Chapter 3: Training

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You didn't mention that small moment you had with Connor to anyone; And it was as if it had been erased from Connor's memory entirely. He didn't even flinch when he was beside you, unlike you, who could hardly keep yourself from fidgeting. You knew you were being strange. You had only been working together for barely more than a month. Connor, Lieutenant Anderson and you had been tracking down Deviants everywhere, solving cases, and rising in the ranks at the police department. Yet it brought you no closer to finding out what was causing the high amount of androids turning deviant in the first place. At every scene, there were always the words 'Ra9', written on the walls, carved into floorboards, sometimes spelt out on paper. You could tell that these thoughts also persisted Connor's mind. Though for much of the time, your mind was elsewhere.

'He is just an android,' You told yourself. 'And I am just a human.' Yet you couldn't stop thinking about the handsome police android who worked with you on case after case. You knew that this placement was only training for your future. You wouldn't always be working with Connor, as much as you may wish to. You knew you would have to accept that truth before it could destroy you. Trying to pull the thoughts of him out of your mind, you focused on the case at hand.

You looked around. You stood in an elevator, with Connor in front of you and the Lieutenant standing beside you. There was a disturbance in an a vacant apartment room, and it was thought to be caused by an android. You told yourself that you would stay focused on the case, and not let your mind wander to other matters.

The case was going very well. You discovered many things, confirming that the disturbance was certainly cased by a Deviant. You found blue blood in the sink and a LED which the Deviant presumably tried to hide. But that was not the main part of the scene that stood out.

"Ra9..." You turn. Connor stood behind you, also noticing the words. "Written 2471 times..."

"The same thing again..." You murmured, writing it in your notebook. While Connor continued to look around the bathroom, you investigated more of the main room. The disarray of the furniture made it look like the Deviant tried to leave in a hurry. In a hurry...

You looked around. If your suspicions were right... then the Deviant heard your group enter. And if he didn't have time to escape...

"Connor..." You started to say but he nodded.

"I know." Connor looked up at a loose tile in the roof.

Suddenly, a movement came from the roof. The android was off, sprinting for the door. Connor took off after it, practically flying. You and the Lieutenant looked at each other in shock, then ran after him, as fast as you possibly could.

You and L.T. Anderson finally managed to catch up to the Deviant and Hank went in for the arrest, but not before the Deviant pushed him away. You were shocked for a moment, torn between grabbing Hank before he fell or grabbing the Deviant. The android locked eyes with you, and it was as if it wanted to tell you something. Then Connor ran over and the moment was broken. You went to help the Lieutenant, and the android raced off again. You expected Connor to continue to run after it, but he crouched to you both instead. Hank looked at Connor, clearly exasperated.

"What are you waiting for? Catch it!" 

Connor looked in the direction of the Deviant, but it was too late.

"Dammit! We had it!!" Hank snapped. Then he sighed, brushing a hand through his hair.

Connor didn't respond. You knew that if you had grabbed the Deviant, then you could have caught it. If you had just reached out. Yet you had been distracted by the android's curious look at you. What was it trying to tell you? These are the thoughts that raced through your mind as you stood in Captain Jeffrey Fowler's office; And he didn't look happy.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now