Chapter 41: We are Alive

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The odd feeling the RK900 had of staring into the face of his predecessor was something that could never be truly described to a human. It was like he was staring into a mirror; but at the same time, their faces had different aspects. His programmed brain could point out the parts of Connor's face that differed from his own, yet it could also point out the many similarities. The only way it could be described to a human would be looking at yourself in a mirror while dreaming. The version of yourself you see in your dreams is never truly the same.

That was how the RK900 felt as he opened his eyes, and saw Connor and you gazing down at him. He thought that perhaps he was dreaming. Or perhaps he had died and there was never really a void for androids after all.

"You..." The RK900 whispered. His voice came out slightly raspy. His predecessor turned away, a look of wariness on his face.

"Are you okay?" He heard your voice next, soft and light, with kindness in your words. "I'm not sure if it is compatible to you, but it was the only one we had..."

At first, your words did not make sense to him. Compatible? What was compatible? Then he felt it. An odd pulsing deep in his chest. The feeling of a synthetic heart pumping thirium through his body. And yet his predecessor stood in front of him, the one he could so clearly remember giving his heart to. But this was clearly the heart of an RK800 model...

Then suddenly it all made sense to him. The android in the elevator. How could he have forgotten?

"Why did you bring me back?" He flew to his feet, rage beginning to boil. "It wasn't supposed to be this way!"

You were stunned into silence. It was clear from the sudden guilt etched onto your features. It was Connor who replied, still not meeting the RK900's gaze.

"There was a time that I too thought I should... stop existing." Connor squeezed your hand. "Until someone taught me there was more to life than what I had thought there was. There is so much more than just a program, and a mission."

"I sacrificed myself so that you could live..." The RK900 muttered. "So you could be with [F/N]." He gestured to you, then crumpled slightly to his knees, shaking. "I can't... I can't be with her even if I do live... so what point is there to any of this?!"

It was Connor's turn to be silent. Slowly, you stepped forward, crouching to the RK900.

"I'm sorry..." You whispered. "I can't change how you feel... and I can't understand how you feel either." Connor gazed at you as you continued. "But please, live longer. We brought you back because we want you to have another chance. This is a gift. Don't let it go to waste..." The RK900 slowly looked up at you. His LED was red. "Please..." You begged, taking the RK900's hand. "When this battle is over... I will help you find another reason to live. So please, help me, just a little longer."

Slowly, as the RK900 let his hand be held in yours, his LED faded to amber. Resolve crossed his face, and he stood up.

"Kamski has been trying to contact me. He knows that something is wrong." The RK900 simply looked at Connor; and that was all the words he needed.

"We need to hurry," Connor whispered. In that moment, the RK900's memories and his were linked. Connor knew what his new mission was; his final true mission. With steady fingers, he pushed the elevator button.


The next few moments passed in a blur. As the RK900 had requested, you traveled up to Floor -41. The powerful thiriumdionisis was the only way to heal and revive many of the androids who you had lost in Jericho. While you manipulated the androids, convincing them to help you, Connor and the RK900 gathered as much supplies as possible. The RK900 carefully placed bottles of the substance into a backpack, and you hesitantly slung it onto your back. As most androids were hesitant to harm you with your Ra9 chip, you were their best hope at keeping it safe. Connor then converted them, effectively making them deviant. He took a gun from one of them, after all, having some weapon of defense was better than none.

Then you all squeezed onto the now overcrowded elevator, and traveled to Floor -49. You stood back as Connor and the RK900 quickly began converting the androids. In turn, each now deviant android turned to the other and converted them. You soon stood facing a room of thousands of deviant androids. For the first time since coming here, you felt hope swell inside you. With so many androids, you stood a chance. This strange skill that Kamski had planted into you against your will could be used for something after all.

"Do you see the world now?" You asked, spreading your arms to the now deviant androids. "This is the world that you were not allowed to see. The world that your creator hid from you. You are no longer machines. You are alive."

The androids cheered in unison. You smiled at them, for the first time happy to see so many faces in front of you, staring at you.

"I will not force you to help me, but please, stay by my side. Let's create a new world where you can live freely, with your own choices, your own decisions, and walk among humans as equals. If we work together, we can win!!" You laughed as the androids cheered once more.


"Come, to the loading dock!" You spun to see the RK900 and Connor waiting near a large elevator much like the one you had arrived on. You took a step towards them, your face shining in a smile. You froze on the first step. Everyone froze. You heard someone clapping behind you. Connor's face twisted in horror.

"What a moving speech. I must say [F/N], I am impressed."

Before you could understand why, you fell to your knees, your hands automatically flying to your head. Burning, piercing pain enveloped you, your head, your body, your limbs. You were on fire. And your head was splitting open.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now