Chapter 25: Wanted

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When you found out Connor had gone to Cyberlife, you had already made the decision to go after him. However, now that you had made it this far, you had absolutely no idea how to proceed. If it was already difficult enough to sneak in before, now it would be even more difficult. With the morning light now illuminating everything in sight, you knew you must have stuck out like a sore thumb. With your dirty white shirt, probably looking more gray than white; your tattered coat, torn scarf, and old jeans riddled with holes. Yes... you were certain to look like a mess. Plus, if Ralph was correct, then there would be wanted posters of you around the city, and if you went in there, they would immediately recognize you, and you would be caught. You would be taken away before you even had the chance to set foot in the Cyberlife tower.

You knew you could not take that risk, but there was no more time. It already had taken you at least a day and a half to make it this far. How long would it take for something to happen to Connor? Perhaps you were already too late...

You shook your head. You couldn't think of that. Connor was fast and intelligent; you knew he wouldn't be caught. He couldn't be.

You needed to do something; and fast. In the hopes that no one would notice your face, you lifted the hood of your coat, and wrapped the scarf around your mouth. Great; Now it looked like you were about to rob a bank. Still, it would be safer than showing your face for the world to see.

The questions was: how to get to Cyberlife? You gazed at its looming figure as you ducked between alleyways, hiding in the shadows of buildings. You tried to avoid the areas where your face was printed on posters, among various other androids from Jericho. It was a slow and tedious process, and by the time you raised your head again to look at it, you had hardly made any progress.

You decided to take a short cut through a quiet area of the central park. You decided this partly because of the fact that it may shorten the time it would take to get to the Cyberlife tower, but also because the central park was beautiful. It was like an oasis amongst a desert of concrete. The peacefulness of the environment helped distract your thoughts for just a moment, letting you forget the sounds of screaming, shouting, and bullets firing in the distance. The sun shone down on you, and you lowered your coat and scarf to bathe your face in its light. For a moment, you simply stood there, taking in your surroundings, and being one with yourself. However, this serenity didn't last for long, and soon you were distracted once more by the sounds of shouting people from about a block away. You opened your eyes.

Jade's words that she had spoken to you two nights ago returned to you. "In the end, everyone just wants to have someone to blame when things take a turn for the worst. It's how all fights start... it's how this whole fight between androids and humans started. If neither side blamed the other there would be no war."

In this place, it may not have looked like it, but there was a war. Even now, androids and humans still fought each other. You found yourself wondering what was the purpose of it all really was. Why did anyone have to fight? You sighed, tracing the blade of the knife Ralph had given you, tucked into your jeans. What you wanted was too far away; too distant. A life with Connor. The life you had given up everything for. You still wanted it. You still wanted to be with him no matter what the cost. But it seemed too difficult now. You weren't sure if there could be any way out of this now, no matter where you turned, no matter what door you tried to open. At this moment, it seemed like every door was locked.

You were interrupted in your thoughts when you heard a rustling sound from the bushes in front of you. You backed away a moment, fear crossing your mind, wondering exactly what was making the sound. Then out from the bushes sprinted a cheerful little jack russell, its tail wagging so fast it was a blur. Before you could react, the dog leapt onto you and began licking your face.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now