Chapter 38: Reunion

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You remained silent as the RK900 led you up the hallway towards the elevator. You were relieved, and also a little nervous, to find that you had passed no other people on your path. The hallway was eerily quiet.

As you entered the elevator, you winced to find the deactivated body of the RK800 android who you had brought there, leaning against the wall. It was clear that it was the work of the RK900. You muttered a silent apology, before turning away, and squeezing your eyes shut. Once the RK900 entered, the elevator doors plunged shut.

You watched as the RK900's fingers traced down the buttons of the elevator, stopping at floor -49. He scanned his wrist and you watched in awe as a new button appeared just underneath it; Floor -50. He pressed the button, and the elevator lurched. You felt your stomach sink as you were taken further and further into the depths of Cyberlife. You glanced nervously at the RK900.

"Floor -50?"

"Yes... the secret floor," The android muttered, disgust in his tone. "Kamski's little 'research' wing."


You felt the elevator rock slightly as it reached Floor -50. As the doors opened, you were surprised when the RK900 took your arm.

"Watch your step."

As you began to move from the elevator, you realized what he meant. Looking down, you could see a chasm underneath the elevator that stretched on further than your eyes could see, into the darkness. You shuddered, allowing the android to help you onto solid ground.

"According to the maps stored in my database, this location used to be an old mining site. The ground isn't entirely stable," The RK900 answered your unspoken question. This did not help your nerves in the slightest. The thought that the floor or the roof could collapse at any second made you sick to your stomach.

This place was very different than the rest of Cyberlife. The floor was made up of dirt and gravel, and the walls around you had been carved with stone. The roof had supporting binds on it, but it still made you nervous to think of all the weight that was above you. Vents were on the sides of the roof, providing oxygen to the narrow hallway. LED lights illuminated the path ahead of you.

As you followed the RK900 up the hallway, you passed several doorways, seemingly etched into the walls. Rows upon rows of identical doorways. You started to count the numbers, but you quickly gave up. The numbers seemed to stretch on and on. You suddenly realized that you had begun to grip the RK900's shoulder.

"Why are there so many doors?" You whispered, letting go of his shoulder.

"As I said, this is where Kamski conducts his experiments," The RK900 frowned, not meeting your gaze. "Only a few of his most trusted allies and androids know of this place. Me included."

"W-What experiments could he possibly..."

"Anything," He replied simply. "Kamski does whatever he wants. He tests drugs on them, extra parts, new additions to their bodies... it's how he comes up with new prototypes."

"He does it alone?"

"No... he has accomplices. But many of them have moved on now," The RK900 replied. You noticed his LED flicker amber as he processed the information. "The only one who I have met personally was a man named Zlatko, but I've heard that he was murdered..."

"Where are the others?"

"I don't know. Kamski never fully disclosed the information to me. I don't think he truly trusts anyone, even his androids." He murmured. His expression looked distant. As if he was trying to recall long forgotten memories. As he glanced away, his eyes caught on another door. He nodded his head towards it; room 86. "I was born in that room." You shuddered at the thought of it. The RK900 noticed, and for a moment, you saw what you thought was a look of pity cross his face. "My predecessor's room is not far from here."

"A-Are all these rooms filled with androids?"

"Not all of them"

You frowned, eyeing each room as you passed. You vowed that once you had freed Connor, and if you were able to win against Kamski, you would return and set all of the androids free.

The RK900 stopped in the hallway, and you bumped into him.

"We're here," He said quietly, a hush now in his tone. You looked up at the door to the room. It was like any other door in the hallway, except for the number; 92.

The RK900 reached into its pocket and pulled out a set of keys. There must have been more than a hundred keys all neatly lined up. The RK900 noticed you staring and showed you.

"One key for each room. Kamski didn't add keypads and scanners down here; it was too risky for hacking."

The RK900 carefully moved his hand to a certain key, and put it in the lock. He turned it, and you heard the click. You let out a breath that you hadn't realized you had been holding. Connor... Connor was behind this door.

The RK900 moved to the doorknob and with a creak, the door opened.


The room was narrow and cluttered with various android parts and supplies. Cupboards lined the blindingly white walls, and the small metal sink had disposable gloves tossed in it, stained with thirium. A metal trolley was near the door, covered with an assortment of medical supplies and utensils. Your eyes moved to a bed in the middle of the room. It was a bed similar to the one you had woken up in, a bed with crisp white sheets. Except this bed was occupied.

Lying motionless in the bed was a figure you could recognize anywhere. His synthetic skin looked a little paler under the blue tinted lights of the room. His chocolate brown hair was messy, and stained with dirt and thirium. His eyes were closed, but you could still see the way his eyelashes brushed his cheeks. His lips were curved downwards, but seeing them made you remember all the times you had seen them curve into a smile. You felt your eyes welling with tears at the sight. Your knees buckled, and you had to lean against the wall to steady yourself.

There was no doubt about it. It was Connor.

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