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I wipe blood from my hands with a grimace. Namjoon grunts in annoyance as he blows the head off our rogue supplier.
What started as a simple transaction quickly changed into a blood bath. Stupid dumbass really thought we wouldn't notice him skimming? Fucking bitch. Taking out all 50 humans was rather simple and pretty satisfying to be honest, though.
Namjoon tucks his gun back into his belt and kicks the now headless body to the side. Taehyung finishes ripping out the throat of his victim before grinning, grabbing a random shirt and using it to wipe his mouth.
"What a snack." He teases.
Namjoon glares at him. "I blame this on you."
"What the fuck did I do? I wasn't even supposed to be here?" He scoffs.
I cross my arms and eye my ruined shirt. My favorite one, of course. "You just had to run your mouth, hm?"
He chuckles, licking his fingers clean. "What? I was just making conversation. Can't I make friends?"
Namjoon smacks him upside the head hard. "I'm never taking you to another meeting. You're bad luck." He grumbles.
Tae simply winks and glides out of the warehouse without a care. I bring my gaze back to my pissed off friend. "I'll take care of this." I nod towards the body parts splayed everywhere.
"We need a new human supplier now." He holds the bridge of his nose, obviously annoyed.
I clap his shoulder. "I'm on it. There's always more where they come from. I'll get with my source later and let you know something by morning." I reassure.
He nods, taking a deep calming breath. "I swear you're the only one I can trust around this fucking place, Yoongi."
I smile. "Til the end, bud."
He rolls his eyes. "Well I suppose I'll need someone to keep me company when I end up slaughtering my stupid brother."
I laugh. "I have a feeling we should never underestimate Kim Taehyung."
He frowns. "Yes. He's becoming more and more worrisome."
"That's what siblings are for, Joon."
"You ready?"
I glance around. "I'll stay and deal with this. I'll be back later. So..." I pause, smirking.
He looks back at me wearily. "What?"
"That hybrid of yours..."
"What the fuck about him?"
"I notice he's sporting a nice big bite on his neck. Wouldn't happen to know anything about that, hm?" I tease.
He stiffens, his mind working. "I have no idea what you're implying."
I snicker. "Didn't think so. Just thought I'd bring it up." I wink.
He stalks out of the warehouse, slamming the door behind him. I groan at the sorry sight before me. I grab for the blow torch and a bucket of acid. Deciding to have some fun while I'm stuck cleaning. I'd much rather be playing with my new hybrids, though.

A few hours later, I finally arrive back to the compound. I'm forced to stop at the doors and strip outside so I don't drag blood and guts onto the fancy rugs. Prudes.
Rolling my eyes, I chuck the clothes in the bushes and walk through the doors naked. First things first, a shower.
Afterwards, I decide its time to find my little pup. He isn't in his or my room so I wander around the house. Stopping outside the clinic, I glance inside to see Jungkook asleep right beside the cot holding my other possession.
My eyes widen at the sight of the little kitten. He's gorgeous. So cute and innocent looking. His ears are peachy above his pretty blonde hair. His long tail is wrapped around Jungkook's arm.
I step inside and be careful not to wake the adorable pair. I stand above staring at them for far too long.
"Are these yours?"
I glance behind me to see Jackson grinning down at the hybrids.
"You can take them both now if you want. The kitten is well enough now but you must make sure he drinks and eats plenty as well as rest for the next couple days. He's nearly fully healed."
I nod. "Cute, aren't they?"
He smirks. "I think you'll have your hands full. You know they like each other, right?"
I furrow my brow. "Really." I appraise the kitten's tail around Jungkook in a new light. "Are they in a relationship?"
He snorts. "Hardly. Both seem to shy to even suggest it. I see a lot, though. They seem to forget I'm here. They both want more from the other."
Interesting. "Glad for the info."
He checks his watch. "I have to go. Mark is waiting for me." He smiles and grabs his bag.
"Do I need to get anything here for the kitten? Oh, and his name?"
"No, he should be okay. Jimin, I think."
Jungkook. Jimin. Adorable. My smile grows as Jackson walks out, leaving me alone with my beautiful little hybrids.
First love. How cute. I can't wait to corrupt and twist it. Open their minds to the world of vampires. Here, innocence never lasts if it ever exists in the first place.
I think it's time to teach these little cuties what their master has in store for them. And their little love.
Oh, how fun.

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