Chapter 45: More than Human

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You followed Connor back onto the battlefield. Bullets rained from both the side of the soldiers and the side of the androids. From the bodies on the ground, it seemed like no one was winning.

"Connor, where's Markus?"

Before Connor could reply, a figure in a trench coat ran past you, an injured android draped over his shoulders. You could tell from a glance that the trench coat figure was Markus, but before you could call out to him, he ducked behind an abandoned van.

"Come on... wake up..." You heard him murmuring as you and Connor approached. Markus was shaking the android's shoulders, but the android was not responding.

"Let me look at him." You nudged Markus aside and kneeled to the android. You quickly realized however that it was too late. Recognition flickered in the android's eyes when he saw you, and he moved his mouth, but no words came out. Slowly, you saw the lights in his eyes extinguish, and the glow from the LED was gone with it.

"This is all my fault..." Markus murmured from beside you.

"No, this is no one's fault..." Connor began to say, but Markus shook his head.

"It is my fault," Markus insisted. "Things could've been different... if I had made different choices from the very beginning. The truth was, I... I hated most humans. There was only one human who had been kind to me; But even he got destroyed by the very humans he tried to care for."

"But still..." You started.

"I thought the only way to win this battle was to fight against the humans. Start a revolution, protest, fight back; And look where it has gotten us!" He gestured in a sweeping motion to the fallen androids lying scattered across the concrete. "My people are dying; and I may as well have been the one to pull the trigger."

You were quiet for a long moment. You were remembering all of the moments when you and Connor investigated the deviant attacks. The times when you heard incident after incident of break ins, destruction and casualties. Back then, you had been trained and taught to fight against them. Now those roles had been reversed. It made you wonder... who is right when both sides are fighting?

"We don't have time for this," Connor interjected. "What's done is done. Now there are either two ways this can go; We win or we lose." Markus nodded.

"I think the only way we can win this now is if defend ourselves, and only fight back at the minimum. If we prove we aren't a threat to humanity, perhaps they will call off the soldiers. And perhaps we will stand a chance."

"Got it," Connor half saluted Markus, and you smiled, as it reminded you of the way Connor sometimes responded to the Lieutenant. The Lieutenant... you hoped he had made it back to his home safely. With all the chaos that had been happening around you, you hadn't thought of the Lieutenant since you last saw him, and made the deal with Kamski to set him free. If Kamski kept his side of the deal, then Hank wouldn't remember ever being captured. Perhaps Hank would be at his house, with Sumo. Or maybe he would be at Jimmy's bar, the way he used to frequent it. A part of you hoped that maybe, just maybe, he was thinking about you and Connor too.

When you came out of your thoughts, you noticed Markus gazing at you with an odd expression on his face.

"I thought that nothing could change my mind... about humans I mean. That was, until I met you." You felt your face flush. Markus continued. "There are good humans, and bad humans. There are also good androids and bad androids. But you will never know which is which until you give them the chance."

"You're right," You said, rising to your feet. "Thanks for giving me the chance Markus." You smiled. Before Markus could reply, you were already gone.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now