Chapter 19: From Ashes

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It was several moments later when you realised you had been holding your breath. You forced your eyes away from the figure lying on the stretcher, not wanting to believe it was Nox. Bec continued to grip your arm, dragging you towards him, and you soon accepted that you could not back away from this. You kneeled beside Nox, inspecting his blackened face in your hands, the synthetic skin peeling away from it. That was when you came to the realisation that he was indeed still alive; but only just. Bec leaned in beside you, taking Nox's hand.

"You'll save him, right?" She said in a determined voice, as if she wouldn't take no for an answer. "He's still alive... he will survive this." She turned her head to look at you, tears still in her eyes. "You've saved so many on the brink of death... you saved Jade... I know you can do it."

You turned your head back to Nox, hoping against all odds that Bec may be right. 

"I'll need some time..." You replied, trying to stop your voice from shaking. Even as you said those words, you knew it was far too late to save Nox. You wished Connor was by your side; He seemed to make everything right. You inspected the damaged biocomponent that was Nox's heart. He would shut down any moment now, but you couldn't bring yourself to tell Bec that, as she stood beside you clasping her hands together, in what seemed to be prayer. You touched Nox's mechanical face as you listened to his rasping breaths. Then you noticed that his lips were moving. You stared closer. "Bec..." His lips seemed to mouth. You turned to call Bec over but he grabbed your wrist with whatever strength he had left. "Let Bec live..." He rasped.

"Bec!" You called. She was by your side in a second, crouching beside you. "I'm sorry... there's nothing I can do... He's dying..." She didn't reply. She simply stared at you, then at Nox, as if she was not really hearing. "It's too late," You insisted. "His heart is damaged... shut down is imminent."

"Take mine!" She said quickly, not taking no for an answer as she ripped out her own biocomponent.

"No, don't!" You pushed the component back towards her. "He wanted you to live!! He told me to let you live!"

"YOU SAID ALL YOU NEEDED WAS TIME!" She growled, lunging towards Nox with the heart as androids moved forward to hold her back from you. You backed away cautiously. "YOU SAID YOU COULD SAVE HIM!!"

"There was no time!!" You pleaded. "I never said I could--"

"LET ME GO!" She struggled against the androids restraining her. You turned back to Nox, his red LED slowly flickering as it dimmed. He moved his mouth but no words came out. It looked to you as if he was still begging for Bec's life. Then his LED faded and his breaths went silent, his eyes still open. You carefully closed his eyelids so he could've been sleeping.

"NOX!! NOX!!!" Bec screamed, tears pouring down her cheeks. She was growing weak now, without her heart pulsing thirium throughout her body. You cautiously took the biocomponent from her hands, weak in her grief, and pushed the heart back into her chest.

"I'm so sorry Bec..." You replied, your voice cracking. She raised her head, staring at you with a look of fury you had never seen before.

"WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST GIVE HIM MINE!" She struggled against the androids and they broke their grip. She stepped towards you, fists clenched. "WHY COULDN'T YOU LET HIM LIVE!!"

"T-There was nothing I could do!!" You looked down so she wouldn't see your tears.

"YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY!!" She screamed in your face. The androids watching seemed too startled now to move. They watched in horror as the grief stricken Bec slowly came closer and closer to you. "YOU HAVE BROUGHT ANDROIDS BACK FROM THE BRINK AGAIN AND AGAIN." She grabbed the collar of your shirt, and she was stronger than you thought, lifting you slightly off the ground. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LET NOX DIE? WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE HIM?!" She then dropped you, collapsing to the floor in tears. You crouched to her.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now