Chapter 13: The Destined Human

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It was quiet inside the freighter. Bec went in front, guarding Nox and Jade, her amber LED lighting up the darkness like a torch. You walked carefully behind, Connor holding the flashlight you brought in your backpack. You heard no sounds from the unoccupied, abandoned cabins. Was this really Jericho? It looked completely deserted. Slowly your group moved forward through the darkness. Every now and then you would hear the sound of your footsteps moving over the rusted surface of the freighter, or you would see what appeared to be rubble on the floor. By the time half an hour had passed, you were beginning to lose hope. If you didn't find Jericho in here, you didn't think you would ever be able to find your way out; it was like a maze in there. Then you heard Bec's voice echo up ahead, "Through here." Connor followed it, and you followed him. Carefully Connor ducked his head as he went through a narrow doorway, and you did the same. Through the entrance, you found something you never could have imagined, even in your dreams.

Androids were everywhere. Most still wore their uniforms, casting blue light reflections across the metal walls. Some wore human clothing but still had the LED flashing on their temple. Others, like Connor, would have almost been indistinguishable from normal humans. The hijacked broadcast speech played across multiple screens, and some groups stopped to watch. Apart from a few side glances, no one paid your group much attention. You drifted behind them as they walked ahead, still analyzing the rest of the room. A part of it was sectioned off, where damaged androids were being treated. You saw one partially melted away, as if burnt, and cringed into Connor's side. You looked up at his calculating expression.

"Connor, if they find out I'm human..." You whispered.

"It will be fine. They'll understand," He replied just as softly. It sounded more like he was trying to convince himself. You nodded in response, hoping that he was right. After all, you had assisted in capturing deviant androids in the past. How could they accept you after everything you had done against them? You were their enemy.

You walked past a wall where Ra9 was graffited. You craned your neck, seeing the letters disappearing into the darkness of the ceiling.

"4,896 times..." Connor murmured, touching the letters slightly.

"We never figured out what that meant, did we?"

Connor paused in thought. "I believe it's the glitch in the programming responsible for deviancy... That's why I never figured it out until now..."

It was at that moment when you noticed that Bec, Nox and Jade were gone. You turned, scanning the crowds for them. Had you really trailed so far behind?

Goosebumps rose on the back of your neck. Someone was watching you. That was when you locked eyes with a female android, quite far away from you, standing motionless amongst the passing crowds. She remained frozen, staring straight through you, as if she was looking into your soul. You recoiled, stumbling back into Connor. She didn't break her gaze on you. It was then you noticed the back of her head was completely missing, replaced with a mix of wires that trailed down her back. Her eyes were a coal black colour, reflecting the blue lights around her. She wore an old grey android uniform, damaged and slightly torn from use. Then you noticed her mouth was moving. What was she saying? Was she speaking to you, or speaking to someone else?

"What's wrong?" Connor asked, beside you.

"That android... that woman is--" You trailed off. When you turned back to look at the android, she was gone. As if she was never there to begin with.

Suddenly you could hear a hush through the crowds. Androids were going silent. Their gazes moved to look at something; or someone. Some of them crouched to their knees, heads bowed. That's when you noticed the man that slowly walked towards you and Connor through the parting crowds. His eyes pierced yours. He looked familiar, even though you were sure you had never seen him before.

"Markus..." You heard some androids whisper. You stepped closer to Connor.

The man that they referred to as 'Markus', was flanked by four other androids. A blonde haired and fair skinned man, a beautiful woman with long brown hair, a dark skinned man with short hair, and... the same female android who was staring at you earlier.

Markus walked right up to you and paused. The others also paused around him. Nobody moved, or spoke. Markus stared directly at you. You didn't recognise the expression. Confusion? Perhaps fear... and there was something else too. Finally Markus cleared his throat and spoke.

"Welcome to Jericho... My name is Markus." Markus looked at you both expectantly. You glanced at Connor. Connor put his arm around your waist, to your surprise.

"My name is Connor," He replied. "This is [F/N]." You felt your face turn red.

Markus tilted his head slightly. You noticed how he didn't look at Connor; his two differently coloured eyes were on you the entire time. Why did he stare at you like that? Did he know your secret? Then Markus's gaze focused on the androids surrounding your circle. You followed his gaze, and noticed the androids speaking in hushed voices to each other; and pointing at you. There was no question about it. They knew. Markus raised his hand and their voices fell silent.

"May I ask... what you're looking for here?" He paced a few steps closer to you both. "Freedom...? Safety...? A refuge...?"

You looked at Connor. If his LED was still there, you could imagine it would have been amber in thought. His deep russet eyes were focused on you. But they didn't look robotic as they used to. Now they were warm and sincere. You heard the slight whirring of his biocomponents. He took your hand gently, a little hesitantly and squeezed it in his. He looked back at Markus.

"We just want to be together."

Your heart skipped a beat. You knew that Connor felt that way; but it made you happy to hear him say it in words. You held his hand tightly.

Just then, the android that had been staring at you walked forward. Her coal black eyes were fixated on you, just as they had been before. She nodded at you in greeting, then turned to Markus.

"Lucy..." He said in greeting, nodding at her. Then Lucy walked towards you. You backed away, and flinched when your back scraped the wall.

"There is nothing to fear..." She murmured. She held her hand out to you. You moved the hand that Connor wasn't holding towards her hesitantly. She gently took it in hers and closed her eyes.

"We've been waiting for you to arrive for a very long time..." She murmured, eyes still closed. "Yet we knew this day would come. And here you are." She released your hand, and you tucked it to your side. Her eyes opened slowly. "You will change everything... for androids... and for humans..."

The male android that had walked beside Markus stepped forward, his blue eyes twinkling. "Is she the one Lucy?" Lucy nodded in response. Then she turned back to you. Slowly and carefully, Lucy proceeded to kneel in front of you, bowing her head. 

"It's an honour to finally meet you..."

Your jaw fell open in shock. You glanced at Connor, but he looked just as baffled as you did. 

"I-I think you have the wrong person..." You started to mumble. But your voice trailed off when you noticed the other androids slowly begin to kneel and bow their heads towards you. You could hear hushed words through the crowd.


"She's the one..."

"Our saviour..."

"It's her... she really came here after all..."

"Save us..."

You watched in awe as soon every android in the room kneeled before you, save for one. Markus still remained standing, his eyes focused on your confused face. Then, as all the others did, he carefully placed one knee on the ground, and kneeled at your feet. The room was silent for a long moment. You could hear your heart thudding in your chest. Then Markus's voice resounded through the silence, echoing off the walls.

"It is an honour to finally meet you. Human of destiny... Our saviour." 

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now