Chapter 35: Fighting Back

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"With every cure there is a sickness... with every disease there is an antidote..." The RK900 monotonously continued. "Do you understand now... [F/N]?"

The way he said your name sent shivers down your spine. An antidote? A disease...? You felt your mouth fall open.

"He's creating a disease?" The RK900 didn't reply as you waited for an answer. Your hands began to shake as you clasped them at your sides. "H-How is that possible?! How could he create something so..."

"He created androids, didn't he?" The RK900 stood still as a statue. "He believes he was able to create 'life'. He can create death just as easily..."

The horrifying truth of Kamski's plans sounded like something from a horror movie. You stood still for a long moment, as the RK900's words settled in your mind. "They will die..."

"What's wrong?" The android said, not looking at you. "Aren't you going to fight back?"

At first you felt fear. Fear for all of those lives that would be lost. Fear for all the androids who would eventually become slaves at Kamski's hands... no... at your hands. You stared down at your hands now, still shaking. Kamski had planned this moment since your birth. He had prepared you, all your life, without you even knowing it. Just as these androids had been programmed, you had been programmed too.

You suddenly felt angry. It was a similar sort of anger you had felt coursing through yourself in the hospital room. Was it because of the Ra9 chip? At this moment, that anger and power welling inside yourself seemed to be coming from a place deep inside you. You felt angry for all the androids in this room. Angry at their lives that could be so easily controlled and manipulated. Angry for the RK900, being created only as a replacement and slave to Kamski. You felt angry for your own life, and the childhood you lost. The power welled in you, stronger, stronger. The RK900 suddenly broke its steady statue form and met your gaze, staring at you with a look of confusion and shock, which surprised you.

"Wait--" The RK900 interrupted. It was too late. The power that had been forming inside you burst.

You didn't even need to say anything. The androids all leapt forward, charging at the RK900. The RK900 made a slight gasping sound, stepping back and shooting at the androids. You closed your eyes, imagining the androids all moving as Connor did. Your thoughts traveled back to a time that seemed years away now. The time when Connor had taught you how to fire a gun. The way he had steadied your arms, guiding your aim towards the components. "Aim for the legs. Or non vital components... Don't destroy it unless there is no other option."

You could destroy the RK900 right here and now. Yet you knew that he too, was an android. As the RK900 had put it, you would apprehend him. You knew it is what Connor would've done too. You opened your eyes with a new determination.

The androids had all paused their attack. Two of the androids were holding the RK900's arms, pulling him back. Thirium seeped from the RK900's legs, and you deemed that they would not be working anytime soon. More Thirium was pouring down the side of the RK900's face. The other androids nearby stood in a circle around him, pointing their guns steadily at his head. The Thirium began to drip from the RK900's legs, staining the floor beneath him. Some of the RK800's also lay at his feet, but the amount of androids still alive outweighed those the RK900 had killed.

You still felt the power coursing through you as you approached the RK900. The androids around you cleared a path as you approached. The RK900 looked up at you, and to your surprise, he was smiling.

"Well? Aren't you going to kill me?"

You were taken back for a moment. You eventually replied, "No... I'm not like you. I wouldn't kill an android. Not anymore..." The RK900 frowned, looking down at the dead androids at his feet.

"I wouldn't mind dying if it was at your hands..."

You thought you had misheard it. The RK900 looked up at you expectantly, the slight smile still on his face. You frowned, confusion flooding your thoughts.

"A-Are you... deviant?"

The RK900 didn't respond. You shook your head. No... he couldn't possibly be deviant. He worked for Kamski after all. You couldn't allow yourself to be distracted. Now was your only chance to escape. You looked around at the androids holding the RK900 back.

"Keep him apprehended. Do not let him escape." At your words, the androids tightened their grip. You forced yourself not to look at the RK900. You turned to an android nearby.

"You. Come with me."

The android obediently followed as you hurried towards the elevator. Just as you were stepping into the elevator, you heard sounds of a struggle behind you.

"Dammit... let go!!" You heard the sounds of a gun fire. As you glanced back, you saw the RK900 breaking out of the android's grip, the android opposite him collapsing to the floor, thirium pouring from it's head. You shuddered as the elevator doors closed behind you, and the world around you was plunged into silence.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now