Chapter 9: A Second Chance

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The days passed quickly with Connor, the Lieutenant and Sumo by your side. Hank had agreed to let you both stay until you had made a full recovery. A part of you wondered however, if Hank may secretly like the company. In exchange for letting you stay on such sudden notice, you took it upon yourself to clean his house, and cook the meals. Your shoulder was still aching, but it was healing up faster, now that you weren't straining it as much. Besides that fact, cleaning and cooking took your mind off a more recent concern to you; Connor.

Ever since the incident, he had seemed distracted. You had convinced him time and again that you were fine, that he was in much worse shape than you, but he wouldn't listen. It seemed like his mind was occupied. Through the week you had remained at Hank's house, he paced back and forth, tossing a coin between his hands. He would sit awake at night beside the couch where you slept, refusing to go into rest mode himself. You could tell there was something he wasn't mentioning to you, but knowing Connor, he would keep it a secret until it was dire. You still felt he couldn't trust you, and this upset you. You wanted to be the one he could come to when he needed it. You didn't like this feeling of silence between you. It seemed that every time you grew closer to him something would happen to pull you two apart.

You were currently standing in the Lieutenant's room; And although you had cleaned it yesterday, and the day before, it was trashed again, as if it had never been cleaned in the first place. You didn't mind it though; it was a welcome distraction. You started picking up the clothes on the floor, taking them to the hamper to be washed. You gathered the empty bottles of alcohol collecting dust out of sight underneath the bed, and just started on the rest on the room when you noticed something you hadn't seen before. A photo in a frame was lying on the bed. You carefully picked it up, eyeing the face staring back at you. You didn't recognize it. It was the face of a child, a young boy, who couldn't be older than six. You felt someone's eyes on you, and turned, seeing Connor standing in the doorway of the room.

"Connor..." You started. Connor walked over, to look at the photograph you held. "Do you know who this is Connor?"

"It's the Lieutenant's son... his name is Cole."

"Oh... is that right?" You didn't know the Lieutenant had a son. You suddenly realized that you didn't know much about the Lieutenant at all. Connor took the photograph from you, analyzing it.

"I didn't know that the Lieutenant had a son..." You mumbled, more to yourself. Connor carefully rested the photograph on the dresser.

"It is a difficult subject for Lieutenant Anderson..." Connor didn't look at you while he spoke. "It wasn't his fault... he died very young and it was sudden. A truck skidded on a sheet of ice causing Hank's car to roll over... the only surgeon available to operate was an android..."

There was a long silence in the air after he said those words. You didn't realize you were crying until you felt Connor's hand on your cheek.

"I'm sorry..." You whispered, "I had no idea..."

"You couldn't have known... It happened a long time ago." Connor stared at you for a long moment. He raised his hand to brush the tears running onto your cheeks. You could see your reflection in his eyes. Then as soon as the moment happened, it was over. Connor quietly left the room, as if he was avoiding you. You moved your gaze back to the photograph, the face frozen in time. You had no idea that the Lieutenant was hiding such pain in his heart. But then; so was Connor.


Connor was conflicted. The last time Connor had heard from Amanda was during the investigation of the broadcast hijacking Ever since he had been injured, and brought to Hank's house, he hadn't heard from her. He wanted to believe that the injury damaged a component vital to their communication, but he knew that that would not be the case. Although he didn't hear Amanda, he could still feel her presence in his head, deep in thought. He could feel her watching his every move in silence, waiting for the right time to strike. She wanted to make Connor believe he was free, stay silent until that time; but Connor wasn't going to fall for that.

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