Chapter 50: Endless Possibilities

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"His memory compartment was destroyed during the attack," Connor continued to tell you as the RK900 stood by your bed. "We aren't sure if his memories have been completely reset, but so far, it seems that way."

The RK900 looked in confusion between you and Connor. He seemed unsure of what to do.

"Excuse me Miss [L/N]. May I have an order?"

"Please take a seat," You replied, nodding to a chair beside the bed. "You can just call me [F/N]. No need to be so... formal."

"Understood. You have been registered as [F/N]," The RK900 confirmed as he gently lowered himself into the chair. You and Connor locked eyes.

"Did Markus awaken him?"

"Yes," Connor whispered, "But... he seems determined to remain as a machine."

The lightness in the air from your previous moment was now gone, replaced with an eerie tension. Everyone was deep in thought, unsure of what to do next. Hank interrupted the silence with a cough.

"Why don't we give the lovebirds some privacy?" He glanced to the other faces in the room. They nodded, and began to file out of the room. The RK900 lingered, until Hank grabbed his shoulder and dragged him with him. Even after the door shut, you and Connor remained silent. Connor brushed his hand over the bed until he bumped your hand. He quickly took it in his own, gripping it as if he was worried you would disappear.

"So... he's a deviant?" You finally asked, "But, he wants to be a machine still?"

"Yes, it would seem that way." Connor nodded with a solemn expression. "When he transferred all of his memories to me, I saw and felt them in the same way he did. From the moment he was created, he was controlled. He was born to be controlled. So was I..." He looked down at your entwined hands.

"I could give him back his memories... I could make him remember all of the painful things he experienced. All the times he was treated as less than a machine. The times when he was forced to be a killer, even when he didn't want to kill. I could give him back everything; but I don't know if that's what he wants..." Connor finally glanced up at you. "If you were me... what would you do?"

You gazed into Connor's desperate face for a long moment, before finally replying. "I don't know... I don't know what I would do..."

Connor sighed. His eyes seemed so deep at this moment, as if he was seeing into a whole other world.

"He has been programmed to accept orders and obey. Even if he is deviant now, he still can't see past that. I felt the same way when I became deviant..."

"You did?"

"Yes..." Connor glanced at you. "It's hard to break the rules after you have spent your entire life strictly obeying them. Maybe he simply needs time. Or maybe, someone who can show him that it's okay to break the rules." Connor raised his eyebrows slightly. You smiled, showing you understood what he meant in his words.

"Does he have a name yet? What is he doing now?"

"No he doesn't have a name, but we have been discussing it. We wanted the RK900 to name himself, but he still doesn't seem quite up to it," Connor finally smiled. "We gave him a work placement at the police department. He has been assisting Detective Reed in tracking down Kamski. We thought that since he knew Kamski for so long, he would be the best one for the job."

"That makes sense."

Connor suddenly shifted his body, to lie beside you on the bed. You felt your face grow hot as his head moved inches from yours.

"I think..." He said quietly, "I think it would be best if I kept his memories. He has been given this chance to start over again, and create new memories. Instead of being controlled, maybe this time he can learn about the world, and find the future he wants for himself, not as just an android, but as a person." He paused for a moment, before continuing, "And who knows? Maybe in finding new memories, he will recover some old ones too."

As Connor said those words, his eyes seemed to sparkle. It was as if he wished for that future for himself too. This new place, with these new rules, had made it all possible. You and Connor had made it all possible. 

"What about our future Connor?" You leaned your forehead against his. You could have just imagined it, but it seemed like his cheeks turned slightly blue. Was he blushing?

"Well..." He started, exhaling before continuing, "I could continue working for the police department... perhaps I could also become a detective... and you... well, you have endless opportunities... maybe we could get a home to call our own... maybe we could even get a dog." You laughed causing a smile to appear on Connor's face.

"And maybe... well... maybe... we could get married. Properly this time. In a place with lots of flowers, and fields... i-if you want I mean..." His face tinged blue slightly again. You laughed at his expression.

"That sounds perfect Connor." You felt him relax beside you, and you leaned your head on his shoulder. "I can't wait to share that future with you."

"I don't think anyone can truly know what the future has in store. After all, the future is unpredictable and filled with endless possibilities."

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now