Chapter 34: Manipulation

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You felt as limp as a puppet as the android led you out of the elevator. As you approached the warehouse room however, you began to feel a slight fear stirring inside your chest. "It won't be Connor..." You repeated to yourself. "Its not him." No matter how much the androids would look like him, they weren't really him.

You kept your eyes closed as the android led you forward. When he stopped, you forced yourself to open your eyes.

Standing in front of you were rows of hundreds, if not thousands of clones of Connor. They all stood perfectly still, staring and blinking at regular intervals at you. Your body automatically shuddered and you stepped back, bumping in the RK900. You recoiled, pressing the palms of your hands over your eyes. "It's not him... it's not him..."

"Upon Mr Kamski's orders, we kept the remaining RK800 models solely for your training. Once you have finished your training, they will be sent for recycling."

You stood frozen for a long moment. Then ever so slightly, you stepped towards one directly in front of you. The android did not meet your gaze. Your hand moved as if to touch his face. "It's not Connor." You reminded yourself. You pulled your hand back.

"You have trained on single androids in these part few days," The RK900 continued. "Warehouse androids who were not assigned to an owner. These androids have all been assigned as property of Elijah Kamski."

"What would you like me to do?" You whispered.

"You will manipulate all of these androids. Send them towards me to attack me. Mr Kamski wishes for your abilities to be used in battle. Have the androids apprehend me, and you will be prepared for anything." The RK900 stepped into a defensive stance, as if preparing for battle. You frowned. What battles could Kamski possibly want you to fight?

You turned towards the androids. You had already promised yourself that you would try your best. For Hank's sake, and for Connor's.

You squeezed your eyes shut. You tried to feel for the energy surging up inside you. The point where it turned from emotion into energy. You pushed away all the feelings of sadness and despair and focused solely on your task. You stared into the eyes of the android in front of you, no longer seeing it as Connor. You tried to stare beyond the android, inside its mind. The android's limbs twitched. You felt a headache begin to throb in the center of your head.

"Attack... him..." You barely whispered. The android twitched and then leapt into action, surging towards the RK900. The RK900 knocked the android to the floor in a single sweep of his arm. The android clattered into pieces at his feet.

"You will have to try harder than that."

You grimaced, turning back to the rows of androids. You closed your eyes and tried to feel the energy of all of them at once. It made your headache worse, but you maintained focus. You tried to envision the androids diving towards the RK900 all at once. As difficult as it was, it surprisingly made it easier, envisioning the androids all moving as Connor did. There was an added blockage, with the androids being owned by Kamski. Usually only the owners of an android can give the android orders, unless otherwise programmed. You struggled, but you managed to bypass the commands. You pressed your hands over your head, trying to feel what the androids may feel. Sorrow... pain... even fear. You forced those emotions into them. "Fight back..."

The androids suddenly leapt into action. You stumbled back in fright as they dove one after another at the RK900. You watched in shock and awe as the RK900 kicked, punched and shot at the androids. He was a blur. You had never seen even Connor move so quickly. You weren't sure how many androids there had been in the rows, but over and over they fell instantly at the RK900's feet. You fell back, holding your hands over your head, scared of being trampled. You soon realized however, that they were moving around you, avoiding you. Eventually, the chaos was over, and you raised your head. The RK900 stood very still, carnage all around him at his feet. You watched in horror as the RK900 placed a foot on the chest of the final android, grabbed its head and twisted it. You winced at the crack. The RK900 turned at your whimper and you were surprised to see its LED red. Perhaps you had caused more stress for it after all. The LED quickly turned back to blue.

"That wasn't enough. You will have to do more than that."

"What am I supposed to do now? Y-You destroyed them all.." You stumbled on the last words. He destroyed 'Connor'. You struggled, trying to erase the memory of the RK900 twisting the android's head. In a way, he really did destroy Connor, being the prototype designed to replace him. The RK900 smiled very slightly, as if he noticed your internal struggle. You watched as he reached into his breast pocket, and pulled out a small syringe, filled with a strange green liquid. With a jolt, you realized it was the liquid substance in your glass that time you were brought food inside the hospital room. Thiriumdionisis? The RK900 stooped and injected it into the first android's arm. Within moments, the android twisted its neck back to the proper position. The hole on its chest sealed shut, and it stood up again, seemingly at perfect health. The RK900 reached into another pocket on its chest and pulled out four more syringes. All it had to do was to pass it to the android, before it stooped to others and revitalized them, passing the revived android's syringes so they could continue the process. You watched in awe as the androids instantly began to heal and revive.

"I-Is that...?"

"Thiriumdionisis... yes it is."

"I thought it only worked on humans..."

"Humans and androids," The RK900 replied calmly. "Otherwise it wouldn't have worked on your... well..." You gazed down at your left arm. Your android parts were hidden just underneath the surface. You traced a finger along it.

"I had no idea the effects were so strong... I-I mean, those androids were... were..." You shuddered, not looking at the now revived android's, still covered with blue blood. "It's not Connor... it's not him..." You thought, pressing a clammy hand to your temple.

"It can't work for reviving humans, but androids can be revived, so long as they still have all the necessary parts," The RK900 nodded as the androids all rose to their feet once more. "In the end, we are all simply machines. Just machines."

You glared at the RK900. He... 'it', looked back at you, seemingly without emotion.

"Are you a machine too then?" You replied coldly, "Do you really feel nothing at all?"

"Yes..." It said, turning away from you. "I am... just a machine."

As the androids all stood once more, the syringes dropped to the floor, long forgotten. The RK900 stood still as a statue in front of them.

"Try it again."

You frowned, your thoughts still fixated on the thiriumdionisis. You kicked a syringe away that had clattered at your feet.

"Why would Kamski develop such a powerful drug?" You muttered. "He is not a doctor; and certainly he wouldn't be interested in using it to help people."

You didn't expect a reply, but the RK900 replied anyway.

"I thought he already told you. He intends to create a new world."

"Yes, but how? What kind of world could he possibly want to create?"

"A world for only the rich and wealthy humans."

You hesitated. "What will happen to all of the other humans? The ones who are not rich... or wealthy... or famous..."

The RK900 gazed down. You followed it's eyes to an android lying at it's feet. The others had not bothered to try and revive him, because it was clearly too late. The android's head had been ripped clean off, and its limbs were battered. The RK900 had a dark look in it's eyes as it kicked the android away.

"They will die."

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now