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    "This is the list of chores and rules you will follow everyday." I hand the small hybrid a paper full of tasks for him to complete every morning before his free time.
     I'm not a slave driver despite what others say about me but I do like order and since I've been kind enough to take him in, he will work. Just instead of money, he'll work for food and board.
     His eyes widen as he takes in the long list. "How long do I have to complete this?" His voice trembles.
    I smile. "You will be up every morning by six and have everything done by the time I leave for my work at ten." I instruct.
He frowns but doesn't dispute. His ears press low on his head, though. I can sense his distress. "Problem?"
He chews on his bottom lip. "A-are some of these things stuff I can even do?" He asks quietly.
"What do you mean? Speak up."
"Well...I'm to be freshly showered as soon as I wake, I must clean both our rooms spotless, run the bath or shower for you, help you dress, make you breakfast, communicate your needs to all the other maids and servants, prepare your things for your work..." He pauses, flushing bright red as he reads down the list. "W-what does it mean that I have to feed you? You want two breakfasts?"
     I smirk. "You will feed me your blood."
    He pales, clutching his throat. "B-but why? You think I'm disgusting right? Wouldn't it be degrading for you to take my blood? Don't you have humans for that?!" He panics.
     I chuckles gripping his chin and tilting his head this way and that. "I've been thinking about it and it really makes no sense to hire a personal servant and a separate blood source. Most times, a personal servant or submissive provides both. This is much easier." I study him, amused. "You're blood isn't too bad."
     Swallowing hard, he pulls away. "I d-don't want to."
    "I'm sorry...I don't remember giving a fuck what you want or don't want to do. You're mine, sweets. I own you. If I want your blood, I'll take it. It makes the most sense. I much prefer the simplier ways of life."
     He looks ill. "P-please. I will do anything. Anything else. I d-don't want this, please don't make me." He begs.
Something about his soft pleading voice calls to my more sadist vampire nature and I lick my lips, teasingly baring my fangs.
     I eye his throat. The bite mark merely a fading bruise at this point. I touch it with one finger making him shiver. "Does it hurt so much? Is it agonizing?"
      He hesitantly shakes his head. "W-well no..."
     "Then what's the problem? It's not like I'm forcing you to give me your body. Just a little blood and servitude. There are worse masters out there, wolf. I think I'm being very generous." I narrow my eyes.
     His eyes widen before he nods. "Y-you're right. I'm sorry." He bows. "I'll do everything you ask."
      "Of course you will. Besides, I'll let you in on a little secret." I lean in to whisper in his ear. "Everyone thinks I'm the one they should worry about but in truth it's Taehyung who's truly cruel and sadistic. Be happy he isn't your master. I feel for his little hybrid. Despite my feelings on the subject, Taehyung is a kind of his own. I would not send anyone his way."
     He frowns, concerned. "Will Jin be okay?"
     I snort. "His little kitten? Hard to tell. I guess it depends on how well he is at taking directions. Taehyung is a known exhibitionist and control freak. I would hope that he'd keep his discretion but he does as he wishes." I roll my eyes. "He gives vampires a bad name. I'd kick him out if he weren't my blood."
     He blinks, taking in this new information. "Thank you...for treating me well. I know you hate me. You could have tossed me out or had me disposed of but you chose to accept me. I'm very grateful." He bows again.
     Chuckling, I sit in my favorite arm chair and cross my legs at the knee, gazing at him. I check the time. I'm running late. It's also been days since I've fed, the hybrid being the last meal I've had when drunk.
     "Being so grateful, I'd like you to show it now. I'm thirsty." I say.
     He nods slowly. Eyeing me. "H-how do I do this?" His voice is barely a whisper.
     Hiding a smile, I nod towards the floor. "Kneel."
     He immediately kneels at my feet, his head low. I reach down to tilt his head up, holding his chin. His skin is smooth and flawless. Beautiful, really. I can admit that.
     "You aren't so bad." I mutter to myself. He blushes, avoiding my searching gaze. Hunger fuels me as I push down his collar, running my finger down his jugular. His pulse is fast, racing.
     I move him to the side of my chair for easier access. "Don't move your head. Show me your throat." I demand.
      He shudders and does so. I can see the struggle in his eyes, though. I understand, being a wolf hybrid, it must be very difficult for him to do this. Baring one's throat as a wolf is degrading. But of course we both know who's more superior here.
     I waste no more time and strike, sinking my teeth deep into his throat and greedily sucking his lifeblood into my mouth.
    Power and energy surge through me. Uncontrollable lust shoots through my body as he cries out, his hand clutching my arm as I take from him. I keep in tight control, though. I may indulge in his blood as necessity but I will not soil my body to claim a hybrid. There is a limit.
     His cries of pain soon turn to unintentional moans of pleasure and he unconsciously moves closer to me, tilting his head back even further, his nails digging into my arm.
     As soon as I feel sated, I pull away and lick the wound clean, sealing it. He stumbles to his feet and wraps his arms around himself, panting as if he'd just run a marathon.
     Smirking, I lick my fingers as his dilated eyes watch me, a look of dark yet somehow still innocent need in his wide eyes. Just beautiful.
     "That should suffice. Continue your chores. Once you're done, you may have free time to socialize with your hybrid...friends." I wrinkle my nose and stand, straightening my suit.
     He nods, still dazed as he moves towards the bathroom. My lips twitch as my eyes catch the visible bulge in his pants. I'm sure that's going over well in his mind.
     I frown, noticing a stain of red on my pristine white and gold cuff link only to realize it's not from him but my own blood. From his nails. Ordinarily no one draws my blood and lives another day but...just this once...I'll let it pass.

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