Chapter 48: Recollections

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It was dark and blissfully quiet. You felt warm and comfortable, as if you were wrapped in a soft cloth. Although you could see nothing in the space, a gentle breeze flowed through the air, carrying the scent of flowers with it.

As you laid there, in that peaceful place, you had an odd sensation. As if there was something you were supposed to be doing. You tried to recall it, but then changed your mind. Whatever it was, it didn't matter anymore.

You felt tired. Perhaps you had been doing something strenuous. That made sense. You had probably been at school again, participating in the forced sports events that you were never really that good at. It was a wonder you had even been able to pass your training...

Training? What training?

You felt confusion flit through your mind again, and the same sensation of nostalgia washed over you.

Maybe you were thinking of the maths training that you would have to do with Rachel when you got home. Yes... that was probably it.

Maybe if you left early enough, you could visit the ice cream shop with Rachel. She always bought you your favourite ice cream, and you would sit on the bench together watching the birds in the park. Sometimes, you would bring stale bread from home, and pull off pieces for the birds. Eventually, you even convinced Rachel to do it too, and you remember how she looked when she seemed to truly smile for the first time. Those moments that you spent with Rachel were your favourite moments of all.

It was time that you didn't have to spend at  home, trying to avoid the gaze of your mother.

You remember how when you were very young, you would look at the faces of the men she brought home, and wonder if this time, maybe this one was your father.

She eventually stopped bringing the men home with her. You eventually got used to returning to an empty house.

Suddenly, the dark space you were lying in no longer felt comforting.

You had to get out.

But where could you go? As you stumbled to your feet, you paced around, your hands outstretched in front of you, searching for a wall, door, anything. There was nothing. It was an endless corridor of darkness. You turned around and around, searching desperately for a way out. Not like this. You couldn't leave it like this.

As you thought of that, suddenly you could see a light, far off into the distance. It was as if someone was holding a torch, searching for you in the darkness.

"[F/N]?" You heard a voice call out. "[F/N]?!"

"I'm here!! I'm over here!" You called back. Then light didn't move closer. You started to race towards it, but something held you back. You stumbled, falling to your knees. As you looked back, you could hear the clink of something metallic. Gingerly, you touched your ankle to find what felt like a chain cuffed around it. You tried to pull it off, but it only seemed to tighten.

"H-Help me please!!" You called into the darkness. "I'm trapped..."

But the voice didn't reply: And you never heard it again.

After a long time, you carefully raised to your feet again. The light was still there, but it seemed further away now. As you moved slowly towards it, the chain seemed to move with you.

You found yourself wondering how you had come to be trapped here, chains around your ankles. It was as if you were some kind of criminal. But you hadn't done anything wrong, had you?

As you thought about this, an image flashed to your mind. A man... no, an android... strapped to a chair. Across from him was... someone else. You couldn't make out the words he said, but it sounded like an interrogation. The android recoiled in fear at the other man's words. As you tried to take yourself into the scene, you began to hear the words more clearly.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now