoid looking at him out of embarrassment. It's not fair. Why won't he mate me?! I would try to be the best mate ever! I'd do anything for this vampire.
I feel him watching me but he doesn't speak, just continues rubbing my thigh soothingly while Yoongi drives back towards their home. As soon as we pull up, Taehyung stalks out.
Yoongi sighs. "I'll be back. I'm going to check on a few things while I'm here."
Namjoon nods. "I'll watch over Hoseok until you get back."
I feel nervous as soon as we're left alone in the car. Gulping, I look up at him only to feel my body suddenly pressed against the door as Namjoon takes my mouth roughly.
I moan and grasp onto his hard shoulders, my thighs opening for him, letting him slide between them with ease. His hand fists into my shirt and tugs it up as his lips trail over my throat and his teeth sink down into my skin.
I gasp, feeling my thighs get wet as his hand slides under my pants and underwear, stroking my cock as he drinks from me.
"Ugh...N-Namjoon...master! Ahh..." I shudder and drench his fingers in cum.
Growling, he jerks his hand out of my pants and pushes his covered fingers into my mouth. Groaning, I suck them clean of my own fluids as he slowly pulls away and licks the blood off my neck.
Before I can even begin to recover, I watch him in a daze as he slits his wrist with a fang and shoves it against my lips.
Instinctively, I suck and lick on the cut, his blood filling my mouth and down my throat. I choke but continue to drink as he watches me intently with those terrifying but beautiful eyes.
He pulls away and I gasp, blood running down my chin. I ruffles my hair and kisses my lips gently. "I couldn't stop myself." He sighs, cupping my cheeks. "I don't think I could handle losing you."
My entire body trembles. "You m-mated me." Shocked but blissfully replete as well.
       He kisses my lips again and again. "I mated you." He whispers. "Just remember that when I can't be with you. Don't be afraid. Be strong for our baby."
      I nod. "I p-promise."
      "I won't be able to see you again until we resolve this issue. It's too dangerous. Yoongi will probably have Jackson and Mark take you four away to keep you safe."
       I cling to him. "Don't forget me." I whimper.
       He sighs as hugs me tighter. "Not possible."

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