Chapter 23: Ralph

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It was quiet; a little too quiet. It was as if the moment you made the choice to enter the alleyway, you had entered an entirely different world. You heard creatures scampering in the darkness. Every now and then, a gust of wind blew through the cracks in the alley, making scraps of trash rattle across the concrete. You shivered. You wanted to turn back; but your gut instinct told you to continue to walk forward. So you did, even without any light to guide you. Until there was one.

Ahead of you, you saw a faintly glowing red circle. As you approached, you realized it was an android LED. You quickly moved towards the android, and immediately discovered where the large amounts of thirium had come from.

The android had been stabbed several times, in vital places including the chest, stomach and head. He was wearing human clothes, as if he had been disguising himself before someone had attacked him. Though he had no need for disguises anymore as he rasped desperate breathes into his synthetic lungs. You kneeled beside him, wiping the thirium from his face. He gasped, trying to back away from you in fear; until he saw your face. He tried to breathe more evenly, but his lungs were obviously ruptured, and they would not be able to hold the air.

"Who did this to you?" You whispered.

"Y-You have to run... y-you must leave..." He rasped, shaking slightly.

"There's a safe place not too far from here..." You wrapped your arms around the android's shoulders, trying to raise him to his feet. "They have everything you need there, even new biocomponents... Do you think you can make it there?"

"Y-You... you must go now!!" The android insisted. "He's here... He'll attack you..."

"It's okay..." You whispered soothingly. "You'll be alright... just come with me..." The android seemed to see something behind you.

"Aah!!" He rasped. The shock of it seemed to cause him to shudder. You watched in horror as the android rasped three final breathes before collapsing against the wall, body shaking to a stop, LED dimming until it finally turned grey.

"No!!" You gasped, touching the androids head. "No, come back!! P-Please!!!" You felt tears beading in your eyes.

Those tears ran free as you felt something cold and metallic scrape the base of your throat. You flinched.

"Back away... Back away from the body..." A voice whispered in your ear. For a moment, you didn't move. Then very slowly, you crawled backwards away from the android. The knife moved from your throat.

Suddenly a light flicked on and shone straight in your face. You shielded your eyes from the sudden blinding light.

"Nasty human!" The male voice muttered, "Nasty human!! Human's here to hurt Ralph!!"

You tried to squint through the light, but it was too bright to see who was holding it. You backed away until your head hit the wall of the alley. The male stood up, still shining the light on you.

"I-I'm not here to hurt you!!" You insisted. "Please put the torch down!!"

"Liar!!" He spat. "You're dangerous! You've come to hurt Ralph!"

"N-No!!" Then you noticed the red LED shining through the torch light. You rose into a crouching position. The android flinched. "I-I'm not here to hurt you... I saw that there was an injured android, and I wanted to help him..."

"Liar!!" He growled. "Ralph won't make the same mistakes, no, never again..."

"W-Was he your friend?" You whispered, nodding your head in the direction of the stabbed android.

"No..." The android muttered. He moved shakily on his feet. "Ralph thought he was like the others... thought he was human yes... it was only in self-defense, yes, it was in self-defense! Self-defense!"

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now