Chapter 22: Station

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Markus's words rang in the silence. "Back to Cyberlife..."

"No!!" You cried. "You're lying, h-he couldn't have..."

"He said that if he could get those androids to join us, it would shift the balance of power..."

"That doesn't matter!! They'll kill him!!"

"I tried to stop him... really I did..." Markus gritted his teeth. "But he wouldn't listen... he assured me that he could do it... that Cyberlife would let him in."

You began to run towards the end of the hall. Markus stumbled after you.

"Where are you going?"

"Where do you think?!" You snapped.

You rushed towards your mattress and began to riffle through your bag, pulling out anything you didn't need, and pushing in the items you did. You shoved in your old jeans, your pocket knife, extra food, a gun, money, among other things. You pulled an old scarf around the wound on your neck that had already begun to bleed. Your hand brushed the locket Connor gave you so long ago. You refused to let that locket be your last memory of him.

By this time, Markus had finally caught up to you, and grabbed your shoulder. "You're not going!" He growled.

"I am going!" You insisted, slinging the bag across your shoulder. Then you glanced around at the resting androids and spoke in a softer voice. "Connor changed my life... Now I have to save his..." You pushed past Markus and began walking towards the door of the church, sealed with wooden bars to keep the humans out. Yet at this moment, it felt more like its purpose was to keep you in. You started clawing at the bars, desperate to rip them off.

"He didn't want this!" Markus moved to block the door. "That's why I didn't want to tell you. Connor wanted you to live."

You suddenly noticed the tears streaming down your face. You brushed them away with the back of your hand as you continued desperately trying to pull the bars off the door.

"I want Connor to live too... I didn't even get to say goodbye..." Your knees buckled and you collapsed at the doorway. You clutched your bleeding fingers in your right hand. Markus stooped to your shaking body.

"He wouldn't leave you..." Markus whispered. "I know he wouldn't. He will come back."

"You can't promise that..." You whispered. "No one can keep any promises in times like this." You touched the locket again, hanging over your heart. You closed your eyes, and tried to calm your racing thoughts. "I told him I would stay with him..." You continued. "I told him that wherever he went, I would go with him. Even if we had to run forever, I would run with him..." You gripped Markus's shirt. "Yet he left on his own... and didn't even give me the choice to follow this time..." You eyed the scar on your shoulder that a deviant had left there so long ago. You touched it gingerly with your fingers. "Why couldn't he ever trust me?" You whispered. "There was never a time when he really needed my help..."

"Sometimes it's easier to simply leave than to say goodbye..." Markus murmured.

"You can't really believe that," You insisted. "Even if it's hard, it's better to say something than nothing at all..." You looked down again. "I-If something happened to him..." You shook again. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself wondering if he knows how much I care about him... how much I love him..." 

Markus went quiet. He stayed beside you for a long time, as you cried.

"Didn't you ever want to say goodbye to someone Markus?" You looked at him through blurry eyes. "If you had the choice, you would've wanted to say goodbye to all of those androids we lost." Markus winced. You immediately felt guilty, realising you went too far.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now