Chapter 44: Four Words

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Connor sat beside you for a long moment, still hesitating over his thoughts. Without saying a word, you brushed your hand over his. His eyes traveled over you, finally meeting yours. You smiled. Connor brushed a hand through his messy hair, and it fell right back into place. You almost laughed. The motion seemed so human.

"What is it Connor?" You finally asked. Connor clasped his hands together, seemingly unsure of where to put them. You could imagine that if he still had his LED, it would be amber in thought.

"I... I am usually able to anticipate certain events happening. Everything has a probability. But this..." He gestured his head towards the battlefield. "This is not something I could have predicted." You stayed silent as Connor continued.

"When I left for Cyberlife, I thought it would be... easy I suppose," He gulped, finally taking your hand. "I had succeeded in so many missions. They trusted me. I was their most valued prototype. I never thought that they would overpower me..." He finally looked at you. "I didn't think they had created another me, a much more powerful and deadly version of myself." He squeezed your hand in his.

"But they did; And when I saw it, I realized that that was all I used to be too. Just a machine... Designed to accomplish a task."

"No... you're not just a machine..."

"I know that. I'm not a machine anymore." Connor gazed at your hand, tracing the lines of it with his fingertips. "But in that moment [F/N], when I saw it... I... I felt..." He looked up at you again. "I felt scared."

The look that Connor had in his eyes was one so full of fear that you pulled him into your arms. He continued in a soft voice.

"It was me, but not me at the same time. It made me realize that just like that android, I also could've become a killing machine, designed to be Cyberlife's puppet. If I had continued succeeding in my missions, I never would've become deviant. I would've been after Markus from the start. If I had never met you [F/N]... I never would've known what it truly meant to be free."

Connor pulled away from your embrace and gripped your shoulders. He gazed intently at you.

"But... even though seeing that android scared me... even though the thought that I could be replaced scared me... what scared me the most was the thought that I can be manipulated to point a gun at your head."

"No Connor..."

"You know it's true..." His eyes turned glassy. "I could've... but instead... instead you woke me up. You showed me that I am not just a machine. That even I... even I can become human too." He took your hands in his and kissed them. "That is something I can never repay you for."

"But you don't have to Connor... I did it because I loved you..."

"I know..." Connor smiled. "I became deviant because I loved you too... and looking back now, even though I couldn't have admitted it back then; I think I loved you all along."

As you gazed at each other, the sounds of the battle around you faded away.

"Being with you showed me that there was more to life. That's why... I don't want to be an android when I am with you anymore. I want us to just be... us."

You smiled. "I know exactly what you mean."

"If this battle ends... and we are still alive... then please, stay with me..."

"Connor... what are you saying?"

Connor gulped. "When this is all over... be my wife."

You gazed at Connor in complete shock. Slowly, Connor let go of your hands and reached into his pocket. He fumbled and pulled out a small box. Hesitantly, he opened it.

Inside was a small ring. It was not especially fancy or dazzling, made with simple silver metal; But you loved it all the same. You felt your eyes well with tears. For a long moment, you couldn't speak. 

"I know it's not like we can properly be married but..." Connor continued quietly. "When this is all over, maybe things will be different. Maybe we will be the ones to change it. But we can never know unless we take the chance."

Without even hesitating, when Connor asked you the next simple four words, your answer was yes. 

Gently, Connor took your hand and placed the ring on your left hand ring finger. Then he dropped the box to the floor and pulled you into his arms.

"I never thought I could've felt true happiness... but... even this is something you have given me [F/N]," Connor stroked your hair as you shook with tears. "This was not how I had planned this would go; But I wouldn't have it any other way."

Connor pulled away and gazed at you. He brushed the tears off your face.

"You are glowing..." He murmured in response to your smiling face. "It's almost blinding."

"So are you..." You replied.

He kissed your forehead gently before letting go. "I wish we could stay here forever... but unfortunately we still have a battle to win." Connor pulled his gun out of his belt. You brushed your hand over the dark seat of the car until you found yours.

"I've got your back," You assured him.

"I know you do," Connor replied, grinning. Connor grasped your hand and helped you out of the car. He didn't let it go.

"It's time to finish this."

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now