Chapter 30: Truth and Lies

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The words continued to echo in the silence long after he spoke them. Yet even as the words remained, you couldn't believe them. You simply stood, gaping at this man, this stranger who you had only seen in pictures, claiming he was your father. He continued to smile at you, leaning back in his chair, as if enjoying a show. You clenched your fists again.

"You're lying!!" You growled.

"Am I?" Kamski leaned on the desk, his chin resting on the palm of his hand. "Then tell me [F/N], who is your real father?"

You hesitated, drawing back. You couldn't answer the question. Kamski knew it, and sneered at you.

"You never knew him did you?" Kamski continued, "You never knew what it was like to have a father..." You glared daggers at him.

"Poor little [F/N]..." He simpered, "Growing up without a father... without the love of a mother... you truly were all alone, weren't you?"

"Shut up!" You yelled. Your eyes darted around the room. You had to get out of here. You had to get away from this man. Your eyes fell on a sharp metal object on the dark desk. Your eyes widened when you realized it was an old fashioned letter opener. You had only seen those in old movies. Your eyes focused back on Kamski. Then you lunged towards him, hands outstretched for the blade. You barely moved two steps when strong arms gripped you from behind.

"LET ME GO!!" You struggled in vain against the RK900, but it was no use. He was much too strong. You slumped, and the android let you stumble to the red carpet. You gripped the fluffy fibers with your fingernails. Kamski laughed again, and you gritted your teeth, wishing you could make him stop.

"Easy..." Kamski stood from his desk, moving in front of it. He then leaned back on the desk, and continued to watch you. "You do not have to fear me. I am not here to hurt you." He gestured his hand towards you. "On the contrary, I have your best interests at heart." He took a glass filled with wine from the Chloe in the midnight dress, muttering a thank you before taking a sip. The other Chloe's in the room continued to watch this confrontation quietly.

"What do you want from me?" You whispered, still on the floor, but your body felt too heavy to move.

"What do I want? Surely you would know that much by now..." He took another sip of wine, smiling serenely. He did not further elaborate.

"You can't be my father!" You protested, finally glaring up at the man in front of you. "You are Elijah Kamski. I had to study your background history during my android studies. You never had children." Kamski raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Surely you don't believe everything written in those books..." He smiled and tilted his head at you. "Much of what you knew is the truth..." He placed his glass of wine on the desk and paced towards you, his hands clasped behind his back.

"At age 16, I did found Cyberlife. I developed Thirium 310, and biocomponents..." Kamski continued, "At age 20, I developed the first android to pass the Turing test. Chloe here..." The Chloe in the midnight blue dress walked over to stand beside Kamski. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Young... and beautiful forever. A flower that will never wither." You rose slowly to your feet. The RK900 reached out to help you up, but you slapped his hand away. As you stood, you continued to glare only at Kamski.

"Stop avoiding the topic..." You growled. "I don't want to hear about Chloe. I need to know the truth about you!"

Kamski frowned, seemingly disappointed that you did not compliment his android. He touched her shoulder and pushed her gently away. Chloe walked back towards the bar. Kamski turned back to face you.

"I was young [F/N]. I was young and stupid..." Kamski clenched his hands together. "I made a mistake. And that mistake almost cost me the wealthy life I had..." He gestured to you. "And gave you yours."

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now