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I flinch awake as the warm sheets are tugged from my body. Blinking into the dark, a chill slides down my spine as Yoongi stumbles onto the bed.
Groaning softly, he falls on top of my chest, burying his face in my neck, his shape fangs digging into my flesh.
"Y-Yoongi? What are you doing? Are you okay?" I whisper, my hands hesitantly grabbing onto his shoulders and trying to push him off.
I'm trapped under his weight and can hardly breath. He smells of a metallic twinge like blood and something sweet.
I attempt to wiggle out from under his body but he only moans and grabs hold of my hips. "You smell so good." He sighs, licking at my throat.
I freeze, my eyes widening as his tongue laps at my skin. My chest begins heaving in fear. "D-don't..." I squeeze my eyes closed as he sucks on the spot just over my racing pulse point. I pant as my body reacts to his simple ministrations.
"I'm thirsty..." he groans, nicking his fangs against my throat. A single drop of blood wells up and flows down to my collarbone. I'm nearly hyperventilating as he licks it up, groaning darkly.
"Fuck. I've never tasted something so sweet." He gasps. I tremble as he grabs hold of my collar and tears my shirt hard, exposing my chest and neck fully. His blue eyes glowing in the blackness around us.
"Yoongi! M-master....please...stop.." my words fall on deaf ears as he growls loudly, slurring, and bites down hard on my throat, latching on.
I scream.
    Oh the pain. Feels like I'm being lit on fire before it changes to a slow burn. I choke on a moan as he takes thick lulling pulls of my blood. Somehow it begins to feel...soothing and almost...euphoric?
My belly tingles and I find my nails digging into his shoulders of their own volition. "Ahh..." Closing my eyes, I feel my body heating up. I've never felt anything like this before.
Not even my old master touched me or kissed me. He thought I was cute and wanted to give me protection for doing housework. He never ever touched me, though. To him I was too young, too innocent.
     My breath catches as he finally stops, pulling back and licking the wound clean. His eyes are soft and drowsy as he takes in my wide eyed and nervous expression.
      "So pretty, my little pup. You taste so good. Pure." He sighs, rolling away from me. I sit up and glance down to see him already almost asleep. I feel my neck, sticky with his saliva and a little dried blood.
     Biting my lip, I tip toe to the bathroom and close myself inside. Staring at my reflection, I tilt my head to look at the bright red bite mark decorating my pale skin.
     Wrapping my arms around myself, I try to breath evenly and calm down. My body is being weird. My legs feel funny and my stomach is fluttering.
     Sweat covers my back and forehead. I really don't know how to feel about this. Obviously he was under the influence but...what if he does it again? What if he decides to start taking my blood regularly?
     The worst part is...I don't think I'd mind so much. And that scares me more than Yoongi.

    Pausing, I look up to see Hoseok smiling softly at me. Jin close behind.
    "So...we all survived." Hoseok chuckles.
     Jin scowls. "Easy for you to say. I wish he would just kill me." He huffs. Looking embarrassed for some reason.
     "Why?" I ask.
     He flushes. "I don't want to talk about it."
     Nodding, I turn towards the kitchen where I was heading to get some food. They both gasp so I whip my head back around to see the problem.
    "Did he bite you?!" Hoseok frowns.
    I slap a hand over my throat, wide eyed. "What?"
    Rolling his eyes, Hoseok bares his neck at me and I choke. He was bitten also. Bitten... "Kim Namjoon...the most notorious loather of hybrids...bit you? Oh my god!" I gasp.
     Jin looks shaken as well. "I thought he believed hybrids were disgusting creatures. How could he drink your blood?"
     He shrugs. "He was drunk. I'm really hoping he doesn't remember it."
    "How can you hide that from your master, though?"
    He pauses, looking a little worried. "I'll just keep my head low and wear high collars."
    I eye him skeptically but let it go. "Are we going to go check on Jimin after breakfast?" I really like the little cat. He's adorable. I want to see him again.
     Jin's eyes light up. "Yes. Hopefully he'll be awake this time."
     We all head into the kitchen where the maids prepare our meals. We've learned that personal servants and vampires' submissives are higher tier than maids and butlers and are therefore treated with the same respect as their masters. The only perks, I guess.
     Lucky, the Kims and Yoongi are busy working to acknowledge us right now.
     After breakfast, we head to the clinic and embarrassingly walk in on the medic, Jackson, feeding from his boyfriend again. Apparently they don't have private rooms around here. Smh.
     Jimin is awake and smiling happily, throwing his arms around his hyung as we all file around him. His eyes fall on wme and he blushes, waving.
     I step up, grabbing his hand. "I'm really glad you're okay, Jiminie." I whisper.
     He squeezes my hand, our eyes glued together. "T-thank you....Kookie." His voice is soft and cute. Just like him. I rub his cute little ears and he purrs.
     "Do you guys need a moment?" Hoseok laughs.
     Flushing, I step back. Embarrassed but still aiming a smile at the kitten. He ducks his head shyly. Jin studies us for a moment.
     "Oh my god! Don't tell me you two..." He shakes his head. "Normally...I wouldn't care to butt into your personal life, Jiminie, but you both know that you can't have a relationship here." He sighs.
    My shoulders slump. He's right, though. Although it isn't unheard of for hybrids to sometimes get together...I have a master now. A vampire master. I can't be disloyal to him. Then again it's not like my master what's me romantically. I'm just a servant to him.
     Jimin's bottom lip trembles as he nods. "But I don't have a master, Jinnie." He blinks.
     I move to his side and he rubs his face and head over my chest. It's like we had an instant bond or something. Both of us feeling a connection though this is only our second time meeting in the span of a couple days.
     "It's okay, Jiminie. I will still come check on you everyday, okay? We can...become friends?" I ask a little shyly.
     His beautiful peachy eyes light up. "I'd like that."
      Jin groans. "This is going to be a disaster."
    Hoseok just smirks. "A wolf hybrid with a vampire master falling for a little kitten." He laughs. "What a triangle."
     I huff, holding Jimin's hand firmly in mine. I will do my best to protect this kitten. He needs someone. I just have to try to appease Yoongi so he'll give me the freedom I need.
     This can totally work.

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