Chapter 14: Saviour

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"So you're fucking telling me that the tin can and that woman ran off together and you just sat back and watched?!" Gavin spat. 

Lieutenant Anderson stood in Jeffrey Fowler's office, unlit cigarette in hand. Detective Reed sat in a chair opposite, digging his nails into the handles. Captain Fowler sat at his desk, exasperated look on his face as he eyed the files appearing on the screen in front of him.

"This has turned into a full blown FBI investigation," The Captain retorted. "Are you just going to let them think we're morons?!"

"This is all your fault!" Gavin growled, pointing a finger at the Lieutenant. "I bet you even helped them escape, didn't you?"

"Now come on Gavin, you know how much I fuckin' hate androids," Hank finally replied, wiping his brow. "I already told you, I don't know where they are. Probably 'alf dead by now for all I know."

"Look,"  Captain Fowler interrupted. "Until Cyberlife can send us another assistance android, I am expecting you both to take matters into your hands and show them that a human can do the work of an android." He slammed his hands onto the desk, and glared in the Lieutenant's direction. "All I am asking is you pull your finger out and start doing your job!"

"I thought you told me to investigate Deviants Jeffrey, not humans running away with them."

"Well either one would be fine, JUST FUCKING DO SOMETHING!" The Captain sighed. He leaned back onto his chair, eyeing the onslaught of files now appearing on his computer. "Do you want to hand this case over to the FBI?"

"Jesus Christ Jeffrey, you really think I wanna hand it over to those pricks?"

"Then you'd better get a move on!" Captain Fowler paused, noticing the smirk on Gavin's face from across the room. "I'm talking to you too Reed. You think this is all a big joke?" Gavin's smile faltered. "I'm askin' you two to figure this case out cause you're the best we have at the station! AND THAT'S NOT SAYING MUCH."

"You're telling me to work with him?!" Gavin spat, his eyes blazing.

"For fucks sake Reed, you're a detective. Why don't you start acting like one?"

Gavin glared at the Captain, then he stormed out of the room. Captain Fowler took this as agreement and slumped on his chair.

"Sometimes it's like working in a daycare centre..." Then he looked up at the Lieutenant, still standing in the room.

"Hank... are you really sure you didn't see anything on the night they went missing?"

"Yeah... They didn't leave a single trace..."

"And you don't know where they went?"

The Lieutenant stood in front of the window overlooking the numerous buildings surrounding the station. He smirked.

"No... I haven't the faintest idea."


Upon Markus's invitation, you and Connor began to follow the brown haired female android upstairs, who Markus referred to as North, where you could chat in a more private setting. You could hardly get through to the stairs however, due to the amount of androids swarming you. North walked ahead, not bothering to slow down and wait for you to catch up. She may have been pretty, but she didn't seem to act like it. Every time you spoke she made an annoyed sound in the back of her throat. Though it was understandable. You had only just arrived here and all these androids were treating you as if you were some kind of 'saviour.' 

As you were slowly making your way through the crowd, in the corner of your eye, you could see androids turning away from you, towards something else. A group of androids were wheeling something in on a bed. You couldn't see what it was, and without thinking, you pushed through the crowd, towards the hushed group. You recoiled. On the bed, was the disfigured body of a half melted android. It's body lay ridged in a crumpled mass, limbs contorted at odd angles, a face with a pained and agonized expression.

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