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I drum my fingers lazily on the bar top as my new friend, the bartender, serves me a healthy serving of juice. He refuses to allow me to drink actual alcohol which makes me repeatedly bitch about his weird morals as a vampire.
Whatever. His name isn't actually 'the bartender' but that's what I've dubbed him because he likes it. Says it makes him seem mysterious and much cooler than he feels. Quite laid back for a vampire.
"Where's your master?" He asks, raising a brow suspiciously while cleaning out a glass.
I give him a huge bunny like smile and drink from my glass. "Work probably."
"Mhm hm and that other little hybrid that follows you around all the time? The cute kitten? Why isn't he here?"
I shrug. Jimin and I have been...awkward to say the least. I really like him. So much. But I also really like master Yoongi. So much. But so does Jimin. It's confusing. I want Jimin to myself but I also want Yoongi. I like when we are all together but at the same time...I hate when their attentions stray towards one another and away from me.
I need a break from it all. Hence, I found the bartender. He loves to listen to me whine all the time. The essence of a true friend. A kindred spirit.
"Jungkook-Ah. Are you allowed to be down here?"
I shrug once more, giving him a little flirtatious wink. Why not? No one else wants to pay attention to me anyway. I'm like a ghost here lately. A shadow.
"I'm so bored. Don't you do anything besides stand behind that bar all day?" I ask.
He smiles, fangs flashing in the light. "Of course. I don't live here, ya know. There are other bartenders, you just happen to always catch me for some reason."
I snort. "You make that sound like a bad thing. I thought we were friends." Pouting.
He eyes me. "Your master would have my throat ripped out of he knew we were 'friends'. He doesn't like to share, besides I have a mate." He winks.
I frown. "You do? Male or female?" Not that it matters.
"Male. Very high standing male at that. Not to the standards of the Kim family, of course, but still very royal." He explains.
"Is he handsome?"
He rolls his eyes. "Yes. All vampires are."
"Do you think hybrids are beautiful?" I have no idea why I asked that.
He tilts his head, studying me. "Yes. Yes, I do. I realize it's quite taboo to think so but it's the truth."
I smile widely at this. "Thanks. I think you're beautiful, too, Shownu."
He scoffs. "Well yes. Most others are blinded by a vampire's beauty. Your answer doesn't surprise me."
"Can't you pretend to be flattered? For me?" I whine, resting my head on the bar top.
He sighs and I realize he's closing up. "Let's get you back to your master before he comes looking and finds you with me. He won't be happy and I don't want to lose a few digits today." He grabs my arm and pulls me out of the bar.
Together we walk back to Yoongi's suit and he knocks on the door. Before I can utter a word, the door swings open to a very irritated looking Yoongi and a frightened Jimin sitting on the bed.
"Where the hell have you been? I've just about sent a search party for you." He groans, pulling me into the room and scowling at my new friend. "What's going on, Shownu?"
     He winces. "He wouldn't leave. Thought you'd miss him. A gift." He shrugs and quickly disappears. I pout as he rounds the corner. Probably going to be avoiding me for awhile.
     "Jungkook. Why weren't you here when I got back? Jimin told me that you left him alone hours ago."
     I sigh and sit down beside Jimin who grabs my hand and squeezes.
     "Answer me! Why were you with Shownu?"
     I look up at Yoongi. A little intimidated by his anger. I honestly didn't think he'd get so mad with me gone. I lower my head. "I'm sorry."
     He tilts my head back up to meet his gaze. "Why are you sorry? Be specific." 
    Tears spear my eyes. "I'm s-sorry for going off and leaving Jimin alone and worrying master."
      "You have to realize that there are vampires in this compound that will hurt you if they find you wandering alone. Not everyone accepts you here." He explains.
     I hadn't thought of that. Luckily Shownu isn't like that.  "I'm sorry."
     "Jimin was sobbing when I came back. He was worried sick about you."
     I glance over to see the kitten sniffling, nodding to me. "I was scared, Kookie."
     "I didn't mean to scare you, Minie. I j-just wanted to explore." I mumble lamely. I don't want to say the real reason I left.
     Yoongi huffs. "Don't do it again. I think you deserve a punishment for this stunt, little pet."
     I bow my head. I guess he's right. "Yes master."
      He glares at me for a long time before motioning towards the bathroom. "Go wash up. You smell like the fucking bartender. When you get out of the shower, come straight to the bed and don't move, understand?"
     I nod, a little scared at the look in his eye.
     He looks over at Jimin. "You can help me punish him since he scared and hurt you feeling, kitten."
     His eyes widen in surprise and he glances at me in concern. I nod, letting him know it's okay.
     "Yes master." He whispers, his tail swishing anxiously around him.
     As I walk into the bathroom and start the shower, I ponder whether I'm actually going to like this punishment or hate it. I'm praying for the former.

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