Chapter 27: Off White

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sound rang through your ears, echoing in the silence. What was it?

Slowly you opened your eyes, and squinted in the sudden bright light. It took some time for your eyes to adjust before you were able to fully open them. You were lying on a soft surface. A bed? You brushed your hand over the crisp sheets. That was when you came to notice the tubes on your arms, chest, and head, connecting yourself to various machines that were beside your bed. You turned your head to one in particular, connected to your heart. The beeping sounds of the machine aligned with the pulsing of it. You pulled the sticker off, disconnecting the tube from your chest. The machine rang with a constant 'beeeeeep' now. You watched as the skin where you had removed the tube healed over, as if nothing had been there in the first place. Finally, now that your eyes had adjusted, you gazed around the room.

It looked like a hospital room. Apart from the hospital bed and machines that gave it away, there were solid white walls, and white counter tops. Near your bed was a table with wheels on the bottom, lined with an array of metal utensils, which looked like they would be used for surgery. The rest of the room was concealed with a white curtain. There were no windows, which made you feel a little claustrophobic. The only other piece of furniture in that small section of the room was a full length mirror.

Slowly, you forced yourself from the bed, expecting your body to cry out in pain. You were surprised when your body felt light and free, as if you had just woken from a restful sleep. The other tubes and wires attached to your body pulled free as you sat on the edge of the bed. You hesitated before placing your foot on the floor, remembering the pain of your twisted ankle. However, even that had miraculously been healed. You felt amazing. You tested your ankle, walking a few paces around the hospital room. It felt like you could run a marathon. At that moment, you noticed the full length mirror; and your reflection inside it. You gasped when you saw it.

You now wore a simple white dress, with singlet sleeves, and with a length that reached just past your knees. Your hair shimmered in the light, as if it had been freshly cleaned. It smelt nice too, like a mix of roses and lavender. But what shocked you the most was the rest of your body.

Before, you had been a mess of bruises, and cuts, covered with dirt and your own blood. Now, your skin was free from all marks. It was as if every bruise and cut had miraculously healed. Even the scar you had once received on your shoulder from the deviant's knife wound was now gone. You reached to the back of your neck to find that the open wound from removing the tracker was also gone. However, you were sad to notice that the locket Connor left you was missing. You frowned, touching the place where it once rested over your heart. You glanced around the room, looking to see if it had been left somewhere.

"You're awake."

You flinched, looking up. That was your second shock of the day.

Standing in front of you was a beautiful android, a woman with long blonde hair that cascaded down her back in a ponytail. She wore a white dress, similar to a nurse's dress, and white slip on shoes. In her hands, was a tray filled with various foods, a bowl of porridge, fruit, and a strangely coloured green drink you did not recognize. You gaped at the android in surprise.


Because this android was the picture of the android who had taken care of you as a child. The android who had been more like a mother to you than your own mother. The android that you had seen yourself be destroyed beyond repair in that self driving car accident. Yet here she was, standing in front of you again. You felt tears welling in your eyes at the sight of a familiar face.

"My name is Chloe," The android responded. She placed the tray on the table near your bed. You continued to stare at her in surprise. She said her name was Chloe, and yet she was the exact image of the android you used to know.

"N-No... it couldn't be..." You muttered, still trying to find the right words. "B-But you look just like her, like Rachel."

"No, my name is not Rachel. Perhaps you are thinking of another RT600."

You continued to stare at her. Then, remembering how Connor also had a clone of himself, you frowned. The android interrupted your thoughts.

"Your energy levels are low. I suggest you eat." The android gestured towards the tray of food. "When you're finished, you may slip the tray in the compartment by your bed. I will collect it for you." The android bowed politely, then turned to leave.

"Wait!!" The android paused, looking back at you. You had so many questions, but you decided to start with the most important one. "Where is Connor?!"

"I am not authorized to provide that information. The RK800 prototype is none of your concern."

You grabbed the white collar of the android. She looked back at you, without emotion. You continued, "Where is he?! What did you people do to him?!" The android gently reached up and tugged your hands away from her collar. Your hands, still weak, easily released it.

"All will be revealed to you soon. The time is not right yet," The android replied monotonously. "I am not the one who will tell you the truth." You were taken back for a moment. The android took this moment to try and leave. You grabbed her wrist.

"Please stop!! Chloe!" At the sound of her name, the android flinched slightly. You felt anger coursing through you. You couldn't allow these people to take Connor away from you. Even in this dire situation, you still had one thought; save Connor. You felt the anger welling inside you, the heat of it like fire in your veins. You let it course through you... until it burst. In a powerful voice that seemed to come from deep within you, you yelled, "Take me to Connor, now!"

Chloe did not respond. You expected her to follow your instruction. Instead, to your surprise, she tugged her wrist out of your hands. She turned back, and looked a little annoyed at you.

"I was told this might happen," Then she smiled. "That's truly a remarkable ability... but it won't work on me." She continued to smile, as a clear look of despair crossed your face.

"No..." You murmured.

"You didn't think Mr Kamski would make me your attendant without programming a firewall into me, did you?"

You were taken back at the name. Kamski? As in... the Elijah Kamski, former CEO of Cyberlife? You stared at her in bewilderment. What could he possibly have to do with all of this? She raised a hand to her mouth, and glanced away from you, muttering, "I have said too much." Then she bowed once more politely to you, and walked across the room. She scanned her wrist on a machine on the wall. A door appeared in the white wall, and it slid open for her. You ran towards it, desperate to try and slip through. The moment she walked through however, the door disappeared. It was as if there was never any door there in the first place. You banged on the empty wall.

"LET ME OUT!!" You screamed. "CONNOR!! CONNOR!!" But your screams only echoed off the walls. The only one who would hear them was you.

You desperately searched the room. You tapped on the walls, searched the floor, even under the bed, for any kind of compartment that may be an escape for you. But there was nothing, not even a vent that you may be able to climb into. You dug your fingernails into your clear scarless skin that you now hated. Yet when blood ran free from your self inflicted wounds, it immediately healed up, as if it was never there in the first place. There was no way out. Nothing. "Connor..." You whimpered, holding your head in your hands as you sat huddled in the corner of the room. It was like you were in a void. It was as if you had been engulfed by emptiness, and all you saw was white.

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