Chapter 39: Revival

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"Connor!!" You screamed, running to his side and collapsing against the bed. You were sobbing now, barely able to contain everything you felt to see him again. "Connor... Connor..." You sobbed, moving your head close to his. You shook his shoulders slightly, but he did not wake up. "Connor...?"

That was when you noticed it. He wasn't breathing.

You moved your head back to take a good look at him. His face seemed peaceful, as if he was only sleeping. But there was no movement on his body. No fluttering of his eyes. No movement of his mouth. Your eyes trailed from his face down his body, half covered by the white sheets. You hesitantly reached a hand towards it; and moved it away.

You let out a gasp, backing away, until you collided with something solid; the RK900. Horror flooded your body at the sight before you.

Everything about him seemed normal for an android. Everything except the empty cavity in his chest where his heart should be. Wires were placed on areas in his abdomen, connecting him to various machines near the bed. But you weren't sure what they could possibly be doing for him at this point.

You were hyperventilating now. You were too late. You moved towards him again and pulled his face, his unmoving unblinking face, into your arms. Your tears ran down your cheeks and left droplets on his synthetic skin.

"Connor!! Connor!!!" You shook with fear and horror. You thought of all the time you had spent together. The things you had said to him. All the things you wished you could say now. But it was too late. No matter what you said now, those words wouldn't reach him.

"Open your eyes!!" You pleaded. "Please, open your eyes!!" Your hand on his face became more desperate, as you tried to bring life back to him. "Connor!! Please!!!" You looked at his peaceful expression. "You told me they wouldn't control you anymore!! You told me we would stay together! You weren't supposed to... to die like this!!" You screamed. You shook his shoulders, not wanting to accept the truth of it all. "Please come back!!! Don't leave me like this!!" You leaned your head on his chest, above the empty cavity, and sobbed.

"That's enough," You heard a voice behind you. "It's too late. He's gone."

After a moment, you looked up, glaring at the RK900.

"You..." You growled, filling anger welling inside you. "Did you know about this?!"

"If I had known, I wouldn't have brought you here..." His voice trailed off, as his eyes moved to Connor's body.

"W-We have to get him out of here!!" You gasped, trying to pull Connor from the bed. "It's not safe here..."


"We'll take him to the elevator... o-or maybe the thiriumdionisis can help him..."

"Just stop..."

"We can still save him right? There has to be some way, I know there is..."

"[F/N], calm down." The RK900 said, grabbing your shoulders. You felt fresh tears well in your eyes. The RK900 continued speaking. "You need to leave. Before Kamski finds out you are down here." The RK900 nodded his head towards Connor. "He hasn't been like this for long, I can tell. An android will be here soon, and if you get caught..."

"No!!" You screamed, shaking your body out of his grip and moving back to Connor's side. You took Connor's unmoving hand. "I won't ever leave him again." You lay your head on his chest again, wrapping your arms around his body. "If he will die here... then we will die here together."

The RK900 didn't say anything for a long time. You stayed there with Connor, just as you said you would, barely breathing yourself. You were beginning to wonder if the RK900 had decided to leave. That was fine. You would stay here with Connor. You gripped his hand in yours, but there was no more warmth in it. Memories that you had long forgotten came back to you.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now