Chapter 17: Explosives

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You couldn't look back. You forced yourself to not look back. Connor ran faster and faster through the freighter as bullets rained from all directions, your body still held tight in his arms.

Where had you gone wrong? Everything up until that point had been going so well. You thought you had finally found a place where you and Connor could live safely; and now, even Jericho wasn't safe. Markus was dead. Many androids were dead also. Yet there was something within you, that told you there was still something that could be saved.

"Connor, put me down!"

"I'm getting you out of here!"

"Please Connor!!" You insisted. He rounded a corner and entered a room off the main hall, sealing the door. Carefully he put you on your feet.

"Connor, we have to go back. We have to help those androids!!"

"No, it's too dangerous," Connor put his hands on your shoulders. "I promised I would keep you safe. I promised Hank too! I won't let you go back there [F/N]."

"I have to Connor!!" You grabbed his shirt, a desperate look in your eyes. "Didn't you see Connor? Markus is dead!! If he is dead, Jericho is dead too!!" You didn't realize you were crying until Connor touched your face. You continued pleadingly, "Jericho is all we have Connor... where else can we go?!"

"We can find other places! Just like we did before..."

"I know..." You flinched as you heard another explosion down the hallway. "But it won't be the same." You leaned into his chest. He touched your hair. "I have to at least try!! I can't live knowing I let them die."

"Stop being so selfless, for just one moment [F/N]!!" You raised your head. Connor gave you a look mixed with fear and anger. "I can't let you die!! If you died... I-I couldn't..."

"Just trust me Connor..." You took his hand in yours. "I have an idea!! It's risky, but it might just work."

"And what if it doesn't work?"

"Then we can die knowing we at least tried."


Connor ran, gun poised in hand, as he gripped your hand with his other. You ran quickly through the hallways, past explosions, hiding behind corners as you watched guards pass.

"What if there is no explosives?!" Connor called in your direction, as you ducked around another corner.

"There has to be," You replied, squeezing Connor's hand tighter. "Markus mentioned there was... If we can set it off, then the shooters will leave; And maybe Jericho has a chance!"

"What if Markus was wrong?"

"I'm trusting that he was right!!"

Connor turned to reply, but suddenly, shooters rounded the corner. Connor pressed you against the wall, his back to the shooters. You felt the fast whirring of his biocomponents as he tried to calm his breaths. Your heart pulsed faster at how close you were together. You stayed like that silently, as the shooters passed you and rounded the corner. Then Connor took off, practically dragging you behind him. He continued your previous conversation.

"You can't trust him [F/N]! I thought you would know that by now."

"I know that Connor. But he still wants the best for his people."

Connor was silent for a long moment. You continued to follow him down hallways and through doorways in the freighter, leading you closer and closer to the hold.

"I know that he tried to do something to you," Connor paused in the hallway, and you ran into his back. He turned, giving you a look filled with worry. "I saw it in your eyes. Your heart rates were increased." You couldn't reply. Connor looked away, a little hurt. "How can you forgive him?"

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now