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     As soon as I hear Taehyung leave, I rush out of the bathroom and rummage through his drawer, searching...there! Found it!
Taking a ragged breath, I glance up at the camera inside the vent and climb up on the bed, teetering on the edge of the headboard to begin unscrewing the vent with the long
dagger hidden from under his clothes.
      I shakily remove the camera and change the video playback. Leaving a repeat loop of me laying on the bed and pacing the room. He'll never know it was prerecorded.
      After that's finished, I place the camera back and lock the vent up, climbing down wearily and pulling out a large duffle bag. This is it. I've worked night and day to ensure to have earned Taehyung's trust. He doesn't think I'll really defy him.
       I'm not letting him kill the others. I know he won't spare Jimin. It's worth whatever punishment coming for me to let them truly escape. I think back to the drugs I switched to the chef earlier in the night while Taehyung went out to get those other hybrids.
      I've studied him long enough to know his thoughts and future actions. He's all about insurance. He thinks he's drugging them with pregnancy hormones but nope. I had replaced the bottles with poison. I hated doing it but those poor hybrids never would have survived here. Not in Taehyung's twisted games.
      I can't risk him getting more hybrids pregnant. This can't happen. I lift the heavy duffle over my shoulder and run out of the room, racing down the hall to Jimin's room. Unfortunately he isn't there. No, I find them in Namjoon's room.
Crap! Tae never said anything about sabotaging Hoseok's labor. It's way too early. They look worried as I enter, eyeing the bag.
      "Is he's okay?"
      "No. He's resting but he needs a real doctor. We need to get him to Jackson or he won't make it." Yoongi explains. Namjoon sits holding his still infant in silence. The tiny baby not moving in his arms. He seems shell shocked.
      "The baby?"
     Yoongi grimaces, shaking his head. God. This is awful. How can Taehyung be so fucking heartless? I drop the bag. "You have to leave. Change of plans. You can't wait until tomorrow. I'll get you out tonight." I explain.
      Yoongi sighs. "How?"
     "Taehyung is busy right now. All his guards are busy as well. I can get you out right now but we have to hurry." Tae will be coming back as soon as he finds his little hybrids dead. It was for the best.
       I refuse to acknowledge how much I sound like Taehyung right now. Oh god. I feel sick.
      Namjoon carefully places their dead newborn on Hoseok's chest and lifts them into his arms, his entire body shaking with emotion. He doesn't speak, though.
      I lead them down the back way of the compound, through an underground tunnel I just recently discovered. Hidden and unused for probably centuries. We have to duck down and crawl through cold ocean water that seeps from the ground but eventually we push through outside.
      I shakily give Yoongi the keys to Taehyung's car. "Go. Hurry."
       Jimin sobs into my chest as I push him out and close the cemented wall back in place. The tiniest crack remaining that even proves there exists an exit here.
      I crawl back and run to my room, stripping and hiding my filthy clothes as I shower the muck off me. I'm just stepping out when I hear Taehyung raging in the bedroom. This is it. Oh god. I stare down at my heavy stomach, terrified and sickened by what I'm planning on doing.
It must be done.

As soon as I gain the confidence to enter the room, Taehyung glowers at me—flashing to my side. I cry out as he grabs me by the hair and drags me to the bed, throwing me effortlessly on it.
"How fucking dare you, you little hybrid slut! Do you have any idea what the fuck you're playing at, huh?" He growls, backhanding me across the face so hard I fall backwards off the bed, landing hard and biting my tongue.
Blood oozes down my face as he paces across the room, muttering to himself. I shakily climb to my knees as his glowing eyes zone back in on me.
He smiles wickedly. "Cute effort, love, but do you really think this is the end all? You just saved me from dirtying up my hands. They will have theirs eventually. I have you, pet. You will replace all those halfbreeds you've lost me." He commands, jerking me back up on the bed, choking me. His grip tightens by the second until I can't breathe.
I claw at his wrists to no avail. He curses me as he continues to land blow after blow on my tired body. All of this expected.
I go limp, allowing him to do as he wishes. Eventually he stops, moving away.
Thinking I've passed out.
I wait...trying to catch my breath without making it obvious.
He turns his back.
Forcing my exhausted and sore body to move at record speed, I get up and lunge for him, pulling out the dagger I've managed to keep hidden and plunge it into his back.
He stumbles, taking me down to the floor with him and wrestling the dagger from my tired clenched fingers. Laughing and coughing blood, he shoves me off him and climbs to his feet, scowling at the blood stains on his suit.
Only the slight pain in his eyes prove I even pierced him. He reaches for some rope and I know if I allow him to tie me up—it's all over.
Thinking on my feet, I tremble as I grip the dagger he's discarded from his body, still dripping blood.
I meet his eyes as I drive the blade into my stomach without pause, tears pouring from my eyes as I gasp for air, twisting it deeper and deeper making sure I won't be able to conceive after this if I manage to survive.
I internally mourn my baby, horrified at my only option. Taehyung can't have his way. I'll sacrifice myself and my child for the greater good.
I collapse to my knees as he screams in rage, flying to me and ripping the blade from my body. He yells and screams, hitting me over and over again as his temper flares out of control.
I groan and whimper, feeling my body giving out as he finally lets up on his assault.
My fingers twitch as I reach under the bed for the tiny container of gas and a match. I blearily watch as Tae stalks into the bathroom to clean himself up and I hear the shower turn on. Always needing to have control...
Cringing in agony, I drag my broken body towards the bathroom and pour the gas all over the door, lighting the match and setting it ablaze, pulling it shut so he can't get out.
My heart aches. I suppose Taehyung is right. No matter what I do—he will drag me to hell with him. No way will he go alone.
I collapse beside the bed, soaked in gas and blood as Taehyung releases a howl of rage and splinters the bathroom door apart, reaching for me through the fire.
I close my eyes and don't fight it as he latches onto my ankle and drags me through the fire into the bathroom with him.
I'm too far gone to feel the heat and flames as he wraps me in his arms, smoke blinding me.
He collapses into the shower with me in his arms and as I close my eyes for the last time...I hear him release a quiet cry.
His arms clench around me. His lips kiss my neck. I barely feel it—sure he's broken my spine. I'm numb. I know the flames are licking at our flesh but yet...nothing.
      "P-please..." I whisper through cracked dry lips. The taste of blood the only thing I can focus on.
       Growling, he bites down hard on my throat making me cry out in pain. He digs his fangs deep, deep into my skin. I whimper and feel myself give into it. Sinking deeper into my mate's hot embrace. He tilts my head and kisses me with a passion that could rival the fire surrounding us.
It's over.
      I know. He knows it.
I've won, I guess. I actually outsmarted the smartest and strongest halfbreed on the planet. Ensuring the safety of my baby brother and family. They will be okay. Hoseok will survive. They'll be able to have another baby if they wish.
      I smile through the kiss.
      I'm content. Knew it would always end this way for us. There was no other way for us to go but down. I pray the fire will burn this entire place to the ground, killing all the monsters inside.
      Namjoon will take care of the others. I drag my charred hand over my flat bloody stomach and ache with the loss of never getting to see my own child.
For the best.
      Taehyung would have made it a monster, too. I couldn't live with that. Never.
       Taehyung's lips find my ear. "Kitten...I'm proud...of you." 
       A single tear slides down my cheek, being evaporated in the heat.
       "I hate you."
      "As I love you."

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