Chapter 1: Detroit City Police Department

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You buttoned up your white cotton blouse, brushed your hands over your pleated skirt, and tucked a stray lock of hair behind your ear. You were excited but also incredibly nervous. You didn't think you should be. After all, you'd been to so many lectures, stood in front of crowds to read manuscripts on the androids; and now you were finally here. You gazed up at the slightly fading sign: Detroit City Police Department. If you could pass the training, get the higher ups to notice you, then you would be promoted to some of the best jobs working with androids available. "You never know..." You allowed yourself to think, "I may even be able to get a job with Cyberlife itself." Hesitating, you opened the police department door.

You glanced around the room. A few people were waiting in the room, but it was mostly empty, save for the androids standing at the reception desk. You walked over, and the receptionist spoke to you in greeting.

"Can I help you?"

You gulped, "I'm here to see Captain Jeffrey Fowler. I'm [F/N], [L/N]."

"Do you have ID?" You passed your newly printed ID to the android. She scanned it, then smiled and returned it. "Captain Fowler is in his office. I'll have Linda escort you." The other receptionist stood up at her name, and you followed her through the barrier. 


"Captain Fowler? [F/N], [L/N] is here to see you."

"Thank you Linda, you are dismissed." The android nodded and left. The man she referred to as Captain Fowler rose from his desk and you moved over to greet him.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Miss [L/N]. I've heard much about you." He held out his hand, and you shook it.

"The pleasure is all mine Captain Fowler," You smiled and he returned it. "I am really looking forward to working with you." His smile faltered slightly.

"I have already assigned you a position for your training." He passed you a file, marked 'Deviant cases'. Then he moved over to his computer and gestured to the screen on the wall behind him, showing some reports. "I have no doubt you've heard about the increase in Deviant cases?" You nodded, taking a seat in front of his desk.

"You will be working with Lieutenant Hank Anderson, and an RK800 android sent from Cyberlife. With your understanding of androids, you should be able to find links in the cases. Can I trust you with this task?"

"I... yes of course Captain," You smiled at the thought of working with a police android. 

"Excellent. I'm sure the Lieutenant will make you feel right at home." You nodded in agreement, not noticing the sarcasm in his voice.

"I will go and introduce myself."

You left the small office, walking through the desks, and it did not take you long to find your partners. Anyone could hear their voices from a mile away.

"Hey! Don't talk to me like you know me. I'm not your friend, and I don't need your advice, okay?"

"I've been assigned this mission Lieutenant! I didn't come here to wait until you feel like working."

You felt your heart sink a little. What on earth have you gotten yourself involved in? You hesitantly walked over to the desk, a little stiff from the nerves. The older man looked up at you in annoyance.

"Argh, jesus christ, not another one."

You looked between the 'Lieutenant' and the young male android, in the midst of an argument, having a feeling like you may have drawn the short straw. Perhaps you got this case because no one else wanted to take it on. Though it was a part of your training, and Captain Fowler was counting on you, so you took a deep breath, and introduced yourself.

"My name is [F/N], [L/N]. The Android studies student from Detroit Capital University. Captain Fowler requested I help with the Deviant case."

"Urgh..." The Lieutenant brushed his hand through his hair, completely exasperated. The android seemed a little more welcoming.

"My name is Connor. I'm the android sent from Cyberlife." He held out his hand. "I look forward to working with you." You shook his hand and replied.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." You explain to the two of them that Captain Fowler assigned you to work with them on the Deviant cases. The Lieutenant seemed less than friendly at your sudden introduction to the case, but agreed with Connor that an extra hand might help make the investigation go along faster and more smoothly. Connor continued what seemed to be an earlier conversation with the Lieutenant.

"In any case, we need to move on to the homicide scene."

"A homicide?" You interrupted. The Lieutenant made an annoyed sound in the back of his throat.

"Involving a Cyberlife android." Connor continued, ignoring his partner's reaction. "We've been assigned this case Lieutenant. And in accordance with procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators..."

L.T. Anderson finally spoke, "I don't need any help, especially not from a plastic asshole like you."

"I won't allow you to skip out on this case. I have been assigned a mission, and I always accomplish my mission."

You looked between the two of them. This case was an important part of your training too, and you couldn't allow negligence. You sighed and they both looked up at you.

"Connor, do you know the location of the homicide?"

Connor proceeded to give you information about the homicide scene, and the suspected android involved. You agree with Connor to go to the investigation scene, in place of L.T. Anderson. You are just about to leave when the lieutenant agrees to go, muttering that his job will be in trouble if he doesn't cooperate, as much as he would like not to. He walked on ahead, to check in with one of the other investigators. To you, it looked as if he was taking an opportunity to get as far away from Connor and you as possible. You and Connor were left standing beside his desk, case files still scattered on it. You moved to start picking them up, but Connor got there first, gathering them neatly into the case.

"I hope you'll excuse Lieutenant Anderson's behavior." Connor didn't meet your gaze, but you knew he was speaking to you.

"Oh I don't mind really... I should be the one excused, suddenly intruding on the case like this..." You leaned back on the desk, a little absentmindedly. Connor handed the file back to you, but he lingered for a little longer; until finally you met his gaze. Then he quickly glanced away, moving towards the desk directly beside the Lieutenant's. You tucked the case file under your arm, eyeing a clock on the wall. If you went over the case files now, before the investigation, you should be able to familiarize yourself with the crime scene, before you would investigate it. Connor still stood beside his desk, looking as if he wanted to say something. He glanced in your direction and then away; an odd behavior for an android. You opened your mouth, but he spoke first.

"Do you like dogs?" You blinked in surprise. You were not prepared for a question like that at all, especially not from an android. You wondered if it had come from a previous interaction with the Lieutenant. After all, androids learnt conversational behavior from interacting with humans.

"Well... yes of course. I like all animals."

"I feel the same way..." He replied. It still seemed as if he wanted to say something more. Slowly he continued. "Since we're going to be partners on this case, I believe it is necessary for us to be acquainted with each other. I hope that we could perhaps become friends."

If the first question he asked had startled you, this comment startled you more so. After a moment you smiled. It might be nice to make friends with an android.

"I would like that very much." You noticed a slight smile appear on his face, so slight that it could have gone unnoticed. Then he turned and followed in the direction that L.T. Anderson left. You followed him, thinking about this homicide case, and hoping that the small amount of knowledge you had would be enough to compete with a senior investigator, and a police android, who seemed to have more confidence in you than you had in yourself.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now