Chapter 29: Kamski

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You had continued to struggle in vain against the android, as he forced you up the hallway. That was, until he pulled a syrine out of his uniform pocket, and threatened to inject you with whatever fluid was inside it. Since that time, you remained compliant. You gazed at the android now, as you continued to quietly walk beside him up the hallway. You passed several rooms with glass walls, offices with humans sometimes inside them, on computers or on phones. Then through another hallway, you gazed into passing doorways to see storage rooms, rooms with loud scanning machines, and laboratories. Sometimes humans in uniforms passed you, but they paid you and the android no mind. Finally, you could no longer keep silent.

"Why am I here?"

The android didn't reply for a long moment. "You came here of your own free will."

"I did not!!" You exclaimed. "I only came here to find Connor, that was all. I never wanted to come to Cyberlife!"

"If this is Cyberlife..." You thought drearily. The android did not seem surprised at your words, exclaiming this was Cyberlife, so perhaps your suspicions were correct.

The android absentmindedly straightened its tie, a similar mannerism to Connor. "Mr Kamski has reason to keep you here." His focus adjusted and fell on you. "A reason even I am not aware of."

"You don't know either?"

He didn't elaborate. You sighed. You eyed the cuffs around your wrist. They were tight, and yet they didn't even chaff your flawless skin.

"Then tell me this..." You continued, holding out your cuffed wrists towards the android. "Why... why don't I bleed?"

The android gazed at you for a long time, and your flawless skin. You frowned pulling your wrists away.



"That's the drug they gave you. Quite effective, isn't it?"

You paused, stunned for a moment in the hallway. He clamped his hand over your shoulder, and forced you to continue walking.

"Thi... thirium... what??"

"It's a drug manufactured from thrium 310. However, unlike thrium, this drug is effective on both humans and androids alike. It is used to speed up the natural healing of the body, and the effects remain for 24 hours afterwards, giving almost instantaneous healing." He recited this, as if reading from a memorised book.

"Wait... then... then why have I never heard of this... this drug?"

"It is still a prototype. However, it seems it worked well this time, doesn't it?" He finally smiled slightly. You felt a shiver run up your spine. It worked well... this time?  What about the other times then? You continued to feel a chill as you followed the android into a glass elevator on the side of the building. Through the window at the back of the elevator, you could see all the way through the clouds, to the tiny buildings of Detroit. You turned back to the android, feeling a little nauseous about being up so high. Instead of pressing one of the buttons, he scanned his wrist, and an extra button rose from the metal. Floor 99; the highest floor. He pressed the button, and you felt the elevator jerk and rise. You felt a little nauseous as you could see through the glass window to the tiny city of Detroit below you. You stumbled back and fell into the android, who grabbed your shoulder to steady you.

"It's quite alright," The android said. He helped you balance on your feet. For the rest of the trip, you stood facing the building, not the glass windows. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to remain calm. You felt a hand brush your own. "Take steady breaths. You are safe. There is no need to fear."

You were surprised. Was the android trying to... comfort you? You followed his instructions, taking steady breaths, trying to calm yourself. You felt your pulse calming, and the sweat began to cool on your forehead. You turned back to the android. The android was ignoring you. Yet you noticed something odd. The LED on his temple was now red. The android's eyes were shut, as if he was in pain. His fists clenched and unclenched, then one of them raised to his forehead. He held it there for a moment. Finally his breathing calmed, and he lowed his hand, his LED turning amber. The android returned to its usual calm expression. What was that about?

"Hey, are you okay?"

The android flinched slightly at the sound of your voice and looked at you. His eyes were still pained, as if remembering something. The android gulped, then murmured. "[F/N]..." Then the android winced again, then straightened his tie, composed again.

"I am perfectly fine. I apologise if I alarmed you."

"What... what happened?" You stammered. "A-Are you sure you're okay?"

The android hesitated for a long moment. He glanced up at the floor levels appearing above your heads. You followed his gaze. Floor 90, 91, 92...

The android cleared his throat.

"It is simply a problem in my memory function, that is all."

"Memory function?"

"Yes..." The android gritted its teeth slightly, touching it's LED absentmindedly. "I have too many... unnecessary memories stored in my virtual cerebrum. It is becoming a nuisance."

Before you could ask any more questions, the door opened, on Floor 99. The floor was a simple red carpet, leading to a single double door at the end of the hallway. Glancing back slightly through the glass windows, which now only showed clouds outside, you followed the android down the hall towards the door, your steps echoing off the walls. When you were finally at the door, the android knocked once, saying in a clear voice, "Mr Kamski. I have brought the girl."

"You may enter."

The android opened the door, holding it for you to walk in first. You entered the room, your mouth slowly falling open. It was quite a large room. On the wall opposite the double doors was three large rectangular windows. The red carpets extended into the room, ending around the middle where the carpet turned to dark tiles. Directly opposite the door, near the windows, was a large black desk, with an office recliner turned towards the windows. To the left of the desk were two fluffy white lounges, with a coffee table in the middle. Two people sat opposite each other on the sofas, and to your shock, you realised they were duplicates of Chloe, the android who had been your attendant in the white room. To the right of the desk was a small bar, where another clone of Chloe poured drinks. This Chloe wore a midnight blue dress, which sparkled slightly in the light. She smiled and nodded her head at you in greeting. The other Chloes' paused in their conversation, also turning to bow their heads at you. The android closed the door behind you, and you heard a lock click. Then he stepped forward, and gently unlocked the cuffs around your wrists. You flexed your wrists, glad to finally move them freely.

"I'm glad you could finally join us [F/N]."

You looked up in surprise and watched as the chair that was facing the windows swivelled to face you. A man sat in the chair, smiling at you serenely. Your eyes widened in surprise. You recognised that face. You had seen it many times on the television, in magazines, even on the scrolling posters around Detroit. And here he was, right in front of you; Elijah Kamski, CEO of Cyberlife. You could not stop gaping in surprise. Then you frowned. The man in front of you smiled wider at your change of expression. He stood up from his chair, leaning on the desk. You started to glare at him. Was he the one who kept you here? Did he do something to Connor? You clenched your fists. Elijah Kamski began to laugh. It echoed around the silent room. It only sent shivers down your spine.

"What's the matter [F/N]? Aren't you happy to see your father?"

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now