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I'm nervous as I walk briskly down the long corridor to Jin and Taehyung's room. A few scary looking vampire guards stroll pass me, ignoring me. That's something at least.
Sighing, I turn the corner and smile when I see Jin in his bedroom. My smile drops just as fast, however, when I see Taehyung slap him across the face knocking him to the ground.
I stop in my tracks. Shocked. Horrified. Their voices are raised. Taehyung angry while Jin seems to be pleading about something. Taehyung jerks him to his feet and tosses hims effortlessly on the bed.
Swallowing hard, I try to ignore the nausea forming in my stomach as Taehyung begins ripping at Jin's robe, stripping him roughly and attacking him. The door wide open for all to see the abuse.
I'm sick. There is no way that can be constituted as mating...no, that's purely rape. I wince, tears filling my eyes, as loud cries and shouts fill the hall. Jin's voice echoing out of the room. Taehyung silences him.
I turn away, scared and ashamed. I don't want to see. Is this...is this what Yoongi was trying to explain to me about their relationship? He knew Taehyung was doing this and doesn't do anything?! That's my hyung!
I cower in the corner, under an alcove begging it to stop. Finally when it does, Taehyung strifes dutifully down the hall and out of sight.
Gulping, I crawl from under the alcove and run to Jin's side. He's passed out on the bed. Blood dripping from his throat and wrists.
For god sakes he's pregnant! How can Taehyung do this to him while he's carrying his own child?!
I hesitantly shake his shoulder, afraid to hurt him more. He stirs, flinching from my touch. The nausea returns. "Jin..."
His eyes flicker open weakly and he smiles up at me, his teeth bloody. My breath hitches. "J-Jiminie...you came to see me?" He asks weakly.
I drop to my knees in a sob and hug him tightly. "I'm s-so sorry. Why didn't you tell me?" I cry, breaking completely at how resigned he seems. Given up.
Slowly he sighs and sits up, wincing as he pulls his torn robe back around his shoulders. "I'm sorry you had to see that. He never remembers to close the door." He whispers.
God, this happens to frequently that it doesn't even seem to faze him what he just went through! "We have to get you out of here...away from...from..."
"From me?"
I whirl around in fright to see Taehyung smirking by the door, arms crossed lazily over his chest. He tsks. "Kitten, you should wait to be invited. We're having a private adult conversation." He grins.
I clench my fist in rage but Jin grasp it, subtly shaking his head at me. "Minie, go back to Yoongi. I will visit you soon, okay?" His voice is far too calm. Eerily calm. His gaze focused solely on his arrogant, intimidating mate.
Taehyung chuckles. "Nonsense. The kitten obviously has something important to discuss. Might as well say it aloud to the class, hm?"
Jin pales, fear flashing in his eyes. I glance between them, unsure what's going on. Taehyung just keeps the same amused smirk on his face. A silent conversation.
"Jimin...go. Please." Jin whispers, pushing me a little towards the door.
I swallow hard as Taehyung's eye seems to twitch. I slowly begin to move past him. Jin doesn't move from the bed and I feel tension like no other as go to pass Taehyung. The whole time I expect him to grab and hurt me but he simply moves to the side for me to go.
As soon as I'm out in the hall, the door slams hard behind me and I freeze. Terrified for my hyung. I close my eyes and try to listen to what's being said but all I hear is muffled shouts and arguing.
I feel like I just dodged a bullet. Unfortunately, that same bullet has seemed to lodge its way into straight into Jin.

I'm an anxious wreck the whole sprint back to my room. I want to leave this place. I can't give my son to that psychopath. I just can't.
As soon as I see Yoongi, I collapse in his arms. He holds me tightly in concern. Jungkook frowns at me from the bed, holding both Koya and Yoon-Jae.
"What's wrong?"
I can hardly breath to speak through my tears. "T-Taehyung...h-he really hurt Jin. T-thought he was going t-to hurt me, too."
Yoongi pulls back, frowning. "Are you okay, baby?"
      I nod jerkily. "B-But Jin—"
      He sighs. "There's nothing we can do. We've given him chances to get away from him but he just won't leave his side. You can't just force it, Minie."
      I scoff. "He raped him! Right in front of me and everybody! The door was wide open!" I scream.
      They both still, looking away from me. A creak comes from behind me and I whirl around to see Jin stepping into the room. Using the wall for support to stand.
       I rush to his side. "Hyung."
      He gives me a little smile. "Sorry about that. We can talk now. Taehyung is busy in a meeting." He explains.
      I pull him to the bed and help him sit comfortably, Jungkook holding the boys to give him space. "W-What—"
      He grasps my hands tightly. "I want you to get out of here, Jimin. Taehyung is...he's losing whatever sane mind he had. His plans..." he shakes his head. "I don't think I can stop him."
      Yoongi frowns. "What is he doing?"
      Jin looks away, fidgeting. "I'm not sure of all the details but I know if you stay...you won't survive."
      We all sober. "I'm not leaving without you." I say stubbornly.
      He smiles, caressing my cheek. "I have to stay here, Minie. I'm the only thing that can keep him distracted for any kind of escape for you."
       "No! I'm done with leaving you behind to suffer for me and us! You're not staying with him!" I demand, grasping his wrist hard.
       Yoongi and Jungkook share a look. "Do you have a time or place in mind for this, Jin?"
       He looks at Yoongi. "Yes. Tomorrow night. We're having a ceremony to celebrate the coming birth of our baby. We'll be distracted the whole night. Taehyung is building up his connections." He explains.
       I feel my heart break. "I'm not leaving you."
      "You have to. For Koya, Jimin. You want to keep him safe, right?"
       "That's not fair."
      He sighs, kissing my cheek. "Life isn't fair, you know."

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