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     I close my eyes as blood gushes out across my face. The stench of death reeking the large room, once pristine now covered in gore. Body parts littered everywhere while dark red paints over the once white and gold walls.
       I smile.
       Whistling a little tune, I roll my eyes and stalk towards the fumbling vampire trying to drawl his gun. Ridiculous. What kind of respectable vampire of any social standing defends himself with a gun over the rush of fangs and brute strength?
       Unless it's the only way to protect your mate or someone else, it's despicable. Laughable. The vampire bares his broken fangs at me and fires the gun. I grunt as it hits me in the shoulder. Fuck, that stings.
       Growling, I lift the stupid idiot up by his throat and choke him. He kicks in vain at the air, struggling as I slowly cut off his oxygen—
       Two gunshots blast the fucker's head off and I wince as blood and brain matter cover my face and chest. Glaring across the room, I drop the headless vampire and aim my own gun at the stupid cock blocker.
       "You were taking too long." Taehyung says casually as he lazily swaggers towards me. I lower my gun just a bit and fire it into his thigh. He grunts and doubles over in pain. "What the fuck was that for?!" He hisses, baring his bloody fangs.
        "You had your kills. How dare you take mine from me?" I aim to fire again but he raises his hands in surrender.
       "Next time you can take one of mine, deal?" He huffs, limping over to my side the shredding the dead vampire's shirt and using it as a tourniquet for his thigh.
        "Fine. We've dealt with all the vampires working right outside of the councils' facility. We still have the guards to go through and, of course, the council themselves."
        He smiles manically. "It should be easy enough."
        I roll my eyes. "You're a bloody fool. This is a suicide mission. Of course I'm happy to hand you over to save my own ass. I have an empire to run and a mate to return to." I smile cruelly.
         His smile never wavers. "I also have a mate and big plans. I'm not dying today, brother."
        I nod my head in assent. "Neither am I but I don't trust you."
        He laughs mockingly. "Then you are smart." He cocks his gun and nods towards the door. "Shall we?"
        Sighing at the destruction of my nicest and favorite lucky suit, I follow. I'll have to replace it when this is over.

       A loud alarm gives us pause as we race down the halls in blinding speed, the sound of pursuit hot on our heels as we run towards the exit.
        Shit shit shit! We were almost in the clear. Taehyung manages to bust through the exit door mere seconds before me and we both find ourselves in a surprising freefall off a steep cliff down into the ocean. Did not expect that.
        I lose my gun on impact of the icy water, sinking deeper and deeper, something snagging my clothing and skin as I fight to swim back towards the surface. I manage to make it after a few minutes, thankful for the fact vampires can hold their breathes for a very long time.
       I'd be dead otherwise.
       I tread water, searching for Taehyung. The idiot. He's way too loud and reckless. I spot a flailing figure a few hundred feet away and immediately swim towards his side. His face is covered in blood and his arm is obviously broken hence his struggles to swim.
        He must have hit the rocks.
       Groaning and cursing, I pull him towards me and together we swim towards the beach.
       It takes twenty minutes for our feet to reach land. I drop the dumbass to fend for himself as I swiftly remove my soaking wet clothes and open the waterproof bag I managed to keep on my person during the fall and swim.
       Tae gags up water and flops lazily on the sand as I pull out dry clothing for us. I just knew I'd need that extra pair of clothes....
        I throw him a Saint Laurent sweater and a pair of black slacks to which he sneers upon. "Seriously?"
        I ignore him, tugging my own slacks and black silk Gucci shirt into place.
      He stands up defiantly.  "Uh, I believe that is mine." He points at the shirt.
      I glance down in disbelief. "Uh, I believe I know my own wardrobe."
       He chucks the expensive soft sweater back at me. "Give me your shirt. I'd die before wearing something as tacky as Saint Laurent."
        I shrug. "I guess you can die then. Be lucky I brought you anything, asshole."
       He growls. "I want the shirt!"
        "Fuck You! Take the damn sweater or go naked for all I care. I have things to do!"
      He launches a hand full of sand at me. "You got that in my mouth you small ass dick!"
      "Don't talk shit about my dick, fucker!"
        "I'm your hyung! Respect me!"
       "Eat shit!"
        I scowl at the sky for a long moment trying to calm down. This is pointless and we're wasting time. Why argue with an imbecile. "I'm leaving."
       Slinging my bag over my shoulders, I stalk away from him still spitting out sand. He catches up quickly, grumbling as he tugs on the offending sweater. I look away and smirk. Ha.
        "When we get where we're going you better buy me new Gucci. You know that's my shit and I wear nothing else." He sniffs. 
        I give him a sidelong glance. "I'll buy you new Gucci when you stop acting like a fucking brat. You're a high ranking vampire for god's sake! You act like a two year old!"
        He sticks his tongue out at me.
        "Nice. And you actually think you can take my place in charge of a vampire mafia empire? Or even take the council! You're delusion."
         He sniffs. "I can do it all. Just watch and see, hyung."

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