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     "You can rest today. The chores can wait until tomorrow." I say, handing the waiting maid my bags. 
      Hoseok nods slowly, biting his lip. Watching me.
I smile. He's too easy. "I'm sure your little friends would like to see you. You can go. I have work to do anyway."
     He nods and begins to walk towards the door but I stop him by clearing my throat. "Don't you want to change first?" I ask, eyeing the expensive suit I gave him to wear. Not for lounging.
      "Oh. Sorry. Yes, master." He dodges quickly into his little bedroom to find some clothes. I slowly trail after and lean against the door, watching as he begins to change. He pauses, though, eyeing me nervously.
I cross my arms, smirking. "Go on."
Blushing. He continues removing the nice suit I generously bought for him, folding each article of clothing up and sitting them on his bed carefully. Standing in only his black stylish boxer briefs, I admire his slim shape.
"I've always wondered why some of you hybrids have tails and ears while others do not? Care to enlighten me?"
He looks surprised by my interest. "I'm n-not sure, sir. I think it has something to do with our biology being closer to that of h-humans. Feline hybrids are more animalistic by nature while wolf hybrids like Jungkook and I use more of our humanized idiology."
I tilt my head in surprise. He's very articulate for a hybrid from the wild. "Hm. Interesting." I move into the room and slowly crowd him against the wall. He chews on his bottom lip, eyes downcast as I lift my hand to caress his cheek. "I've been very pleased with you these last few days."
He shivers under my touch making me smile. "T-thank you, master."
"Mhm. If I'm feeling generous, perhaps I'll reward you as you wish tonight. I'll be back late. Be waiting in my bed, wolf."
He shudders, nodding.
Turning on my heel, I leave him to his imaginings and call Yoongi. He greets me snarkily as always but agrees to meet me in my office.
I frown the moment I step inside. The room reeks with pheromones and cum. Growling, I stalk to my desk to find my important papers strewn onto the floor and the few left on the desk streaked with obvious cum.
Pinching the bridge of my nose with my fingers, I curse my younger brother. This has him written all over it.
The bastard.
I kick my chair hard just as Yoongi walks in, also pausing as he catches the airing scents in the room.
A smirk crosses his mouth. "Looks like someone had a time while you were away."
"Who let him in here?" I demand. Paging a maid to come in and clean the fucking mess.
He shrugs. "Does anyone need to let the cunning asshole in? I'm pretty sure he manages well on his own." He plops down on the chair opposite me and rests his feet on my desk.
"What have you been doing? You were supposed to be babysitting him!"
He scoffs. "Me? I don't get paid nearly enough. I had my own concerns as well."
Rolling my eyes, I retrieve my chair and sit down. Eyeing the stains on the floor as well. "That kitten of his must be going through something awful as of late." I mutter.
Yoongi laughs. "Yes well...I think he's growing under Tae's spell. Poor thing refuses to leave his side for a second. My little ones are very upset over it."
I look at him disgust. "You harbor way too much affection for them. It's not natural, Yoongi."
He shrugs, unbothered. "Perhaps you should give in to your own affections. Don't insult me by denying it. It's obvious you're turning soft for him."
I scoff. "How so? I make mine do actual work unlike you who lets them lounge lazily all day doing nothing! I can even imagine Taehyung is doing more to make his hybrid suffer compared to you."
He raises a brow. "So I don't torture or work them to death. I cherish the few things that are mine which you, of all people, know are few in his world. Why would I intentionally cause them harm?"
I huff, ignoring the maid as she finally comes in and begins cleaning the room. I motion for Yoongi to leave with me.
     My hands clench into fists as we intercept Taehyung and his little...slave? Submissive? What the fuck ever he is...
     "You son of a bitch." I growl, slamming him into the wall.
     He smiles widely. "Good morning to you to, hyung. What's the special treatment for?"
     I shake him. "Clean your fucking messes up and stay the fuck out of my office."
      He smirks making me even more furious. "Chill. A slip of the memory. Won't happen again." He slips out of my grasp and winks at us. "Going out for the night? Who's the victims this time? Can I tag along?"
      I scoff. "After last time you aren't coming near another deal. You don't think, Taehyung. You're a liability." I spit.
      He only grins wider. He's such a freak. "Alright then. I hope this deal goes much smoother than the last." He bows in an overly exaggerated way. "I have plans anyway."
     I glare at his retreating figure, noticing his little kitten limping behind him. I shake my head. Actually pitying the thing. And I'm the cruel one...what a joke.

     Without Taehyung fucking things up, the new deal goes through smoothly as well as a new arrangement for human blood shipments we've desperately needed. All in part thanks to Yoongi. Faithful as ever.
Unfortunately the negotiations take more time than I've anticipated so by the time I get back, my diligent little wolf is lying asleep on my bed. Wearing nothing but one of my black silk dress shirts.
For some reason the thought of him taking my clothes without asking...doesn't bother me so much. Strange.

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